15 | Accidental Dress Design

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You walked into school, thankful of how close your apartment was, to see several grinning students with blushing faces. Why were their faces—oh. That's right. Prom. The probably got the date they've been wanting to ask. Who would your date be? I mean... you liked Sans but he might not like you back. You don't want to risk ruining your friendship either, prom wasn't that important anyways.

You spotted your friends in their usual spot and walked over, just now realizing that you were always the last one to show up. Alphys was a blushing mess with Undyne's arm around her shoulders while Undyne beamed. Sans was talking with Frisk and Papyrus was... eating spaghetti? You swear that skeleton is so weird sometimes. Mettaton was nowhere to be found for some reason but you didn't dwell on the thought. You decided to focus on the cute scene right before you instead.

You smirked at Undyne and Alphys. "So lemme guess," You pointed to them both. "You're both going to prom together." Alphys made some sort of pterodactyl squeal while Undyne's grin grew while nodding. "Yep! Took me awhile but I finally got the guts to ask this little cutie." You thought it was impossible for Alphys' face to get any redder. You were wrong. You heard Sans snicker and turned to look at him with a mischievous look on his face. Wait... you knew that look. Oh no. "so..." He began. "you finally mustard up the courage?" Undyne stopped grinning. "Was that a—" "Watching you both be cute together makes me relish you." You cut her off, a shit-eating grin on your face. Sans stared at you with a surprised and proud look while Undyne looked like she wanted to throw something. "Y/N not—" "oh c'mon undyne, she was just giving you and alphys a condiment."

"OH MY GOD SANS STOP!" Papyrus screeched, finishing his plate of spaghetti. Sans shrugged. "sorry bro, i've been slacking on my puns lately so i'm just trying to ketchup." You snorted and covered your mouth to hide your laughter after seeing Papyrus' face. "SANS THAT IS ENOUGH!" "Yeah! You ruined the moment!" Undyne yelled alongside with Papyrus. You finally managed to stop laughing and wheezing like a hyperventilating walrus and flashed the two a grin. "Actually, I think we—" You were cut off by Undyne tackling you, making you screech out in surprise. "Don't you dare say another pun you punk! Sans is rubbing off on you and I won't allow it!" She yelled, throwing you over her shoulder and starting to run off. Sans was on the ground laughing like crazy while you shouted for Undyne to put you down. Friendship goals.

The bell rang, piercing the chatter of students and making Undyne stop running. Thank goodness. She dropped you until the ground with an oof! then held out a hand to help you up. "I would say sorry but you deserved that for joining in with making puns." She said while pulling you back onto your feet. "But I thought they were punstastic." You said, trying not to laugh at your god awful pun. Undyne just groaned and walked off to go to class, leaving you standing in the near empty courtyard.

You started to head off towards your classroom when you felt a tug on your jacket sleeve. You turned around and saw Sans with a grin on his face. "didn't know you had it in ya' to say a pun." He said while you both started off towards your math class. "What can I say? I'm quite humerus." Sans snorted. "that pun really tickled my funny bone." You grinned. "If I said I didn't have more then I'd be telling a fibula." "good, because I've also got a femur."

You and Sans told each other more skeleton puns as you both made your way to class, laughter echoing through the halls with each pun being said. "okay, okay," Sans started while trying to calm his laughter. "who's a skeleton's favorite pop star?" You shook your head with a smile. "Who?" "pelvis presley." You and Sans burst out laughing, the awful pun making tears almost come to your eyes. You didn't even notice you had made it to your classroom until you and Sans had accidentally passed it.

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