06 | A New School

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Great. First day of school and you don't have any school supplies. You're gonna make a great first impression. You tried not to think of all that while you got dressed, deciding to wear a F/C tshirt, jeans, and a black jacket with F/C converse. You finished tying your hair up when you heard a knock on the door. "Come in!" You called out, Grillby opening the door with something in his hands. "Sorry I wasn't there last night, I realized that you didn't have anything for school so I went and got you some things." He handed you a new red backpack that was full of school supplies. What did you do to deserve such kindness? You took the bag, a smile on your face. "Grillby... you didn't have to go to all the trouble to–" "I was happy to do this for you," He cut you off. "besides, you can't really go to school without school supplies now can you?" He smiled warmly at you (no pun intended) and looked at his watch.

"If you don't hurry, you'll be late for school." Oh yeah. Can't be late to hell now can we? You put on the new backpack and waved goodbye to Grillby before rushing upstairs and into the bar. You saw the same dog monsters at a table playing cards that you had seen the night you first came here. One waved to you and you waved back, opening the front door and rushing out. You looked at your watch and cursed. School started in twenty minutes and it would take awhile to get there on a bus. Looks like your gonna get a workout today. You sighed and started running, the backpack weighing you down. You saw the school up ahead a few minutes later and ran the rest of the way there. You finally made it and looked at your watch. You had thirteen minutes until school started. That would give you time to find your locker and maybe look around the school a bit.

You opened the door and walked in, seeing kids your age in groups talking with each other around in the courtyard. Yes, you heard correctly. A courtyard. You saw Mettaton and Papyrus talking with each other by a wall and you smiled, starting to walk over. It was good to see some familiar faces. Wait. They had only met you as Myst. Not as Y/N. You stopped then hesitated before turned around, deciding to go find your locker instead. You walked into the main building and scanned the locker numbers. Grillby had told you that yours was B75. You finally found it and put in the combination, which was 347. You opened your locker and saw a math and science textbook inside. You opened up your bag and started to put things that you wouldn't need for today in your locker while taking out the math and science textbook and adding it into your backpack. Once you had that finished, you put your bag back on your shoulders and closed your locker. You turned around and came face to face with Frisk.

She smiled at you and stuck out her hand, wanting you to shake it. "Hi! I'm Frisk! You must be new here, right?" You nodded and shook her hand. "Uh yeah, my name's Y/N by the way." "Oh so you're the girl Sans was talking about!" Sans talks about you? "Heh, I uh guess?" Idiot points +5. "You want me to show you around a bit? The hallways are a bit confusing unless you know where you're going." "Uh sure, thanks." "No problem, follow me."

You followed Frisk around while she pointed out what the different rooms were in the school. She was showing you the computer lab when the bell rang, signaling for everyone to start heading to class. "I'll see you later Y/N, good luck!" Frisk called as she ran off to her classroom. You had math first so you walked down the hallway until you found the right classroom. You opened the door and walked in, seeing Sans and that winged girl talking to each other at a desk. You didn't want to disturb their conversation so you walked past and sat down at a desk in the back row. Students were still walking to their classrooms so you waited while Sans and the winged girl talked with each other.

The winged girl suddenly giggled and kissed Sans' cheek. You rolled your eyes. Get a room. Students started walking in and headed to their seats, the teacher walking in after them. Ms. Toriel is what her name tag read. She was a goat monster, standing upright like a human and wearing a purple dress and heels. She had floppy ears and small horns on the top of her head. She smiled warmly at the class and began to speak. "Good morning class! It appears we have a new student with us today," Shit. "would you please come up and introduce yourself?"

Ms. Toriel smiled and looked over at you as you slowly stood up. You walked up to the front and avoided eye contact. "Er, I'm Y/N and, well, I'm new." Idiot points +10. "Go on." Ms. Toriel urged. "Well, I work at Grillby's, that's really it. I'm not that interesting." Ms. Toriel looked like she wanted to say something more but you had already gone back to your seat. The class started and you suffered through your first period of math. Oh joy.

The bell rang an hour later and all the students quickly rushed out. You were about to do the same but you felt someone tap you on your shoulder. You turned to see Sans, smiling at you. "i didn't know you came here, why didn't you tell me?" He asked, walking with you through the hallways. "Well, I just learned recently that I was going to school, Grillby was nice enough to enroll me." "he did, huh? that's nice of him." "Yeah, he's been so kind. He's great." You entered english, turns out Sans had the same as you. You walked to the back of the classroom, sitting down in an empty desk. Sans sat a few desks in front of you and students were already walking in.

You saw Frisk walk in and smiled, waving her over. She smiled when she saw you and sat in the empty desk that was next to yours. "So how was your first class?" She asked, resting her head in the palm of her hand. "It was okay, I had to introduce myself which was awful." Frisk chuckled. "You'll probably have to do that in every class." You groaned, making Frisk laugh harder. "Don't worry, lunch is only a few periods away where you can get a break. By the way, wanna sit with me and my friends." You shrugged. "Sure, why not."

The teacher walked in and sure enough, called you up to introduce yourself. You dragged yourself to the front and said the same things you said in math. No need to make a whole new speech declaring how boring you were. The class went by relatively quickly, the bell ringing and you leaving with Frisk and Sans. That's how it went for your next three periods, get there earlier than normal, introduce yourself, be bored to death for the next hour, move on. By the time lunch came around, you were ready to dig your grave and dive into it. Frisk led you to her regular lunch table and you spotted some familiar faces. Papyrus, Mettaton, Undyne, Sans, a yellow lizard monster, and the winged girl were there. You sat down next to Frisk and sheepishly smiled at everyone. "This is Y/N, I met her this morning and she's really cool." That's a lie. "'REALLY COOL'? AS COOL AS THE GREAT PAPYRUS?" Papyrus challenged, puffing out his chest. You snickered. "Probably not. I can never be as cool as you Papyrus." You answered, making Papyrus beam.

Undyne leaned on her elbows, looking you in the eye. "So punk, where did you come from?" Sans snickered. "where did you go." Frisk grinned. "Where did you come from." "cotten eyed joe." "OH MY GOD STOP IT!" You held your hand over your mouth, muffling your laughter. "Well, I came from the magical land of C/N, where shoplifters thrived and rich people used as a playground." "Cool! I'm Undyne by the way. This cutie over here is Alphys," The yellow lizard monster known as 'Alphys' blushed madly and made a screeching noise. "that's Papyrus–" "THE GREAT PAPYRUS!" "er, yeah, that's Sans, Mettaton, and then Lily." She pointed to the winged girl who looked at you with a dull expression. Well isn't she the life of the party.

You zoned out as everyone started talking in their own conversations. You were tracing circles on the table when Mettaton mentioned a name that pulled you back into reality. "I met a girl last night named Myst and I must say she was an impressive dancer! Shame she had a mask on, I wonder why." Papyrus grinned. "I MET HER TOO! I INTRODUCED HER TO FRISK AND UNDYNE!" Undyne nodded. "Yeah, she was pretty cool. We talked about anime for a bit." You noticed Sans listening to everyone's perspective of meeting 'Myst'. "yeah, i met her too. she left without telling me though, i dunno why." Oh so he did notice you leave. Whoopsie. Lily suddenly wrapped an arm around Sans and rested her head on his shoulder. "She isn't important though, right Sansy~?" She cooed. Sans glanced over at her then mumbled a 'yeah i guess'. She's definitely going on your hit-list.

The bell rang and everyone stood up, picking up their bags and heading back to class. Okay, round two. Just gotta get through today, work for four hours, then you can go dancing. Piece of cake. You sighed and walked through the hallways, preparing for your next three hours of suffering.

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