05 | The Dance Club

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You jogged to catch up and walked beside him. You looked over at Sans and took in his features, despite the dark woods. He was a few inches taller than you which didn't make you too happy and he was wearing a blue jacket with the hood pulled over his head. Or would it be skull? Skeletons are confusing. He also wore baggy pants like yours that were black with a white vertical line down the sides. He wore black converse that had a blue flap, the same color as his jacket.

"see something ya' like?" Sans asked, looking over at you with a grin. You realized just how long you'd been staring and quickly looked away. "Sorry, I tend to space out sometimes." Sans chuckled and looked forward again. "i'm just teasing, were almost there by the way." You looked in front of you and saw the downtown part of the city. You were gonna get mugged by Sans, weren't you.

You started making plans of defense inside your head as you followed him through the dark streets, every noise making you jump. You were shaken out of your thoughts of whether a choke hold would work on skeletons when you felt the ground vibrate beneath you. Your hearing picked up the faint sound of music and you looked in the direction of where it was coming from. So Sans wasn't going to mug you. He was taking you to the dance club that you had heard of from that flier. You saw the club up ahead and your palms started to sweat, nervous energy filling your chest. Could you do this? Dancing in a place where everyone could see you fail?

Sans noticed your change of mood and glanced over, seeing you nervously stare at the club. "don't worry, everybody in there is nice; they won't laugh at you if that's what you're thinking." You looked over at Sans and then back at the club. You could do this! You were behind a mask so nobody would know it was really you anyways. Filled with determination, you walked into the club with Sans.

The beat coming from a song played throughout the room, humans and monsters dancing out on the dance floor. Colorful lights from the ceiling moved around the room, lighting up the dark building. A refreshment table was placed by the far side of the right wall and over by the left were a few couches. Your veins pulsed with adrenaline as the beat shook the building. You looked over at Sans who was looking at the dance floor longingly. Good, now you had a reason to dance.

You smiled at him and pulled him towards the edge of the dance floor, starting to move your body. He grinned and followed your movements, dancing with you as you both inched towards the middle of the dance floor. You turned off all your senses as you focused on the music, the beat fueling your dancing. You swung your hips and leaned back, seeing empty space. You smiled and flipped backwards, landing on your feet effortlessly. A robot grabbed your hand and pulled you away to dance, making you lose sight of Sans. Might as well go with it. You started to dance with the robot, noticing that his style seemed to be hip hop/jazz. He spun you around as you got a good look at him. He was a robot that apparently liked the color pink. A lot. He was at least a foot taller than you and wore a pink crop top and black leggings with pink boots. Not your choice to dance in but then again he wasn't your style of dance. He held your waist as you leaned back, catching sight of Sans who was dancing with a taller skeleton, laughing. The taller skeleton was wearing a white dress shirt with long black pants and pointed shoes. Huh, he danced Latin.

The pink robot pulled you back up as the song ended and smiled at you. "That was wonderful darling! What name belongs to such a pretty face?" You blushed at his small compliment. You decided to stick with your fake name since it sounded cool. "I'm Myst, and you are...?" "Mettaton, it was lovely dancing with you darling, hope to do it again!" He sashayed away and you looked around the club, trying to spot Sans. You finally found him talking with a girl that looked to be about your age with beautiful white wings and soft white hair. She was smiling and laughing with Sans, playfully pushing him. So this must be his girlfriend. And she was laughing, something that Sans had said was rare.

You walked away to give the two some space when you accidentally bumped into the tall skeleton that Sans had been dancing with. "Sorry! I didn't mean to–" "DO NOT WORRY HUMAN! THE GREAT PAPYRUS DOESN'T GET HURT BY SUCH THINGS!" You cringed at his loud nasally voice. "WHAT IS YOUR NAME HUMAN?" "Er, it's Myst." "MYST! WOWIE!" The skeleton known as 'Papyrus' grinned at you and grabbed your hand. "I WOULD LIKE TO SHOW YOU MY FRIENDS SINCE WE ARE NOW FRIENDS!" Wait what? "We are?" "WHY YES! WELL, THAT IS IF YOU WANT TO." Sure, why not? He seemed nice enough. "Sure Papyrus, I'd like to be friends."

Papyrus beamed and pulled you over to a human wearing a striped sweater with a tutu and a fish lady that was wearing baggy pants like yours but with a sports bra. The human smiled when she saw Papyrus while the fish lady sent you a suspicious look. Papyrus walked up and grinned at the two, pushing you in front of him. "THIS IS MYST! THE HUMAN'S NAME IS FRISK AND THAT'S UNDYNE!" He pointed towards Frisk then the fish lady that you now knew as 'Undyne'. You waved shyly and smiled sheepishly. "Uh hi."

"You like anime punk?" Undyne asked, putting a hand on her hip. "Do I like anime? Are you kidding me? I love anime! Especially Mew Mew Kissy Cutie!" Undyne grinned. "I know right! I also like Ouran High School Host Club!" "I've been wanting to watch that." "Come over to my house! I've got the whole series recorded!" Frisk sighed and looked over at Undyne. "Can you two flip out over anime another time?"

You heard the music stop and you turned towards a blue robot that was trying to calm down the crowd. "Who's ready for another dance off?" The crowd cheered and you took that as your cue to leave. You nervously walked away from... your new friends(?) and towards a wall, not wanting to be called on. Thankfully, the robot called on Mettaton and Papyrus. The crowd parted for them to reach the dance floor and the blue robot started to play a song. You walked forward and watched as Papyrus and Mettaton danced around each other, sending playful glares while dancing effortlessly. You looked over at Sans and saw him still with his girlfriend. He probably won't realize your gone anyways.

You slipped out the door and ran off into the night, looking around for the familiar alley that would lead you to the bar. After a few minutes, you finally found it and walked towards the bar, taking out your key and opening the back door. You walked in and saw that Grillby had already left. You shrugged and locked the door behind you, walking over to the stairs and stumbling down them. You hated stairs. They hated you back apparently. You walked into your room and changed, not bothering to fold your clothes since you were too lazy. You put your phone on the charger and curled up in the chair, just now realizing that you'd have to go to school tomorrow. Fan-fucking-tastic. You closed your eyes and relaxed your body, slowly letting your exhaustion win as you were dragged into another dreamless slumber.

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