09 | Toilet Paper Party

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You ran down the street, your jacket pulled tightly around you. You had overslept and the weather was awful, the wind pushing against you as you tried to get to school before you were counted absent. Stupid universe always ruining your day. The hood of your jacket thankfully covered all of your neck so the bruise wasn't visible. There wasn't much you could do when you were in your dancing clothes but it should be okay as long as you can hide it when your you. You saw the school up ahead and struggled against the strong winds, trying to get to the building. Longer than it should have been, you finally made it inside the main building and ran down the hall, praying and hoping that you weren't late. You burst into the classroom to see Ms. Toriel taking attendance.

"I'm here! I'm not absent!" You said, out of breath. Everyone stared at you, your hair a mess because of the wind. You placed your hands on your knees, still standing in the doorway, as you panted. Ms. Toriel looked at you with concern then marked you down as present. You walked over to your seat and plopped down, laying your head on the desk. Ms. Toriel started calling out more names and taking attendance. You opened your bag and took out your textbook and pencils. Boy did you look like an idiot. Good job. You tried to flatten your hair but failed.

You glanced up to see Sans quickly look away but you saw the look on his face. He was amused by what had happened. Well try running against the wind after you had just overslept and were probably late to school. Wait no the wind would go right through him. That's not fair. After attendance, Ms. Toriel started the math class by handing out sheets of paper with problems on them. Why did the alphabet have to be all buddy-buddy with numbers? It just made your life harder.

Math class went by quickly and when the bell rang everyone stood up and raced out of the room. Sans caught up to you as you walked down the hallway with a grin. "what happened to you? did you do cartwheels in a tornado or what?" You rolled your eyes and glanced over at him. "No, I overslept and had to run against the wind to make it to school on time." Sans shrugged. "same thing." "Pff, whatever. Let's hurry, I don't want to be almost late again." You said as you quickened your pace. You and Sans made it to english on time and walked into the classroom. Frisk saw your hair and covered her mouth to muffle her giggles. You sat down at your desk with an unamused look. You reached into your bag and pulled out a rubber band. Better than nothing. You tied up your hair so that it looked decent just as the class began.

School went by quickly and when you left the building you saw that the wind had completely disappeared. Not even a breeze. Seriously? You rushed to the bar, eager to finish work and go dancing. You walked into the bar and walked downstairs to change. After you had done that, you walked back upstairs to find Grillby waiting for you. "There you are, you mind working the bar today?" He asked. You nodded. "Great." He smiled and handed you the notepad and pen. You walked out to the bar and saw humans and monsters enter. Just fours hours. Four long and excruciating hours.

You wrote down orders and served humans and monsters, trying to be as quick about it as possible yet not annoying. You were finishing serving a family when you looked at the time and saw that your shift was almost over. You smiled and walked over to the cash register to count all that had been made today when your phone buzzed. You took it out and saw a text from Undyne.

AngryFishLady: can u come over at 10?
You: yeah, why?
AngryFishLady:  you'll see. Wear dark clothes
You: what r u planning?
AngryFishLady: don't be late ;)

You sighed and put your phone away. Looks like you'll have to skip dancing. Sorry Sans. You finished up your remaining time at work and walked downstairs to change. You put on a black tank top, jeans, your black jacket, and your F/C converse. You took the rubber band out of your hair and brushed it out. You made sure your hood covered your neck and your phone was in your pocket. When everything was in order, you walked upstairs and outside into the alley. You looked over at the blood stain and shuddered, walking down the other end of the alley. Undyne had sent you her address so you took out your phone and looked it up on Google Maps. You found her house and started running in that direction, making sure to look both ways before crossing the street. Safety first!

A few minutes later and you knocked on the door to her house. The house was a strange sight; it looked like a giant purple and blue fish head. But hey you don't judge. Undyne opened the door and grinned when she saw you. Without a warning, she grabbed your arm and pulled you inside, making you yell out as you fell onto a couch. You heard a familiar snicker and looked up to see Sans sitting in a chair next to the couch, smirking. You sat up and noticed that Frisk was also there, along with Mettaton. "Alright punks, listen up! Me and Mettaton have been getting harassed by this stuck up kid that lives a few blocks away. We called you three here because we knew you guys were up for what we're planning." You raised an eyebrow. "Which is...?" Undyne grinned and pulled out a pack of toilet paper from behind the couch. "We're gonna TP their house." Oh hell yeah.

After Undyne had distributed a pack of toilet paper to everyone, you all climbed into her car as she drove towards this kid's house. After a few minutes, the car slowed and parked at the end of a street. This kid must be rich because this neighborhood was where all the high society people live. Undyne pointed to a large white house a few houses away and grinned. "That's where that punk lives, c'mon!" You all grabbed your toilet paper packs and ran across the street towards the house. The street was dead quiet, everyone was probably asleep because of how late it was. You all snuck onto the property and hid behind a bush. "Alright everyone, let's try and cover this house as much as possible!" Undyne said as she ripped open her pack of toilet paper. Everyone did the same and soon you were chunking rolls of paper at a large white house. Heh, when you say it like that it sounds funny.

You were on your fourth roll when Frisk ran up to you with a mischievous grin on her face. "I dare you to throw a roll into the chimney." You looked up and saw how high up the chimney was. It would be almost impossible to get a roll of toilet paper in there. You grinned at her. "You're on." You back up with a roll of toilet paper in your hands. You closed one eye and raised your arm, aiming for the chimney. You threw it as hard as you could and watched as it sailed though the air, a trail of white rolling out behind it. It looked like it wouldn't make it but suddenly you saw a faint blue aura surround it. It fell right into the chimney. "How did you do that?! That was awesome!" Frisk whisper-yelled, staring at you in amazement. "I don't know." What was that blue aura? Huh, strange.

"Hey Sans! Can you get me and Y/N up on the roof to get the parts we couldn't reach?" Undyne asked, piling the rest of her rolls of toilet paper in her arms. Sans nodded and raised his hand. "sure." "How are you going to– WHAT THE HELL?!" The same blue aura surrounded you and Undyne as you were both lifted into the air. Your body was completely weightless as you floated up to the roof. So Sans had made the roll of toilet paper go into the chimney. That cheeky skeleton. Your feet landed on the roof next Undyne as she grinned and started covering the roof with toilet paper. You grabbed a roll and started doing the same, thinking about how Sans had done that. You knew he could summon bones and make his left eye glow but telekinesis? What else did he have up his sleeve?

You and Undyne finished covering the roof a few minutes later and were brought back down to earth by Sans' magical blue aura. Everyone stared up at the house, toilet paper covering every inch of it. Beautiful. Undyne grinned and picked up the empty bags of toilet paper. "That'll teach them to mess with us anymore, right Mettaton?" The pink robot smiled and nodded. "Right darling. They're lucky I was in a good mood today." Everyone laughed, trying not to be too loud. You all ran back to Undyne's car and climbed in, driving off silently, unheard and uncaught.

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