32 | Kinky Activity

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((Since you're all amazing readers I'll give you all a little treat for this one -- this chapter is basically about you and Sans' relationship taking it to the next level if ya' know what I mean))


"y/n~, time to get up~" A deep voice cooed next to your ear that sent a shiver down your spine. "Five more minutes," you groaned, putting a pillow over your head. You heard Sans let out a huff and smiled with satisfaction. "i guess we're gonna have to do this the hard way." A confused look passed over your face from underneath the pillow. "Wha--"

You let out a shriek as you were lifted out of bed by Sans' arms bridal style. "Sans!" You cried, trying to squirm out of his grasp and back into the bed's warmth. He just chuckled and held you tightly and closer, starting to walk out of the room while he raged in his arms. How dare he wake you up.

"coffee or no?" He asked, smirking down at your harsh glare. You stayed silent. "i'll take that as a yes." An amused smile spread across your lips before you forced yourself back into being angry. Sans just let out a laugh before plopping you down onto the couch and heading into the kitchen. You looked at the time and saw that it was almost five in the morning.

"Uh, Sans?" You asked, rubbing your eyes and turning to look out the floor-to-ceiling window. It was still dark outside. "yes, hun?" You turned back around to see a playful grin on Sans' face from the nickname. You rolled your eyes but a smile was on your lips. "Why did you wake me up so early?" "isn't it obvious?" He said, handing you a cup of coffee. You gave him a quizzical look before taking a sip of the hot liquid. ((HUEHUEHUE))

At seeing your confused expression, Sans gave you a look before dramatically motioning at the window where it showed how dark it was outside. You stared at him for a second then at the window. "Oh wait! The sunrise!" You said, Sans laughing and nodding his head. "took you awhile." You shrugged and took another sip of your coffee. "I'm slow. You should know that by now." "oh please, you can easily outrun me." You stared at him for a moment before letting out a laugh. "That was a metaphor you numbskull."

You set your now empty coffee cup down and stood up, stretching a bit to try to get rid of the sleep that still tugged at your bones. "So are we gonna go down and see it?" You asked him, picking up your coffee cup to go put it in the sink. "down? hun, we're going up." You turned around to face him after putting your coffee cup away to give him a look at using the nickname again. He just gave you a wink.

"So we're going now?" He nodded and grabbed a blanket, opening the door to the hotel suite and walking out with you following him. The hallway was dark and quiet, everyone still fast asleep. You and Sans made your way to the elevator and climbed in, Sans hitting the button that led to the top floor where you and him would have to take the stairs the rest of the way. Yay.

The elevator doors opened up after a minute and you and Sans stepped out, heading to the stairwell and opening the door to reveal two flights of stairs. "This isn't too bad," you said, starting to climb. "speak for yourself," Sans huffed, pretending to be winded after the first step. You snickered and started power-climbing to the top of the two flights of stairs. You made it to the top and waited for Sans who had given up after the first three steps and simply teleported next to you. "Lazy bones." You snickered, opening the door to the roof and stepping out, the chilly night air hitting your body. Now you knew why Sans had brought the blanket.

You both walked over to the edge of the roof and sat down, swinging your legs over the side so that they banged against the glass below. The hotel was about thirty floors tall, the clouds appearing a lot closer from how high you were. Sans wrapped the blanket around the both of you, pulling your figure closer towards him where you rested your head on his shoulder.

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