12 | Skeleton Dance Battle

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You walked into the kitchen after putting on your uniform, your phone and headphones in your pocket. The day had already started so you got right to work, playing music as you danced around the kitchen making food and beverages. Sans didn't come by the bar today which made you a bit disappointed. It didn't matter, you'd see him tonight at the clearing. You thought about how much money you had. Soon, you'd be able to get your own apartment. You smiled at the thought of living closer to the school, not having to run a marathon just to make it on time.

Once you finished your working hours, you went into the basement and changed in your room, dying your hair and putting on your decorated mask. After you finished getting ready, you walked upstairs and slipped out the back door. You saw the bloody puddle that was now stained into the ground, proof of where your fight had been. Or was it an assault? You weren't that good with words.

You ran towards the woods, making sure to look if anyone was following you. It was okay if your friends had seen you, but you didn't want someone else watching you and Sans dance. Just the thought of Lily watching you both made you cringe. You ran through the woods until you saw the clearing up ahead. You heard talking and stopped, hiding behind a tree while closing your eyes to enhance your hearing. You heard Sans' voice and another one that sound small and robotic, as if it were coming from a phone. You peeked around the tree and saw Sans alone, talking with someone on the phone. He seemed pissed.

"look, you said we were done so that's it! you can't just come crying back to me whenever you feel like it. don't even try convincing me, i am not taking you back." "But—" Sans hung up and sighed, closing his eye sockets and putting his phone in his pocket. His phone went off and he growled, pulling it back out and blocking the number. That was probably Lily. Wow, she was trying to get him back after that scene? She's crazy. You decided it was time to come out of your hiding spot so you stepped out from behind the tree and walked towards Sans. He noticed you and smiled, a bit of relief on his face. "Hey Sans? I don't mean to be rude but was that Lily you were talking to?" He nodded. "so you heard what i said?" You sheepishly looked away. "I'm sorry for eaves—" "it's fine, i don't care if you heard it or not, it's the truth." You nodded. "She's crazy." He chuckled. "yeah, she is. wanna go to the club tonight?" You smiled at him. "Sure, why not?"

• • •

You and Sans pushed open the doors to the club, the music deafening and the building packed. A few people greeted you and Sans then mentioned what had happened at the party. They excitedly talked about you and Sans running off then saying that a few people saw you both jump off a cliff and zoom away.

You managed to escape the crowd and walked over to the food table, picking up a Cinnamon Bunny and starting to eat. Monster food tasted 10x better than human food tibia honest. You chuckled at your pun then your eyes widened. Oh no. Sans was getting to you. You quickly finished the Cinnamon Bunny then made your way to the dance floor, looking around for your friends or Sans.

The music was suddenly cut off but you ignored it, having tunnel vision about finding your friends. You faintly heard Napstabot say something but ignored that as well. Probably wasn't too important. You were suddenly knocked out of your thoughts by people grabbing onto you. You yelped out as they picked you up above the crowd. What the hell was going on?! You moved towards the middle of the dance floor where they dropped you. You noticed Sans being dropped as well across from you and laughed. He looked so clueless. Well, so we're you but you decided to ignore that.

Napstabot smiled at you and Sans as you both stood up, the crowd walking back to give you and him lots of space on the dance floor. Wait... "Looks like the crowd has chosen the opponents for the dance battle!" "wait what?" You were thinking the same thing. You looked over at Sans who was looking back at you. You're dead. He's gonna dunk you so hard. "You know the rules so without further ado, let's get this battle started!" Napstabot yelled, the cheering roaring in agreement. You sent out a silent prayer to live as music started to play.

The song sounded so familiar... where had you heard it? Sans grinned and shook his head. "i don't believe it," He smiled mischievously at you and cracked his knuckles. "this'll be easy." Cocky much? Then you realized where you had heard it. It was a remix of Sans' ringtone... Megalovania, was it? It didn't matter, you'd beat this skeleton. It couldn't be that hard, right? I mean, he's literally skin and bones minus the skin.

Your body started to move on its own. You held your arms out as you swung out your leg, making your body twist and your back arch. You started to spin like a ballerina, your hair flying around your face. You raised your arms and held them behind your neck, using your other foot to stop yourself from spinning. You looked over at Sans who was doing one of the moves you taught him, spinning around and arching his back, putting his hand on his hip. That one always made you laugh and you realized what he was planning. You smirked and felt the beat rise. Finally. Your movements went swift as you prepared for your next dance move. Sans was preparing for his and you saw his left eye flicker blue. Shit, he was gonna use his magic. That cheater.

You slid forward as the beat dropped, Sans' eye blazing blue as he did a back handspring to avoid your leg. You heard a bone shoot towards you and grabbed it, using it like a pole vaulter would and landing behind Sans in a summersault. The pace of the song moved quicker as you felt sweat form on your face. Yes, it was tiring, but you couldn't help but smile. You spun out of the way of another flying bone and grabbed Sans' wrist, using your other elbow to flip him over. He escaped your grasp mid air and landed on his feet with one hand on the ground. He grinned at you and used another one of your moves that always made you laugh. You bit your lip to keep from laughing but you slightly let your guard down. Sans took that opportunity to swing his leg under you. You gasped then caught yourself, flipping backwards. The crowd was going wild, cheering you both on as you danced around each other.

You decided to use some moves that you knew Sans would get distracted by. You grinned mischievously which earned you a confused look from him. You put a hand on your hip and slightly arched your back, putting your other arm behind your neck and biting the edge of your lip, your eyes half-lidded. You saw Sans' face flush and you grinned, springing forward and hooking arms with him to spin him around. He unhooked arms and snapped his fingers, sending more bones flying towards you to distract you. You dodged them easily, facing Sans again. You saw a flash of light and he was gone. You stared at the place he had been, extremely confused. You felt an arm wrap around your waist and spin you around, catching you off guard. You tried to swing your legs out but Sans had already tripped you, still gripping your waist so that you'd have to fall. You fell onto your back and gasped as the air was knocked out of you. The crowd cheered as Sans stood triumphantly, then reaching down and helping you up. You laughed and took it, Sans hauling you back up on your feet. You faintly heard Napstabot in the background declaring Sans the winner but it was hard to hear over the loud crowd.

"You cheater! You used magic!" He shrugged. "nobody said it was against the rules." You laughed. "Still, I would've beaten you if you hadn't cheated." Sans grinned and rolled the white pinpricks in his eye sockets. "suuuuure you would've."

The crowd swarmed around you two, causing you to fall back into the crowd as you were pushed around. Good thing you weren't claustrophobic. You finally escaped the crowd and made a dramatic show of gasping for air. You saw Sans tumble out of the crowd a few feet next to you and roll across the floor. You laughed and watched as he stood up and brushed himself off. He must've had it worse than you since he was the winner. You looked at your watch and groaned, seeing how late it was. Why did time have to go by so fast when you were dancing? It sucked.

You smiled at Sans and pointed to your watch. "I gotta go, see you tomorrow?" Sans nodded. "clearing?" "Okay, bye Sansy!" You waved and as you turned to leave, you swore you saw Sans' face flush blue when you called him that. The thought made you smile smugly as you opened the doors to the club and ran out.

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