08 | Alley Fight

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You rushed into school the next day and saw your friends talking over by a bench. You walked over and waved when they saw you. "Y/N! You should've been there to see the awesome dance battle last night against Lily and Myst!" Frisk said as you sat down on the bench. "Oh yeah? What happened?" You asked, a small smile on your face. "Myst totally dominated Lily! She was all over the place! Doing flips and tripping up miss bird brain over there. You should've seen it!" You smiled and shrugged. "Oh well, it sounded awesome though." "IT WAS! THE GREAT PAPYRUS EVEN ADMITS HOW COOL IT WAS!" "Y-Yeah! Lily d-d-didn't stand a c-chance." "What was that?"

Speak of the devil. Miss feather queen herself walked over, giving Alphys a look. Alphys shrunk back and avoided eye contact. "N-N-Nothing." "That's what I thought." You restrained yourself from judo flipping her when the bell rang. Everyone scurried out of the courtyard and rushed to their classes and lockers. You opened your locker and a card fell out. You picked up the card and saw that it was an invitation to a party at some rich kid's house this Friday. You stuffed the card in your jacket pocket and closed your locker, rushing to class.

While sitting in math class, you decided that you'd go to the party as Myst and just tell your friends that you won't be able to make it because of your job at Grillby's. You had it all planned out. A few periods later and it was finally lunch. You walked into the lunchroom and sat down at the table with all your friends. You noticed that Lily wasn't there. Good. They were talking about something so you listened to their conversation while you poked at your lunch food. "Are any of you going to the party this Friday? Me and Papy are going together." You heard Mettaton say, earning a grumble from Sans. "Heck yeah! I wouldn't miss it for the world!" "I-I-I'll go too, it'll b-be fun!" "SANS? Y/N? FRISK? ARE YOU GOING?" Frisk nodded and took a bite of her sandwich. "i guess i'll go, i should ask myst if she wants to as well." Sans replied, taking out a bottle of ketchup. He keeps those things around? "What about you Y/N?" Frisk asked. "Are you going?" You shook your head. "I got work, sorry guys." You pretended to be disappointed and your friends bought it. The bell rang signaling for everyone to head back to class. Yippee.

The school day ended (thank god) and you hurried back to the bar to finish work early. You wanted to get to the clearing as fast as possible. You danced around the kitchen, making burgers and fries then sending them out. You had just finished making three milkshakes when Grillby walked in. "We'll be closing up in ten minutes, thanks for the help today." You smiled and sent out the tray of milkshakes. "No problem, see ya'."

You walked downstairs and into your room, taking out your dancing clothes and mask. You quickly dyed your hair then changed into your clothes, laying your uniform on the chair. You tied your mask around your face then walked upstairs, making sure that you had your phone in your pocket. You slipped outside and ran towards the woods, the sun almost completely gone from the horizon. You ran into the woods and took the familiar path towards the clearing, jumping over fallen branches and occasionally crashing through bushes. You made it into the clearing and brushed the remaining leaves off of you, looking around and seeing that it was empty. You were early.

You decided to practice a bit and played your music, moving your body to the beat. You decided to make a new move and swung a leg out while lifting your arms and turning your body. It turned into a spin and you leaned back, putting your hands down on the ground. The beat in the song picked up as you lifted your legs above your head so you were doing a handstand. You spun around as the song grew louder then dropped to the ground and started to break dance as the beat dropped. You put a hand on the ground and grabbed your foot, pulling it up then switching to a different pose. You hopped back up and started to do your own moves, moving your body to the same pace as the music. The song ended as you posed, let out gasping breaths. You sat down on the ground, smiling and trying to catch your breath. You caught your breath after a few minutes and stood up, looking through songs on your phone. You heard rustling and looked over to see Sans emerge into the clearing. He smiled when he saw you and walked over.

"heya myst." "Hi Sans." He stuffed his hands in his hoodie pocket and hesitated before speaking again. "are you free this friday?" Well that came out wrong. "Uh yeah, why?" "there's this party that i wanted to see if you would want to go to, everyone at the club is going." You nodded and smiled. "Sure, that'll be fun." Sans grinned at your response. "great, here's the address." He handed you a slip of paper and you stuffed it in your pocket. "Thanks, ready to dance?" He nodded. "let's get moving."

You smiled and played a song, setting it on the ground and starting to dance. Sans smiled and joined in, both of you dancing in the moonlight. It felt great to be out here in the clearing again. You liked the booming music and energy in the club but being out in the woods at night and dancing with just one other person alone, well, that was pretty great too. A few hours later and you were starting to get tired from dancing so much. You looked at your phone for the time and saw how late it was. "I gotta go, see ya' tomorrow Sans. Meet back here?" Sans nodded. "yeah, see ya' later myst."

And with that you ran off. You ran down the path you had taken to get to the clearing and soon you were running towards the alley where the bar was. You entered the alley and stopped, trying to catch your breath. Even with all the dancing, you still got tired after running. You started walking down the alley and towards the bar when you heard the sound of a bottle being kicked behind you. You turned around and saw a man staring at you. What a creep.

You started to pick up your pace, seeing the bar in the distance. The man picked up his pace as well then started to run. You sprinted towards the bar, your white hair flying behind you. The man caught up and grabbed your arm, pulling you back. You yelped out and swung your leg, causing him to fall to the ground, still gripping your arm. You twisted your arm while holding your foot on his chest to keep him down. You broke free from his grasp and started to run towards the bar when he grabbed your ankle, causing you to fall flat on your stomach. He pinned your arms behind your back as you struggled. You started to scream for help but he kicked you to make you shut up. It only made you scream louder. He kicked you again in the neck causing you to lose a lot of air. You growled and lifted your leg, trying to pry him off of you. He grabbed your leg but it caused his grip to loosen on our arms. You broke your arms free and punched him in the jaw, sending him falling on his butt. He quickly got up and tackled you as you tried to run away again. He started to repeatedly punch you while you tried to block his fists and get him off you. You kneed him in the groin, sending him falling back again. You got up and kicked him in the side repeatedly, making him too weak to fight back. He stumbled to his feet and ran off, leaving a small pool of blood where your fight had been. You reached up to your jaw and felt blood running down your lips from his punches. You groaned and rubbed your neck in pain. That's gonna leave a bruise. You wiped off as much blood as you could and ran into the bar and into the bathroom. Stupid drunks.

You looked at yourself in the mirror, cringing at the sight. Blood was running down your face from your forehead and a nasty looking bruise covered the whole right side of your neck. How are you going to hide that? You turned on the sink and started to wash away the blood, watching as the red liquid filled up the sink. Gross. Once you finished cleaning yourself off as best you could, you went to go find a first aid kit to patch up your wounds. You found one next to the fire extinguisher (wow I wonder why that would be here) and picked it up, walking back into the bathroom. You patched up your forehead and arms, looking at your bruise in defeat. You'll just have to figure out how to hide it. Unfortunately, it was almost summer so turtlenecks or scarves weren't really an option. You sighed and washed the dye out of your hair then put the first aid kit back, walking downstairs and to your room. You changed out of your dancing clothes and put on your PJs. You curled up in the chair, wincing from the pain in your neck. A bit surprisingly, you quickly fell asleep with your jacket wrapped around you.

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