13 | Ketchup Is a No No

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It was Sunday so you'd be working again in the kitchen and then go dancing after you finished your working hours. You put on your headphones and played music as you danced around the kitchen, your movements become automatic as you went into autopilot mode. You thought about the dance battle last night and smiled, remembering how much fun you had had. Maybe you and Sans could have another dance battle in the clearing with no one watching. Maybe you could even convince him to not use any magic. You let out a laugh. Yeah right.

You worked in the kitchen all day, making food without breaking a sweat. Your income was high which gave you almost enough to buy that apartment you had been thinking about. You really wanted your own space where you could settle down for the remainder of school. For the future, you didn't know what would happen and honestly you didn't really care. You kinda just, went with the flow, you could say. Heh, that sound cheesy.

You looked at your watch and saw that you were almost finished with your work. You heard Grillby's voice through your music and took off your headphones, looking over at the doorway to the bar. He had the keys to the building in his hand and held them out as if he wanted you to take them. "I need to get home a bit early so can you close up for me?" He asked, a hopeful smile on his face. You smiled and nodded, taking the keys. "Sure, clean up too?" "If you can. Thanks Y/N, goodnight!" He walked off, waving goodbye. You watched as he grabbed his stuff and left, leaving you standing in the doorway to the kitchen with the keys in your hand.

You looked around the bar and saw that only one human remained, finishing up their meal. You grabbed a rag and started to clean the counter, making sure to get off all the smudges from the day. The human finally left and you walked towards the door, about to close up. You saw Sans walk towards the bar through the glass and stopped what you were doing. You'd keep the bar open a little longer, for him. He opened the door to the bar and smiled at you. "thanks for not closing up on me, guess grillby had to leave early?" You nodded. "He left me in charge to close up, what can I get you?"

Sans walked towards the bar and sat down on a stool. "three ketchup bottles please." Three? Wow, uh, okay. You nodded and grabbed them from underneath the counter. You handed him the bottles before going into the kitchen to clean up in there. Why was he out this late? Shouldn't he be almost ready to head to the clearing? You put away a few empty trays. It didn't matter, he'd be there, he said he would. You were putting away a few clean dishes when you heard the stool get pushed across the floor, meaning that Sans had stood up. You grabbed the keys and walked out, wanting to say bye to Sans before he left. Instead, you were met with an empty bar with three empty ketchup bottles on the counter. That's strange, you hadn't heard him leave. He probably teleported, that's what he did at the club last night.

You started to reach for the three ketchup bottles but stopped when you heard a noise from behind you. You whipped around to see Sans rummaging in the kitchen for another ketchup bottle. You stared at him as he started to drink his fourth ketchup bottle, looking off into space with a drunk look on his face. You remembered what Grillby had told you once, about how ketchup was like a substitute for alcohol for Sans. Great, now you've got a drunk skeleton stuck in the bar.

You cleared your throat and started to walk towards Sans, a nervous smile on your face. "Hey Sans?" You said, catching Sans' attention. He grinned when he saw you and tossed the now empty ketchup bottle away. "heya, what's a pretty lady like you doin' here?" He asked, his words a bit slurred. You felt your face get hot from his words as you let out a chuckle. "Well, uh, this is where I work and I actually need to close up soon so—" "so the place is empty?" Sans interrupted. You looked at him and nodded. "Yeah, I just need you to—"

Sans suddenly walked towards you and leaned uncomfortably close, causing you to back up until you hit the edge of the counter. He smiled at you and placed both of his hands on the counter on either side of you. Your face flushed with your hands gripping the edge of the counter, looking at Sans nervously. "Uh, heh, Sans?" He raised a non-existent eyebrow, a smile still on his face. "hmm?" "C-Could you back up a b-bit?" You asked nervously, a stutter in your words. Instead of doing what you asked, he leaned closer towards your neck. "but i wanna continue what's going on now~" He hummed, your eyes widening and your face growing hot.

You pushed him off of you, making him stumble back with surprise written on his face. It quickly turned into annoyance as he stepped towards you. "aw c'mon y/n, don't play hard to get." You ran away from him and dashed out from behind the counter, grabbing a chair and facing him, holding the chair in front of you in defense. "Shut up. You're drunk." Sans growled and extended his arm, a blue aura surrounding you.

You gasped and tried to move your muscles, finding that you couldn't even move a finger. Sans' grin returned as he walked towards you again, his hand being wrapped in what looked like bright blue flames. You concentrated on breaking through his magic, using all your willpower to shake off the blue aura. You grinned when you broke free from his aura and dashed away again from Sans. "stop running away!" Sans yelled before his left eye started to glow, his hands doing the same. He raised one of his hands and you felt the ground shake beneath you.

You dropped the chair you were still holding and leaped away just in time as a cage of bones shot out of the ground where you had been standing. One of the chair legs had been broken off and you grabbed it, dodging each cage of bones that shot out from out of the ground. You managed to dodge them all but realized your mistake. The bones now blocked the front door and Sans was blocking the back. You were trapped. Sans realized this as well and grinned, starting to walk towards you. You tried to move away but bone cages blocked your path. Sans cornered you and grinned, starting to lean closer—

WHACK! Sans crumpled to the floor as you held the chair leg above your head, breathing heavily. He groaned and passed out while you dropped the chair leg and struggled to catch your breath. You tried to sort your thoughts but your mind was in chaos. You were still flustered and your face showed it. You were sweating and breathing heavily, your eyes wild. You looked down at Sans' unconscious body and started to calm down. He was unconscious. Wait. HE WAS UNCONSCIOUS. You realized what you had done.

"Shit! Please don't have a cracked skull! Papyrus will kill me!" You crouched down and pushed Sans over, checking his skull for any cracks where you had whacked him with the chair leg. There wasn't even a scratch. You let out a relieved breath and heard a noise. You looked up and watched as the bone cages retreated back into the ground, the floorboards repairing themselves when the bones had disappeared as if nothing had ever happened. Well that's going on your 'Top Ten Crazy Things' list.

You took out your phone and dialed Papyrus' number, hoping he would pick up. "HELLO! IT IS I, THE GREAT—" "Paps, it's me, Y/N." "OH HELLO Y/N! IS SOMETHING WRONG?" You looked down at Sans. "Sans passed out at Grillby's and I need you to come pick him up so I can close the bar." You heard a sigh on the other end of the line. "ALRIGHT, I'LL SEE YOU IN FIVE MINUTES, GOODBYE Y/N!" "Bye Paps." You hung up and put away your phone, walking over to clean up the broken chair before Papyrus arrived.

You were dumping away the chair in the trash can when you heard the door open and saw the tall skeleton walk in. You smiled at Papyrus, walking out from behind the counter. Papyrus looked down at Sans and sighed, shaking his head. "WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WITH YOU BROTHER?" He picked up Sans and held him in his arms like an infant. "THANK YOU FOR TELLING ME Y/N, HAVE A GOOD NIGHT!" You smiled and waved at Papyrus as he walked out the door. "You too!" You called out, before taking out the keys and locking the door. You rested your forehead against the door for a few moments before sighing and walking towards the bathroom to get ready for bed.

After you finished getting ready and calming yourself down from the whole drunk skeleton fiasco, you walked downstairs and into your room, changing then curling up in the chair. You closed your eyes and your body went limp as sleep took control. Hopefully Sans won't remember anything that happened, otherwise, tomorrow was going to be very awkward.

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