02 | First Day on the Job

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You woke up and groaned, feeling the soreness in your muscles. You sat up and stretched to try and dull the soreness. Stupid muscles always having to give you a hard time. You noticed something by the chair and looked over, seeing a uniform and a plate with pancakes on it. Did Grillby really...? You grinned and picked up the pancakes, quickly eating them. They tasted like heaven. After you finished eating, you picked up the uniform and a piece of paper fell out. You picked up the paper and read it, it saying that you'd be working in the kitchen.

You undressed from your old tattered clothes and put on the uniform, liking the feeling of clean cloth. Your hair was a mess but you tried to flatten it down as much as possible. You gave up trying after a few seconds and just pulled it into a ponytail. You walked out of the room and rushed upstairs, not wanting to be late. You opened the door and walked into the kitchen, seeing dirty dishes in the sink and a few empty trays on the counter. Ew. You peeked out of the kitchen to see Grillby opening the bar. You walked over to the sink and turned it on, waiting for the water to get hot while you grabbed a rag. You started to wash the dishes and when they were clean you set them down on the counter to dry. You turned off the water and picked up the empty trays, stacking them where they were supposed to go. The door bell rang signaling that someone had walked in. You walked over to the rack and waited for the orders to come in. Looks like your first day had started.

Your mother had taught you how to cook when you were little so this should be easy. Papers were attached to a rack with orders on them. You grabbed one and started to turn on all the kitchen appliances. While you were waiting for the grill to turn on, you looked over the order. One burger, two tray of fries, and a milkshake. All this in the morning? There are weird people out there. Once the grill had been turned on you started to fill out the order. You had just finished the burger and the fries were almost done when you heard a ding that meant that more orders were coming. You looked over at the rack and your heart sank when you saw all the orders. Ok, maybe this wasn't so easy. You finished the first order and sent it out to Grillby. You stared at all the orders that you had to fill out. You were about to grab another one when you got an idea.

You quickly ran downstairs and into the room you had stayed in. You grabbed your phone off the charger and opened your bag in search for your headphones. You found them and ran back upstairs, seeing even more orders. You quickly put on your headphones and played a song, putting your phone in your pocket. The song started and you smiled slightly, feeling the beat pulse through you. You grabbed an order and moved around the kitchen, dancing to the music. You quickly finished the order and sent it out, grabbing another one. You danced around the kitchen, moving from grill to grill and stove to stove. You barely broke a sweat as you finished the last order and sent it out, the fourth song on your playlist ending.

For the rest of the day you danced in the kitchen, filling out orders and sending them out. You actually enjoyed working here. Before you knew it, the bar was starting to close up. You took off your headphones and looked at the time, a bit surprised to see how late it was. Grillby walked into the kitchen and smiled when he saw you. "That's the fastest I've ever had food get out." "Wait really?" Grillby nodded and pulled out something from his back pocket. It was a paycheck.

"Since today was a good day for business, I thought I'd give you this a bit early." Grillby said, handing you the paycheck. You took the paycheck and thanked him. He chuckled and said that he'd be in the bar if you needed him. He walked away leaving you with your paycheck. You looked at the money and then at the door that led to the bar. You walked out of the kitchen to see Grillby talking with a short skeleton. You walked back into the kitchen and waited, not wanting to be rude and interrupt their conversation. You heard the short skeleton leave and walked back into the bar. Grillby was cleaning a few glasses when you walked over and tapped his shoulder. He looked over and saw standing next to him.

"Yes?" He asked, setting down the glass. "Um, could I go out to the store and get a few things?" You asked. "Sure, I'll be here when you come back." He picked up the glass again and continued to clean it while you walked out of the bar and down the street. While you were walking, the wind had picked up and you saw a paper flying in the wind. You grabbed the paper out of the air and looked at it, seeing that it was a flier for a dance club that was located downtown. You shrugged then stuffed it in your pocket, continuing your search for the store. You finally found the store and walked in, rushing towards an isle that had clothes. You found a few shirts and pants that you liked and held them in your arms while you walked over to look through the jackets. Half an hour later and you had a few shirts, pants, a jacket, a few of your favorite foods, other essentials, and some hair bands to put your hair up in. You were about to check out and leave when you remembered the flier in your pocket.

You took it out and stared at the address, debating if you should go or not. You finally decided that you would go but under one condition: you would keep your identity a secret. You rushed back over to the isle with all the clothes and found a F/C tank top, black baggy pants, some pre-owned black converse that were on sale, a thing of white hair dye, and a white mask. You also grabbed some F/C markers of different shades to decorate your mask because why not? You brought all your stuff to the checkout area and bought everything. Surprisingly, you still had some money left. Grabbing the bags full of your stuff, you walked out of the store and hurried back to the bar.

You opened the door to Grillby's and walked in, seeing Grillby putting away the glasses that he had cleaned. He noticed that you were there and glanced at all the bags in your hands. "Get enough?" He asked, a smirk on his face. How was that even possible? He was literally made of fire. "It's mostly clothes." You said, biting the inside of your cheek. Grillby chuckled and finished putting up the glasses. "I'm just teasing." "I know." Grillby said goodnight as you walked towards the kitchen. You said goodnight to him too as he walked out of the bar to head to his own home. You managed not to trip down the stairs while holding the bags and walked to the room you were staying in. You dropped all the bags onto the floor and took out your phone, plugging it in to charge.

You walked over to the bags and took out everything, setting your stuff down next to the large chair. You took out the clothes you had bought for dancing and folded them up before stashing them underneath the chair. You also put the hair dye underneath the chair then grabbed the mask and markers, sitting down in the large chair to start decorating. You uncapped a marker and drew little designs over the mask's white surface. You switched between markers, the different shades of F/C making the mask pop. Once you were satisfied with your work, you smiled and tried on the mask. It fit perfectly and didn't cover your eyes. You took off the mask and grabbed all the markers, setting them underneath the chair next to the dye and your clothes.

You finished putting the rest of your stuff away then grabbed a F/C tank top and soft F/C shorts. You also grabbed bottom and top underwear. You walked out of the room and then upstairs. The bar probably didn't have a shower but it did have a sink. You grabbed a towel that was used for cleaning dishes out of a drawer and walked over to the sink in the kitchen. As you undressed, you made a mental note to ask Grillby where you could find a public shower. Although you'll probably forget to ask him. Oh well. You quickly washed yourself then dried off, putting your newly bought clothes on and drying your hair in a towel. Your hair was still wet but you didn't care. You put away everything then rushed back downstairs and into the room. You folded your uniform and set it down then climbed into the chair.

Dancing in the kitchen all day had exhausted you and you just wanted some sleep. You closed your eyes and made plans to go into the woods near the mountain to practice tomorrow night before heading to the club. Even if no one knew it was you, you didn't want to look like a fool. You had to practice first. Exhaustion took over and once again, you fell into a dreamless sleep.

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