Halloween One-Shot Special

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It was Halloween, my favorite holiday. The candy, scares, costumes, and attractions always made me giddy with excitement, always planning and making my carefully designed costume a month before the actual night I would wear it.

This Halloween, however, would be different. Why? The monsters were here on the surface now and have been here since May. I have to admit, the monsters startled and frightened me first, but now I can walk freely among them without feeling threatened or nervous. I actually like the monsters a lot better than humans to be honest. Monsters were nicer.

I finished the final touches to my Katniss Everdeen costume, the jacket and boots frustrating me with how they looked. I slipped on the costume and made sure everything was sewn together just right since I had made the costume from scratch. The jacket for snugly and I had my hair down in a braid ((just go with it short haired people, I also have short hair)) just like in the books.

I grabbed the gold MockingJay pin and stuck it onto the front of my jacket, checking myself in the mirror before grabbing my phone and heading out.

The city of Ebott seemed to burst to life on Halloween night, the town square being turned into a giant trunk-or-treat festival while the neighborhoods became scary horror attractions for teenagers and candy jackpots for children. I smiled as I walked into the square, the whole Halloween vibe coursing through me.

I spotted a few monsters in the backs of trucks handing out candy to small children who eagerly filled their buckets with the sweet treats. I spotted a group of humans that I knew from back in high school and waved to them, them waving back in bright colorful costumes.

I stopped in my tracks as a hayride carriage plowed in front of me, the horse's hooves clacking on the stone ground. That was close, I thought. I almost got smushed by that--

"BROTHER! THERE ARE OTHER SKELETONS HERE!" A loud voice yelled from behind me. I turned around to see a tall and short skeleton walk into the square that I could instantly recognize as monsters. The tall one was wearing some sort of battle armor that a knight in shining armor would wear while the short one wore a shirt that said '404 costume not found' with a blue jacket over it and black shorts with pink slippers.

I giggled at the tall skeleton's joy of seeing other people dressed up as skeletons. He seemed so innocent and optimistic. His brother, on the other hand, seemed to be laid back and lazy. What a weird contrast.

I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings and felt a shove hit me in the back from a passing hayride. I stumbled forward and tried to catch myself, ending up falling into a pile of hay next to the two skeleton monsters.

I heard the short one snicker when I raised my head and spit out a mouthful of hay. "are you okay?" He asked, trying to muffle his laughter and holding out his hand to help me. I gratefully grabbed it and he helped me up, his strength surprising for someone who didn't have any muscles. "Yeah, I'm fine, just need to pay attention more," I said sheepishly, pulling hay out of my hair and brushing off my clothes.

"HUMAN! ARE YOU OKAY?" The tall skeleton asked, just realizing what had happened after he turned around from talking to a bunch of humans in consume. "Yeah, I'm fine." I said again, stuffing my hands in my pockets and feeling my face flush from embarrassment. Geez Y/N, you can be such an idiot sometimes.

"what's your name? i'm sans and this is my brother papyrus." Sans said, motioning to the tall skeleton who I now knew as Papyrus. "I'm Y/N." I said, smiling at the two skeletons.

"Y/N! WOULD YOU LIKE TO COME TRICK-OR-TREATING WITH US?" Papyrus asked, hope somehow being shown in his eye sockets. I bit my lip and glanced over at Sans who just shrugged. "Why not?" I said, wondering if this was the right choice. Papyrus beamed and started running off towards one of the neighborhoods that always had good candy.

Sans started walking after him so I followed the short skeleton. "my bro gets really excited about halloween since it was such a big deal in the underground." Sans said, looking over at me. "Well, if he can get that excited I suggest you don't give him that much candy." I said, Sans chuckling beside me. "yeah, i should probably hide the candy somewhere where he wouldn't look." "Try an obvious spot, those are always the best hiding places."

Me and Sans continued talking while Papyrus kept stopping for us just to yell "HURRY!" before running off again. When we reached the neighborhood, I couldn't help liking how laid back Sans was and how easy going he seemed when talking to me.

Maybe we can be friends, I thought Sans and I watched Papyrus go up to a house. I glanced over at Sans when he wasn't looking and smiled, feeling something start to burn on my cheeks. I think I'm gonna like hanging out with this skeleton a lot.


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