24 | Sharing is (Somewhat) Caring

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As you made your way to the bar, --thankfully Grillby hadn't fired you (haha pun) -- you thought about last night and the decision you had made.

You had finally given in and decided to enter the dance competition, wanting to not only overcome your bad memories but crush Asriel and Chara. Sans had asked if you and him would be dancing partners and you had agreed with a 'are you serious? Of course we're going to be dancing partners!'. After that you and your friends had had fun dancing at the club like usual. You had avoided Asriel all night, making sure to stay near Sans since you felt safer near him. You hadn't seen Lily either, not like you wanted her to be there. It turns out that nobody at the club thought ill of you because of who you were all this time. It had made you smile in relief that people were so accepting towards you.

You opened the door to the bar and walked in, seeing Grillby taking orders in the front with what looked like a busy task since the place was packed. Orders were already in the tray when you took out your headphones and grabbed a few slips, music starting to play while you danced around the kitchen making food and filling out orders.

You missed dancing around the kitchen like this and was glad to be back to do it. You twirled around and let out a small giggle at your childish behavior, grabbing a tray of finished fries and sending them out through the slit and into the bar. A few more orders and cooking later, and the tray that held all the orders that you had to fill out was empty, waiting for more orders that were soon to come.

Four hours later and you finished your shift at the bar, waving goodbye to Grillby after having a small conversation on where you had disappeared to. You walked out of the bar and jogged to your apartment, seeing that the sun was starting to set.

You an your friends had decided that for the next week -- since the competition started next week -- you all would meet up at the clearing you and Sans danced in to practice. At first, you were a bit hesitant because you liked having that clearing to yourself and Sans, spending time alone dancing with him. After a bit of convincing, you finally agreed but told them not to bring anyone else there with them. They promised.

You unlocked your apartment and walked in, changing into your dancing clothes and leaving your H/C hair down since you liked it twirling around your face whenever Sans spun you around. Your mask was long gone and you no longer needed the hair dye, so you grabbed your phone and apartment keys before leaving the building and running towards the woods.

The city had been settled over with darkness and you could already crickets and cicadas buzzing and chirping in the background. You made it into the woods and ran through the brush, pushing past branches that got in your way and occasionally jumping over bushes with the grace of a flamingo that was on fire wearing roller skates.

You finally made it into the clearing to see your friends already there, Undyne and Alphys already starting to dance to the song playing from Undyne's phone on the ground. Papyrus and Mettaton were getting ready to dance while Sans sat talking with Frisk, both of them trying not to laugh too loudly that you suspected was from one of Sans' puns.

Just to be teasing, you snuck behind Sans and threw your arms around him and kissed his skull, laying your chin on his shoulder. "Hello Sansy~" You cooed where his ear should be. Frisk covered her mouth to try and muffle her laughter when she saw Sans' face turn blue and his eye sockets widened. When you saw his expression, you snorted and fell back laughing, seeing him turn around to give you a weak glare for doing what you did.

"why did you--" "Oh, please, admit it. You loved it." You interrupted him, a smirk on your face. Sans huffed and pulled his hood over his skull to conceal his face. He mumbled a small 'maybe' that only you could hear causing you to wear a teasing smile.

You stood up from where you were sitting on the ground and pulled Sans up too, taking out your phone and handing it to him. "You choose the song, I don't know what you wanna dance to." Sans takes your phone and you both move to an open spot in the clearing. Frisk sat against a tree watching Undyne and Alphys dance, tapping her foot to the music they were dancing to.

Sans put on a song and took a few steps away from you, setting the phone on the ground. You shook your arms a bit to get ready to dance and started to move, the best coursing through your body. You slightly swung your arms around your hips and took a step forward, preparing to do a few of the moves Sans had taught you a while back. You kicked out your leg and swung around to face Sans. You both walked forward and started to dance together as the beat picked up.

It felt wonderful to dance again in the clearing with Sans, even if your friends were there dancing also. That didn't matter though, whenever you danced with Sans, it felt like the whole world had stopped around the two of you just so that you both could feel as if you were alone together. You could feel the sweat on your forehead but paid no attention to it, smiling as you danced your heart out.

Unfortunately, humans get tired and have to stop whenever that happens. You sat down on the ground and gladly accepted Frisk's water bottle that she offered you. You twisted off the cap and took a big drink, twisting the cap back on before handing it back to her. "Thanks," you said, wiping away the water around your mouth. "No problem, you and Sans looked good dancing out there by the way." She commented, setting the water bottle down beside her. You looked over at Sans who was watching Papyrus and Mettaton dance together with a look that said 'I HATE THIS I HATE THIS I HATE THIS'.

"Ya' think?" You said, a slight laugh after your words from Sans' expression. "Definitely, the competition hasn't even started and I think you two have it in the bag." You turned to her and gave her an appreciative smile. "Thanks Frisk." You were about to grab your phone and check the time when Frisk said something that made you yell "WHAT?!"

She smirked at you. "I said, you and Sans should go on a date. It's obvious you're smitten for him. He is too." A date? With Sans? You actually would like going on a date with him but you both just had your first kiss a few days ago. Isn't it too soon?

But before you can argue with Frisk, a metal body is launched in your direction and soon you're pinned to the ground by an ecstatic robot. "Did I hear you were going on a date with Sans!" Mettaton said, glee in his voice. Sans froze up and looked over in your direction. "uh, i did not know this," he said awkwardly, Alphys looking from you to Sans and back again with a strange look on her face. What did she call it... fangirling?

"Uh, heh, actually we--" "Oh I have the perfect idea for your date! We'll have it tomorrow and at night to make everything more romantic! Oh this'll be absolutely perfect darling!" Mettaton cried, standing back up and starting to mumble plans. You sat up and stared at the robot in shock before turning to Sans with an awkward smile.

"I guess we're going on a date then."

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