11 | Party Pooping Police

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You hummed as you walked down the side walk, dressed and ready for the party. Your white hair gently flew past your face from the breeze and your mask was tied firmly around your head. You had already told Grillby that you'd be at the party so that he wouldn't get worried and called the cops. Yeah, he was that kinda guy. You thought back to earlier this morning when you had entered school. You let out a laugh at what had happened as the memory replayed in your head.

You walked into school, seeing your friends in their usual spot underneath a tree. You walked over and saw Undyne grinning at a blushing Sans while everyone else had a smug look on their faces. What was going on? You walked up and heard what Undyne was saying. "You have a crush on her, don't you Saaansy~" Sans put his hood over his skull and looked away. "shut up fish sticks." He had a crush on someone? Oh this would be fun teasing him. You joined in with Undyne and grinned at him. "You have a crush bone boy?" You leaned towards him. "Can you tell me?" He glared at you making you let out a laugh. "Oh c'mon, you know I'm only teasing." "yeah, i know, but i hate it." He huffed. Aw! He was acting like a little eight year old! Cute! Undyne was about to tease him some more but was interrupted by the bell. Sans looked relieved as he rushed off to class, not having to deal with Undyne anymore. Who was the lucky girl he had a crush on? Could it be... no, he couldn't be in love with Myst, could he?

You were knocked out of your thoughts when you realized that you had made it to where the party was located. A large pale yellow house stood before you next to a large cliff that overlooked the ocean. Wow, cool place. You walked up the steps to the porch and opened the door, peeking inside to see a few people already there. A group of teens were setting up the speakers and you saw Napstabot talking to what looked like a... dummy? Okaaaaayy. You walked towards a set of glass double doors that led to a balcony. You opened them and walked out onto the white painted wood flooring, leaning against the metal railing. The sun barley touched the horizon as you stared out towards the ocean. It seemed to go on forever, but you knew that it eventually touched land thanks to your geography class. You heard familiar voices behind you and turned your head, seeing your friends walk onto the balcony.

Papyrus grinned at you and wrapped you into a deadly hug. "MYST! YOU CAME!" You smiled weakly as you struggled for breath. "O-Of... cou-rse I... d-did!" "papyrus she can't breathe." "OH! I'M SORRY!" Papyrus set you down and you started to wheeze, trying to get your lungs to inflate from being crushed by his hug. Undyne laughed and put an arm around Alphys, making her blush and squeak. "You ready to dance punk?" You nodded, still not able to talk yet. "Alright darling, we'll see you later on the dance floor!" Mettaton said before turning to leave with Papyrus. Everyone left the balcony except for Sans who was suppressing a smile as you wheezed. Once you had gotten your lungs to function again, you started to hear the music getting turned on from inside the house. Sans looked towards the speakers then back at you, a grin on his face. "wanna dance?" You smiled at him and started to walk towards the double doors. "You know I do."

Monsters and humans were out on the dance floor, dancing with their different styles. Sans turned to you as you both walked towards the dance floor. "what do you say, wanna do the special move?" You grinned mischievously at him as you stepped onto the dance floor. "You'll have to find out." He chuckled and followed you, starting to tap his foot to the beat.

The speakers started a new song and you stood there figuring out how the song played out. When you were confident on how the song went, you started to move your body, starting off with a few of your own moves. He started with a few swift moves that went along with the beat, moving towards you. You swung your hips to the side so that your back was facing his back. You and him had practiced this move on Tuesday and only used it before a beat drop. Some people in the crowd were looking at you and Sans curiously, waiting to see what would happen. Your mind went blank as your body took over and adrenaline pumped through you. The beat dropped as Sans grabbed yours arms and bent down, you leaning backwards as he lifted you into the air and let go. You summersaulted and landed on your feet while he dropped to the ground and did a few moves.

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