03 | A Moonlit Clearing

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You walked into the kitchen already dressed and prepared for the day. Grillby walked in and noticed that you were up. "Can you handle the bar while I work in the kitchen today? The grill is acting up and I need to fix it." You nodded and took the notepad and pen he handed to you. "Business isn't crazy is it?" You asked, earning a chuckle from Grillby. "It's not that crazy. You'll be fine." He patted your back then walked over to a grill. You walked into the bar and stood behind the counter, watching the door for customers to come in. You looked at your watch and read the time. 10:34. It's was pretty early for business—

The bell on the door rang and you looked up to see a human couple walk in. "Hello, how can I help you?" You asked, smiling at the couple. One of the humans walked up and leaned their elbows on the counter. "Can I get two chocolate milkshakes?" They asked as you wrote down their order. "Will that be it?" "Yup." "It'll be $3.99." They handed you a card and you swiped it in the cash register. You handed their card back and they walked off with the other human and sat down. You pinned the order on the rack to hear the door ring again. You turned to see several monsters walk in. This is gonna be a long day.

You filled out the monster's order just as more people walked in. For the rest of the day you wrote down orders and served food, being cheerful so that you could get good tips. While you were putting away an empty tray, the door rang again and you turned around, seeing the short skeleton that Grillby had talked to yesterday. You walked up to the counter and smiled at the skeleton who sat down at the bar. He leaned his elbows against the counter with a lazy grin on his face. "i'll have a ketchup bottle, thanks." A ketchup bottle? Well, if that's what he wants... You reached under the counter and pulled out a ketchup bottle, handing it to him. How much did ketchup bottles cost? You'd have to ask Grillby. "Excuse me for a moment," You smiled at the skeleton and rushed into the kitchen, seeing Grillby finish making a burger. He looked up and gave you a questioning look. "Is something wrong?" You shook your head. "Uh, how much does a ketchup bottle cost?" You asked. Grillby chuckled and put the burger on a tray. "He'll just put it on his never-ending tab."

"Thanks, oh, and does he usually drink ketchup straight from the bottle?" He nodded. "Don't let him drink too much though, it's kinda like a substitute for alcohol to him." You made an 'oh' face before rushing out of the kitchen to check on the skeleton. He was still drinking ketchup. Would that be enough to get him drunk? Shit. You screwed up. Good job Y/N. You walked up to the rack and picked up the try with the burger that Grillby had just made on it. You quickly served the burger then walked back to the bar. The skeleton set down the ketchup bottle as you made it back to the counter. He looked over at you. "you're new, right?" You turned to the skeleton and nodded. "Yeah, it's my second day actually." "cool, i didn't see you here yesterday though." "I was working in the kitchen." You motioned to the kitchen then rested your arms on the counter. "I didn't catch your name by the way." You said. "didn't throw it yet." The skeleton chuckled. Was that a...? You snickered and rolled your eyes. "But seriously, what's your name?" The skeleton picked up the ketchup bottle and raised it to his mouth. "name's sans, you?" "I'm Y/N."

You turned to a monster that had walked up to the bar. You quickly took their order before turning back to Sans. "can i ask you a question?" He put the ketchup bottle and looked at you. You shrugged. "Shoot." "do you dance?" You hesitated. "Well, uh..." Should you tell him? "Uh, no, actually... I don't." You finally said. Sans seemed to be a bit disappointed by your answer. "well, if you want, i could always teach you." You shook your head. "I'm fine. I never really was into dancing to start with." You grabbed another tray of food and walked out from behind the counter to serve to a family. While you were serving, you heard a phone ring to what sounded like game music. It was kinda catchy. You turned around and saw Sans take out his phone and hold it up to his non-existent ear.

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