Chapter 17.5: ♓︎ ♒︎♋︎❖︎♏︎ ■︎□︎ ♓︎♎︎♏︎♋︎

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The earth shook as thunder crashed at the raging sea. Azrael is still fighting Abaddon in the island of Bermuda. But the rage of the battle seems to be in favor of Abaddon because Satan just came out of the temple with Joash nowhere to be seen. Abaddon disarmed Azrael and buried him halfway through the grand.

"it's over angel of Death! Since the curse of undeath is upon you, we'll only burry your body and carry your head with us for all to see."

Satan took out his dagger to cut Azraels neck, but as soon as his dagger touch the skin of Azraels neck, the sky cracked open a rift. From the rift the 3 heard the mourning of souls and the damned. The sky turned dark, the sea turned red, the life around them decayed and died. Sensing an impending threat, Satan gritted his teeth and ordered Abaddon to fallback and report to Lucifer.

"What was that back there?" Abaddon tries to look back.
"Don't look back, or else you'll turn to salt. Let's go to my father for now. The plan in Japan must be in motion as soon as possible."

Abaddon hurried to the Vatican where Lucifer reside where the humans are being ordered by the iron fist of Avarice the ruler of greed.

"What are you doing here? Should you not be chasing off Azrael and the nephilim!?"
"Shut your trap Avarice. I'm here for the lord of Hell."
"Failures like you do not deserve the lords presence."
"Shut up!"

Abaddon crosses his sword with Avarice turning it into ice. Then shadows broke off the two, throwing off Avarice out of the window.

"You always clash swords with anyone that ticks you off. When will you ever learn to keep calm?"
"Ashter... why is a prisoner talking so casually with her captor?"
"I might as well fell him in this... Hell of his."
"Well, with the power you have, and the Seals we have. It'll be hard to let it come into fruition. Some humans still have shelters to hide to, their armies can fair with our small army now. We just need one seal, even if 4 seals are at the hands of heaven, 3 is enough."
"I may only have the shadow of death but I've been gathering intel that you may want. Like the fire boy going to Japan, the rich girl going to the past, and the problem child to Greece."
"We'll discuss this later."

Abaddon calmed down and went to the Throne room. Lucifer was with Beelzebub discussing their plans on their laid out map of earth. Lucifer saw Abaddon coming and asked Beelzebub to leave for a while.

"Brother. What is your business here?"
"Lucifer, we must haste the production of blighted armors, now. Death's here and soon he'll lay waste in all our plans. He might even kill you here, as we speak."
"He will not kill me. If he's the person I think he is, he will definitely avoid killing me."
"Oh, do you have something against him?"
"Dear brother, have you forgotten? I have something against everyone."
"Even if you don't want to use it, you'll use it nonetheless."
"It's the only way, brother."

Abaddon then went off to join Satan and the others to Japan where Jonathan and Gabby went.


Horus came out of the infirmary to go to the training grounds.

"Oh, you've finally healed?"
"Wouldn't you know that already, Uriel?"
"I'm not using my clairvoyance."
"Yeah, I can see it in your eyes. Hey, I've been reading books from the library of the scribe. It's recorded that you and Lucifer had a difficult relationship."
"That was when we were young and stupid. There's no point in delving much into the past."
"As a topic. I got curious. I really can't ask you how your day went by or anything else."
"You can ask anything. Just don't ask about personal things."
"About humans, how do you think they are? Observing humanity for millions of years, what's your opinion?"
"Humans are curious species; they do what they want with or without regrets. They speak of peace but they wage wars for peace, it's really ironic but maybe that's what makes them different from us. They follow no rules, but their own; that is if they're atheists."
"Some religious people are the same anyway, so we'll never really know."
"Right. How about you? What's your opinion about them?"
"Insects. They're insects in my eyes. Easy to deceive as long as religion says so, if the religions say that you should die in a certain age, some will follow. If the religions say that you should die for doing this or that, many will be happy to comply. Just like in most cases of mass suicides. I don't know why the old gods created them, why the high council accepted them. I know it's for prayers, but I don't get why they made them so free. It's almost like..."
"you're jealous?"
"I will not laugh at you, Horus. If you really feel that way, who am I to judge? Just know that you have your role in this universe, as do I, and the humans the gods created. I may not be one but gods themselves have roles to partake."

Horus just nodded and left to go to the Library of the scribe.

"The scribe's not even here, I feel so bored."

As Horus spent his day with bore, unable to spread his wings and fly off, he saw a strange tablet made of metal and plastic lying on a table just outside a table in one of Heavens Island. He goes near it and approached it cautiously for he's had a fair share of trouble with a tablet once. He touched the mysterious tablet then suddenly the face of the tablet shone white then words appeared in it.

"What is this!?" Horus dropped it on the ground and took out his dagger.
"Horus! Stop!" Xilium shouted coming down from the sky.
"You, beast, what is this thing?"
"I have a name. It's a gadget from Earth, Lady Earlyseven entrusted it to me."
"That gadget... what's it called?"
"It's a tablet. Unlike stone tablets, the words put in it are vast and you can control other beings from other worlds using this. Joash said it's an droid tablet but I just call it 'tablet'
"Huh? Humans aren't even a billion years old yet they have the nuts to play with other lives of other beings? They're not even gods!"
"You are mistaken, Horus. Games – as they say – are fictional and is only the minds imagination created by people that are called Developers."
"Developers? What are they? Some human pawn that do what they are told by the masses?"
"No, I searched it through the internet. I can only give my respect to the developers and their team for their patience and perseverance."
"Internet?" Horus was dumbfounded.
"Sigh. Want to talk about it with some coffee or tea?"
"Yes... and please, just milk is fine."

As Xilium and Horus discuss the wonderful world of the internet, Michael was spending his days worrying for Azrael. Uriel approached him.

"Michael, what's the matter?"
"I'm worrying about the Nephilim. What if he retaliates at us?"
"He will not."
"What makes you so sure?"
"Though I cannot see his possible futures, I have faith."
"Faith's only for the gods. Having faith on a Human, much more, a Nephilim is like praying to an ant hoping for it to stop a storm"

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