18 | An Identity Finally Revealed

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You walked into the bar through the back door, smiling at Grillby who had just walked into the kitchen. He smiled back, despite not having a mouth. "Hello Y/N, would you mind working the counter again?" You nodded and grabbed the notepad and pen next to the tray slit. "Sure, anything else?" "Well, how did prom go?" He asked, memories flooding through your head. "It was great," You simply said, deciding to keep those memories to yourself. "That's good, I'll be at the grill if you need me." Grillby said before walking off towards where the grill was.

You walked out of the kitchen and into the bar area, seeing a few humans and monsters walk into the bar. You smiled at them and took their orders, pinning them to the rack and putting the money in the cash register. You balanced several trays of food in your arms and served them to the customers who had ordered them, being extra polite to earn tips and trying not to trip up and make a mess. You hated mopping up messes. The work was just so... well, messy.

Around two in the afternoon, the door rang as another customer walked in. You turned to the door and happiness filled your chest when you saw Sans walk up to the bar with a lazy grin. "heya, can i get—" "—A bottle of ketchup?" You finished for him, tossing a bottle of ketchup towards him. He chuckled and caught it, opening it up and raising it to his teeth. "you know me so well." He said in a joking tone while you gave him a smirk in response. You picked up a tray of food that was ready behind you and walked out from behind the counter to leave the skeleton to drink his ketchup. You served the food to a human family then walked back over to the bar where Sans was texting on his phone.

He looked back up when he saw you had returned and turned off his phone before setting it down. "hey y/n," "Hmm?" Sans spun the ketchup bottle around on the edge of its base. "i didn't know you could dance like that last night, that was honestly pretty good." You tensed up. Uh oh. Did he figure it out? "you were still a bit rusty though, like i said, i can teach you if you want." You let out a breath. So he hadn't figured it out. You smiled at him and shook your head. "Seriously, I'm just not big on dancing. I think I'll pass." Sans shrugged. "your call."

Half an hour later and Sans had left after you both had talked for awhile. You were getting ready to end your shift and walked into the kitchen to check out with Grillby. He was turning off all the kitchen appliances for the day and turned to you when he saw that you had entered. "Checking out?" He asked. "Yeah, I'm going dancing again." You said with a smile. Grillby chuckled and ruffled your hair, making you shriek in a panicked way and make sure your hair hadn't been singed off.

The sight made Grillby laugh as he finished turning off all the appliances. "Don't worry, I can control the fire so that I don't burn anything." You finished making sure he hadn't started a fire on your head before shooting him an annoyed look. He chuckled again before waving goodbye and walking out of the kitchen.

You left the bar and walked to your apartment, watching the sunset in the distance. You made it to your apartment and walked in, locking the door behind you and heading into your bedroom. You quickly changed into your dance clothes then dyed your hair white. You ruffled your hair a bit then took your foundation and covered your bruise. Shouldn't that be gone by now? Hopefully it'll go away soon. It was a pain to always cover it up. You tied your mask onto your face then started to finish up your appearance.

After you finished getting ready, you put your keys into your pocket before heading out, unaware that you had forgotten to take your phone. The sun had set quickly so now it was dark, the street lamps not doing much to light up the area. You ran into the downtown area and towards the dance club while trying not to make too much noise. Soon, you could hear the familiar beat of the music and smiled, running faster as the club came into view.

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