31 | Our Rivals are What?!

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You and your friends were currently backstage waiting anxiously for the second stage of the competition to begin. The announcer had prepared a speech that had been going on for the past five minutes and you had almost fallen asleep during it. Like, seriously? Who prepares a boring speech before a dance competition?

"So without further ado, enjoy the show!" The announcer finally ended, the lights dimming from behind the curtain as the first group walked on stage.

You and Sans would be the fifth dancing pair to go up that night, going against some pair of dancers who liked performing tap dancing. You looked over at Mettaton and Papyrus who would be going up fourth for the night, right before you.

The music started up for the first pair of dancers but you weren't paying attention, instead you were focusing on avoiding eye contact with Asriel who kept staring at you. Creep. Chara sat motionless beside Prick 2 staring into space with a small smile on her lips that you didn't think meant good things. She was probably planning your murder.

"Next up are Y/N L/N and Comic Sans!" The announcer said into his microphone, breaking your train of thought. Had you really been spacing out for that long? It only felt like a few seconds.

When you and Sans stepped onto the stage, the audience erupted in cheers and whistling, clearly giving a sign that meant the crowd loved you and Sans. You smiled at the thought and gave the hand motion to start the song, turning to face Sans as the music started.

You and him danced with and around each other, the upbeat song giving you quite a workout. The crowd would go crazy whenever you or Sans would perform a tricky move, doing it effortlessly after many hours of practice. The song ended before you knew it with you and Sans posing, panting heavily with sweat on your foreheads.

You smiled and took a small bow then walked off stage with Sans after almost being applauded to death. Who knew clapping could be so loud?

You felt your eyes start to close from being exhausted so you let them, leaning back into the chair you had just sat in and letting sleep come.

• • •

"y/n, wake up, they're about to call out who moves on." You heard Sans say while being shaken awake. You yawned and stood up, following the rest of the dancers back onto the stage where four dancing pairs would be eliminated. Even though you had just woken up and felt like crap, you were waiting in anticipation while the announcer turned away from the judges with a smile.

"Eight dancers will be leaving tonight, but who will it be?" The crowd was silent and watching with excitement, anxious to see who would be eliminated. You were also anxious, your palms sweaty and your lip suffering from your teeth biting it so much. "The first dancers that'll be leaving tonight are . . ." He said the names, thankfully none of them yours or your friends. Maybe you all would--

"Papyrus and Mettaton, it's sad to see you two go!" The announcer exclaimed, causing the crowd to agree with sad faces. Your eyes widened and you looked over to where Papyrus and Mettaton stood, both of their faces a bit shocked before Papyrus' was replaced by a smile. "THAT'S OKAY! THE COMPETITION WAS AMAZING TO PARTICIPATE IN AND I LOVED EVERY SECOND OF IT!" The announcer grinned at Papyrus' enthusiasm before turning towards the camera and giving the sign-off speech.

Everyone walked backstage where you and your friends immediately rushed over to Papyrus and Mettaton. "I'm so sorry y-you had to b-be eliminated!" Alphys said, giving Mettaton a sad look. He brushed it off with a wave of his hand as a grin covered his robotic face. "Oh darling, it's clear why me and Papy were eliminated, we were just too fabulous!" He exclaimed striking a pose while holding onto Papyrus. "YEAH! THEY COUDLN'T HANDLE OUR GREATNESS!" He's such a sweet cinnamon roll!

"y/n, i need to tell you something." Sans mumbled, your friends oblivious while chatting with each other. "Sure, what's wrong?" You asked, walking over to a corner with Sans. He turned to you with a frown. "something happened to a pair of dancers while you were asleep, one of the dancers was trying to mess up their partner's moves." You gave him a puzzled look. "Why would they do that?" He shrugged. "i dunno, but i noticed that their eyes were red." There it was again. Red eyes.

You narrowed your eyes at Sans, a thought forming in your mind. "Where was Chara and Asriel at when it happened?" You asked. "they weren't there," he said, confirming your suspicions. Somehow, someway, those two were the cause of what was going on to those two dancers. And possibly more soon to come.

"SANS! HUMAN Y/N! ARE YOU TWO READY TO GO?" Papyrus called from over where he stood, your friends already making their way towards the exit. "Coming!" You called in reply, you and Sans rushing over to catch up to your friends.

• • •

After finishing getting ready for bed, you plopped down on the mattress in your pajamas while Sans was in the bathroom brushing his teeth. Hey, when you're a skeleton, that's kinda important.

"So," you started when Sans walked out of the bathroom in a white tshirt and black gym shorts. "Can you tell me a bit more about Chara and Asriel?" Sans sat down on the bed across from you and seemed to think over your request before nodding. "i guess, but when i tell you this, i promise that it's one hundred percent true." You snorted. "What, are they secretly tooth fairies?" Sans gave you a look that made you snort again.

"anyways," he started, laying down on top of the bed next to you. "i'll start with chara first. she's not exactly your normal girl if you haven't already noticed. she likes death, knives, and chocolate and would probably do anything to get any of those three things. but she's not strange just because of how she acts, it's who she is. i won't try and sugar-coat it so i'll stick with just plain out telling you." Sans turned his skull to look you in the face. "she's a demon."

It took you a second to register what he said before you gave him an uncertain smile. "Uh, what?" "she's a demon who was originally a human but died. she lost her soul making her basically an emotionless killer who liked to posses people and do her bidding." He gave you a look. "it's kinda complicated if i were to go through all the details." You nodded slowly. "Well fuck." Sans laughed. "yup, we're competing against a demon." "Anyways, what about Asriel? Is he a demon too?" Sans shook his head. "he's the ultimate god of hyper death who can shoot rainbow lasers and shit."

You burst out laughing, clutching your gut and falling back onto the bed. "The Ultimate God of Hyper Death? That's great!" You laughed out, Sans joining in. "he's all about 'hopes' and 'dreams'." Sans said after managing to calm down. "Well guess he's not much of a threat then. Just gotta watch out for Prick One over there." You chuckled, laying down on the bed and pulling the covers over you.

"yup, and we're gonna rub it in their faces when we win." Sans said while climbing underneath the covers next to you. "You're so mean." He smirked and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you towards him. You moved your head up and gave him a kiss, snuggling back down into the warmth of the covers afterwards. Sans chuckled and rested his non-existent chin on your head, moonlight leaking through the windows. "whatever happens in the competition, i won't let chara or asriel hurt you." Sans whispered right as your eyes were closing. You smiled and let sleep tug you down, your chest starting to slowly rise as you fell into a dreamless rest.

+ + +

Sorry for the short and crappy chapter, an hour ago I had looked at the time and realized how late it was and went "oh shit!" since I forgot to update.

I'm such a great author.

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