00 | Prologue

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There was a loud crash in the living room. You could hear screaming and gunshots. You ran to your door and pulled it open, running to the stairs. Your heart was pounding and you were close to tears. What was going on? You were about to run down the stairs when you saw two familiar bodies on the floor with pools of blood around them. A figure stood over them holding a gun that had a small amount of smoke coming out of the muzzle.

The figure hadn't noticed you yet and you watched as they raised the gun again to make sure your parents were dead. Tears started to run down your face as you rushed back to your room, trying to be as quiet as possible. You needed to get out of here. Alive, preferably. You ran into your room and grabbed your bag, stuffing random things into it. You grabbed your wallet, phone charger, headphones, extra jacket, extra change of clothes, and a conveniently placed flashlight. You winced when you heard another gunshot. You grabbed your bag and put it on your shoulders. This seriously can't be happening.

You slipped your phone in your pocket and rushed over to your window. You were already dressed since you had just gotten back from a friend's house. You pushed the window open and cursed when it made a noise. You quickly hopped out of the window, thankful that your trampoline was so close to the house. You landed on the trampoline and bounced up once. You jumped off quickly when you heard shouting coming from your room. Hopefully they had used up all of their bullets.

The universe must hate you today.

You gave out a short scream of agony as you heard another gunshot and pain flared up your arm. You ran down your street through the dark, trying to get as far away as possible. This was a nightmare. You saw house lights turn on as people woke up from hearing the gunshots. Hopefully that figure got what they deserved. You wouldn't be around to see it unfortunately. You heard the faint sound of police sirens but you didn't stop.

Your arm was throbbing with pain and blood was covering your hands. You saw a patch of woods and ran into them, not wondering where they led. The woods weren't that dense so you didn't stumble or trip over anything thankfully. The police sirens were far off now, barely heard. Rays of moonlight broke through the trees and lit your path, helping you escape. You could hear crickets and cicadas but you paid no attention to them, your mind was in a totally different place.

After several minutes, you emerged from the woods to see open fields. You looked back and were surprised at how far you had run. The city lights seemed to be miles off. You turned back to the fields and started to walk, not ever wanting to return to that city again. You cried as you walked through the fields, wondering what you would do next. You were an orphan now, no, an orphan runaway. Everything had happened so fast. Your arm stung making your hot tears burn against your face.

You should probably look and clean your wound. You sat down in the grass and slipped off your backpack, wincing as you took off your now blood soaked jacket. How were you supposed to treat this? Thankfully, it was just a flesh wound and the bullet had just gone right through. You found a sock in your backpack and wrapped it around the bullet wound, cursing at the pain. You tried to wipe off as much blood as you could with your jacket since it was already ruined.

Once you were satisfied with your work, your wrapped your ruined jacket around your waist and put your backpack back on your shoulders. You continued to walk and looked up at the sky, seeing a bit of light in the east. It would be morning in a few hours and you intended to get out of sight by that time. Thank god for being in Girl Scouts when you were younger, at least you'd know how to survive out in the woods and fields. You trudged on through the fields, hoping that some miracle would happen. That's what always happened in the books, why wouldn't it happen to you? You were still in shock and grief but you had managed to get it under control. Don't worry about the past or the future. Worry about the present. That's what your mom had always told you.

Filled with new hope and determination, you continued on through the fields, wishing and waiting for a miracle.

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