23 | School Fight

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You woke up the next morning to find that it was raining. Absolutely fantastic.

You groaned and dragged yourself out of bed, hurrying and doing your daily routine in the bathroom before putting your clothes on. You grabbed your phone and backpack, putting on a raincoat before slinging your backpack over your shoulder and opening the door to your apartment. You locked the door behind you then hurried down the stairs and into the rain. Mentally shouting curses inside your head, you started running to school, the rain pelting on your small figure that was seen dashing through the rain.

• • •

"i want to ask, but i'm pretty sure i already know the answer." Sans snickered, staring at your soaked figure. You glared at him and took off your raincoat, stuffing it in your locker to hopefully let it dry out over the time of the school day. You were completely soaked but by some miracle everything in your bag was okay, you weren't sure how but you were starting to think the universe had had enough fun with you and was now being nice.

Wishful thinking, right?

You sighed and closed your locker, thankful that you had decided to bring an extra pair of clothes just in case you had gotten drenched. You slung your bag over your shoulder and started towards the bathroom, waving to Sans. "I'll see you in math, I gotta change." Sans waved back and turned on his heel to leave. "see ya'."

You walked into a stall and quickly changed into a F/C shirt and jeans, grabbing your spare F/C jacket out of your bag and putting that on as well. You stuffed your wet clothes into your bag and hurried out of the bathroom, the bell starting to ring to signal the students that it was time to go to class. You ran to your math class and made it in time just as the bell rang again to signal that whoever wasn't in class was late. You passed Sans and sat down in the desk in the back, looking up to the front of the classroom to see Ms. Toriel smile at everyone.

"Good morning everyone! Today, we'll be working on functions with their domains and ranges."

• • •

You were in science class working on a periodic table project when someone knocked on your desk and slid a piece of paper on it. You looked up from your project and at the slip of paper before looking around the classroom for whenever had given you it. Everyone was still in their same spots so you shrugged and picked up the paper, seeing that it was a note.

Can you meet me behind the school at lunch? I wanna talk to you about a few things,

What would he need to talk about? You looked up again and around the classroom, seeing everyone working on their projects and not looking over at you. You shoved the note into your pocket just as the bell rang, signaling that it was time for lunch.

You grabbed your bag and put your unfinished project on the shelf next to everyone else's before heading out of the classroom and walking towards the back of the school where Sans said to meet up.

You pushed open the doors and walked outside, seeing that it had stopped raining and the sun was out.

You looked around but didn't see him so you figured you were early. You spotted a bench and walked over, sitting down and taking out your phone. You were currently looking at your notifications on an app when your phone buzzed with a text.

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