04 | Skeleton Dance

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You'd be working in the kitchen again today so you grabbed your phone and headphones to help quickly fill out orders. You walked upstairs and saw Grillby writing down an order, a few slips of paper already on the rack. You put on your headphones and played a song, grabbing an order and turning on all the kitchen appliances. You moved to the music as you pulled out food from the freezer to fill out orders. You grabbed an order and read it over, tapping your foot to the music. You started to fill out the order, swinging your arms to the song while reaching for ingredients or seasonings. For a bar, the place had some pretty complex food.

A few hours later, you were finishing a burger when you heard a familiar voice break through the song. You took off your headphones and walked over to the rack where you slid the tray of food between the metal slits. You peeked out the small slit and saw Sans and Grillby having a conversation. Being that kind of person, you pressed your ear against the slit to eavesdrop on what they were talking about. Wow, you're such a creep.

"last night... moonlit clearing... i heard music... they ran away... come tonight?"

That's all you got, but you pieced together everything Sans had said. So he was the person who had snuck up on you last night. Mystery solved! You heard a ding and looked up from the slit to see a large pile of orders. Groaning, you put your headphones back on and grabbed a few, turning back towards the kitchen.

The day ended quickly and you finally turned off all the appliances in the kitchen. Grillby finished closing up and walked into the kitchen, leaning against the doorframe. "You going dancing tonight?" He asked. You nodded. "Yeah, I might have to find a new clearing though." Grillby chuckled. "So you're the person Sans saw last night. Looks like you got yourself a mystery identity." You rolled your eyes and walked downstairs to change into your dancing clothes. While you dyed a few streaks of your hair white, you debated on going back to the clearing where Sans could possibly be or running off to find a different spot.

The clearing was a pretty great spot. You didn't want to give it up just because you were afraid to face someone that didn't even know who you were. That settles it then. You're going back to the clearing. You finished putting on your mask and slipped your phone into your pocket, running upstairs and leaving the bar through the back door. Grillby had given you a key to the place so that if you ever got locked out you'd be able to still get in. He's so nice.

You ran down the alley and moved from shadow to shadow, careful not to be seen. While running into the woods, you thought of what Grillby had said. A mystery identity? That sounded pretty cool. You'd need a mystery name to go along with it. You'd think of that later. You should be able to come up with something creative.

You finally made it to the clearing and looked around for any sign that Sans was there. You didn't see anything so you brought out your phone and found a song that you liked. You set down your phone and walked a few feet away, the song starting to play.

The song started off slow so you didn't do that many moves. You liked this song and you smiled as you danced gracefully to match the pace. You raised your leg in front of you and swung your arms around your waist, causing you to spin around like a ballerina. You continued to dance to the song and started to move faster as the pace picked up. You heard the beat drop come up and prepared a few moves for it. The beat dropped and you started to dance to it, grinning as you moved around the clearing. You felt eyes burn into the back of your head and you snapped opened your eyes that you hadn't realized were closed and turned around. You turned off the song as a bush rustled and a figure stepped out.

"why'd you turn it off? that was a pretty good song." Sans asked, a lazy grin on his face. You made sure to make your voice an octave higher when you spoke so that he wouldn't know it was you. "Well, you just startled me. Don't you know it's rude to sneak up on people?" Sans shrugged and walked towards you. "mind playing a song?" "You dance?" You asked, earning a mischievous grin from him. "let's find out, shall we?" You smirked and played a song, deciding that he'd probably like it.

You set down your phone and tapped your foot, tearing your eyes away from Sans so that you could focus on dancing. The vocals started and you moved to the pace, lifting your arms and arching your back. You glanced over at Sans who had started to dance as well. His style seemed to be hip hop. It suited him. You closed your eyes and moved your body, not caring if Sans judged. You weren't an amazing dancer but you still had moves. You felt someone brush past you and you opened your eyes to see Sans dancing and grinning at you. Oh so that's how he wanted to play it. You made a few swift moves, hearing the song play what you liked to call the 'third level' until the beat drop.

Sans noticed this and made a few moves just to taunt you. Boy. No. You let out a huff and got ready for the beat drop. Sans smirked at you and his left eye blazed blue as the beat dropped. What the hell? He shot next to you and spun you around, catching you off guard. You saved yourself from falling backwards as you turned it into a backwards handspring. You landed back on your feet and dodged Sans' arms, trying to catch you off guard again. What was with this guy? You cart wheeled away from him but some how he appeared at your side. You quickly grabbed his arms, preventing him from tripping you. You heard something whoosh towards you and you leaned backwards as a bone flew past your face. You stared at Sans who was grinning at you mischievously. He grabbed your hand and pulled you forward, the music picking up again. You swung your arm and escaped his grasp, grinning at him. He let out a chuckle and did a few quick moves in beat to the music that were familiar to you. You brought up your arms, preparing to do one of your own unique moves to end the song when Sans grabbed your waist and spun you around then dipped you as the song ended. You stared up at him, trying to catch your breath. You noticed that your hands had somehow ended up gripping the front of his jacket and you let go, quickly regretting it as you started to fall. Sans grabbed your arm and pulled you up, chuckling while your face grew hot from embarrassment.

"nice moves kid, you've got talent." He complimented. "Oh, uh, thanks. You too." "i didn't catch your name, actually." You smirked. "Didn't throw it yet." He stared at you then chuckled. "i walked right into that one, didn't i?" You let out a laugh. "Yeah, you did. The name's..." You hesitated before smiling at him. "The name's Myst." Wow so creative good job Y/N. "myst huh? never heard that one before." You shrugged. "I'm pretty unique." He chuckled and looked off towards where the city was. "hey, want me to show you something?" "Uh, you're not gonna lead me into an alley and mug me, are you?" He laughed and shook his head. "no, i wanna show you a place that i think you'll like," He started walking away. "if you just follow me." You hesitated before picking up your phone and putting it in your pocket. What were you getting yourself into?

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