21 | Back to the Surface

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Holy shit you are never going to get used to teleporting.

You and Sans reappeared in what looked like a lab, another throbbing migraine smacking you in the face. "Oh god... teleporting sucks." You groaned, Sans snickering next to you. "you'll get used to it." You gave him a look, ready to fire a sarcastic response at him before shaking your head and letting out a huff. You got a closer look around the lab and the first thing you noticed was the large screen that had views of every part of the Underground. "Creepy..." Was all you said as you narrowed your eyes at the screen.

"alphys was just really obsessed with humans at the time ever since she found the anime mew mew kissy cutie in the dump." Sans said, coming to stand beside you with a tired look on his face. "Wait, this is Alphys' lab?" Sans nodded. "But she's in high school! How...?" Sans shrugged. "down here we didn't really care what age you were to go to school, if you felt as if you had learned enough you could always drop out and use that knowledge to live your life. since alphys had finished all her schooling down here in the underground, she's been wanting more and more information ever since. now that an opportunity like the schools on the surface are available to her, she'll take it." You glanced over at Sans. "And she did." "yep."

You looked back to the large screen. "Huh, good for her then." You looked back over at Sans who looked ready to pass out. "Sans?" His skull started to droop forwards. "Sans!" You grabbed him before he could fall to the ground, soft snores coming from his sleeping body. Teleporting must be a lot of work. You groaned and put one of his arms around your shoulder, looking around the lab for somewhere to put him. You spotted a rolley chair and staggered over, Sans' weight causing your balance to be messed up.

You dropped him into the chair then looked at him, his face looking contented while he slept, soft snores coming from him. You felt your face get hot and you quickly looked away, trying to get your mind off of the sleeping skeleton behind you.

You also needed to stop blushing so much, it was getting on your nerves.

You picked up a piece of blank paper off of a cluttered desk and grabbed a pen from inside a drawer. You started to doodle and draw while sitting in another rolley chair you had found across from Sans.

Three hours later and you had filled up two whole pages of doodles and a page that was completely covered in ink from a detailed drawing that you were finishing. Your drawing skills were getting better and you smiled proudly as you held up your finished work of art. You set it down on the desk then heard Sans stir in the rolley chair. You turned around to see him looking at you with his eye sockets half-lidded, a small smile on his face. The sight made your face heat up instantly but you tried to gather your composure to shoot a sarcastic comment at him. Gotta stay sassy amiright? You were finally able to stop blushing and smirked at him. "See something ya' like?"

He chuckled and sat up, standing up from the rolley chair and stretching. "How does that even work?" Sans looked over at you. "what?" "You don't have muscles, why do you need to stretch?" Sans shrugged--that stupid skeleton shrugs at everything--and looked over at a clock. "we should get going, it's almost seven pm." You nodded and walked over to Sans' outstretched arm. You took it and closed your eyes, preparing yourself for another ride through the washing machine of space.

A flash of light later and you were groaning from pain in a long golden corridor that had artificial light streaming through stain glass windows. You looked around the corridor, the pain somewhat gone, and marveled at how pretty and shiny everything was. "This place is beautiful!" You said, gawking over the stain glass windows. You looked over at Sans who shifted uncomfortably, as if he didn't like this place. "i guess," Was all he said, glancing over at the large door in longing. Why was he so uncomfortable?

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