33 | An Unexpected Heartbreak

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((Imma just leave this here so y'all don't hate me later))

You groggily opened your eyes and blinked, seeing the rays of late sunlight leaking through the curtains of the window

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You groggily opened your eyes and blinked, seeing the rays of late sunlight leaking through the curtains of the window. Sans' arms were wrapped around you from behind with your body pressed against his chest, soft breaths from behind brushing against your neck.

You smiled and pulled the covers closer around you, turning to face Sans and wrapping your arms around his skeletal body. "mornin' hun," you heard Sans' deep voice say, the nickname making you snicker. "G'morning." Your replied, not opening your eyes and hoping he wouldn't move so that you could stay like this.

As if he had read your thoughts, he sank deeper into the covers and pulled you closer against him. You let out a contented sigh and tried drifting off to sleep again when you felt something strange. You opened your eyes to be met with Sans' gaze who had been staring at you with love in his white pin-pricks. When he saw that you had noticed him staring, his face turned a small shade of blue. "Stalker." You snickered, looking down and seeing why you had felt so strange.

A small "oh" was the only thing you could get out as your face heated up several shades of red at seeing that you weren't wearing any clothes. Sans let out a laugh causing you to look back up at him. You gave him a sheepish smile and pulled the covers closer around you, feeling self conscious about your exposed body.

"what's wrong?" Sans asked, his hand starting to trace your spine making you shudder in pleasure. "i think you look beautiful." You scrunched your nose and smiled. "Oh you," you replied bashfully, pecking him where his nose should be. He chuckled and kissed your forehead, causing that same fluttery feeling to start inside you. Surely anyone who could make you this flustered was meant to keep.

Sans sat up and you noticed he had his shirt on. You swore it was gone last nigh-- stop. You hid your blushing face in the covers while Sans stood up and watched you get all flustered with an amused grin. "so, want any coffee?" Sans asked casually. You could hear his smile in his words, if that's even possible. "Yeah, thanks," you replied, still hiding under the covers.

You waited for the sound of the door shutting before you climbed out of bed and quickly put on some clothes, falling over with a loud thud as you struggled to hop on one foot while putting on a sock. Sans poked his head into the room to see you on the ground trying to wrestle the sock on your foot. You were unaware of his presence as he tried not to laugh as you gave up and chucked the sock across the room.

"and that's why i love you the most," you heard Sans say from behind you with a laugh, a surprised sound escaping your lips as you tried to quickly turn around to face him only to almost fall. Sans laughed as you stood up and gave him a playful glare. "Thanks for helping me up." Sans winked at you and disappeared back into the living room. "your welcome!" He called, rolling your eyes with a grin on your face as you walked into the living room.

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