34 | The Final Dance

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I looked out the glass front doors of the auditorium nervously, my white pin-pricks scanning the parking lot anxiously. Where was she? When I had woken up in the hotel suite, a note had been laying next to me saying that Y/N had already headed to the auditorium and for me to meet her there. So why wasn't she here?

I sighed and leaned my skull against the glass, watching the rain fall to the ground and splash into already made puddles. Chara had been acting strange whenever Y/N had left but I don't remember anything else after she said hi to me. I suspected that something was up from the start but now worry was eating me away as the seconds dragged on with no sign of Y/N. God I hope she's safe. If Chara and Asriel had anything to do with this--

Calm down, I told myself. You're getting yourself all worked up for nothing. Y/N will be here any second. Just calm down.

I turned around at the sound of the announcers voice greeting the audience. The competition was starting and she still wasn't here. I glanced back once again outside before reluctantly heading backstage and sitting down in my seat.

She's okay. She's got to be okay


You opened your eyes to be met with darkness all around you. Your chest still ached and your head felt dizzy, your legs tingly from being asleep. Groaning from the effort, you sat up and noticed a small sliver of light that seemed to be coming from behind a closed door.

You stumbled to your feet and ran over, frantically twisting and turning the door knob to no avail. You let out a cry of anguish and started pounding on the door, shouting and screaming for help. You could hear loud cheering from behind the door that drowned out your voice, your cries of help unheard.

Wait, cheering?

Your eyes widened as you realized where you were. And to confirm your suspicions, ballet music started to play from behind the door as the crowd quieted down. You were at the auditorium, probably locked in some supply cabinet. Why were you here?

Since the cheering had died down and the only sound was the ballet music, you opened your mouth to scream for help again. Only a hoarse whisper came out and you cursed yourself for ruining your only chance at freedom at the moment. You turned around and started walking blindly through the dark room, hands outstretched and searching for anything that could help you break out.

You found nothing. The room was empty.

You heard the ballet music die out to quickly be replaced by cheering, the performance that Chara and Asriel probably had done getting a lot of praise. A few seconds passed before you heard a click sound and the door knob being turned. You ran towards the door and tried to run out, only to be grabbed by Asriel and thrown to the ground.

You let out a cry as pain spread across your chest, your injury still fresh enough to make tears prick your eyes. Chara chuckled and walked over to you, crouching down to be at eye-level while you glared at her. "Ready to dance my puppet?" She cooed, laughing demonically before reaching towards you.

You tried to get away but was unable to, her firm grasp tightening around your neck forcing your mouth to open for air. You watched in terror as Chara seemed to dissolve into a black substance, starting to flow towards your open mouth. You struggled in her grip but was unable to close your mouth, otherwise you would be choked to death. When her grip finally released, your were choking on the black substance as it flowed down your throat, blocking your airwaves and causing tears to run down your face.

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