25 | A Disaster Date

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"Okay, turn around real quick so I can sew up this one spot over here."

Currently, you were at Mettaton's mansion of a house getting ready for your date with Sans. Mettaton had chosen the dress for you to wear for your date and was currently tailoring it to your size and shape, the needles that accidentally poked your skin making you flinch. "Don't worry darling, I'm almost done, then we can do your hair and makeup!" You looked over at Mettaton. "Uh, Metta? Can you not go overboard with the whole makeup thing? I don't really—" "Oh don't you worry your pretty head, I'll make you look absolutely radiant in a naturally beautiful way!"

You weren't entirely sure what that meant but you just decided to go with it.

A few minutes later and Mettaton backed up, a proud look on his robotic face. "And done! Go look in the mirror and tell me what you think!" You turned towards the mirror across the room and walked over, wondering what you looked like. You stood in front of the mirror and stared at your dress, completely speechless.

The dress was a beautiful pastel yellow that stopped right above your knee

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The dress was a beautiful pastel yellow that stopped right above your knee. It looked so soft and felt soft too, the silky fabric hugging your body comfortably. The chest part had small lace designs that made the dress look regal in a 21st century way. You touched the skirt and rubbed the fabric between your fingers, turning to Mettaton with a big grin.

"This is beautiful! I love it!" He smiled at you and took your wrist, pulling you over towards a chair in front of a big mirror where you guessed he would do your hair and makeup. "Sans will surely think so as well, now let's get you dolled up, we only have an hour left!"

• • •

One hour later and your now soft H/C curls bounced on your shoulder while the light makeup defined your features making them pop out while still holding your natural look. Mettaton was ushering you out of the room and into the living room where Sans was supposed to be in five minutes. Mettaton then rushed back into the room and closed the door behind him. You sat down on the satin pink couch waiting for either Mettaton or Sans, whoever would show up first.

You started twiddling your thumbs out of boredom as you watched the clock tick on the wall.

Tick . . . Tick. . . .

You were starting to get nervous, scenarios playing through your head of everything going wrong and ending in a huge disaster.

Tick . . . Tick. . . .

What if Sans didn't like how you looked or how you may act tonight? Would he not want to be friends at all if you screwed up something?

Tick . . . Tick. . . .

What if—

Ding dong!

You jumped at the doorbell, turning your head quickly towards where the front door was as your nerves started skyrocketing. You were just about to get up to open the door when Mettaton slammed open his bedroom door and ran out with a loud "I GOT IT!" before standing in front of you with his hand on the knob.

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