35 | Conflicts Resolved (I Guess?)

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Beep . . .

Beep . . .

Beep . . .

You groggily opened your eyes, the annoying beeping sound rousing you from your sleep.

Beep . . .

Groaning a bit with the effort, you sat up using your elbows to find that you were in a small hospital bed. Confusion passed over your face as you looked to the left to see a heart monitor beside your bed that had wires attaching to your arms.

Beep . . .

Why were you in the hospital? Had something happened? The last thing you remembered was--

Your eyes widened and a gasp escaped your lips, your hand flying to your head and grasping your skull, remembering Chara possessing you and almost killing Sans. Your other hand moved to your chest to find that it had a large white bandage around it where you had been hurt in the crash. Your head was aching from all that you had been through and your limbs were sore from the battle with Sans.

Speaking of Sans, you heard a soft snore to your right and you turned your head, noticing that Sans was asleep in the chair next to you. Tears pricked your eyes as memories from the previous day started coming back about Sans being possessed and all that jazz. You let out a cry and tackled Sans in a hug, stirring him from his sleep to find you clinging onto him.

"y/n," he said, hugging you back and burying his face into the crook of your neck. You let tears fall down your face and squeezed your eyes shut, burying your face into his shoulder to try and block out your thoughts. "I'm so sorry, I-- I almost killed you and if I hadn't of been so stupid and gone out there in the rain--" "shush, none of it was your fault." You glared at nothing in particular as several arguments started forming in your head.

"No, I--" "i'm not listening~" Sans said in a sing-song voice. You pulled away from the hug to find an amused look on his face. "Sans--" "la la la la~" he continued, shooting a cheeky grin at you. You laughed and shook your head, laying back down in the hospital bed.

"So, what happened after . . ." You trailed off, looking over at Sans. "well," he started, taking your hand and starting to trace your fingers. "the whole place was evacuated and police and medics came in to take you and chara away. i managed to follow them and then convinced them here at the hospital to let me stay with you. chara was taken to her own hospital room before the police came in to question her since she had woken up a few minutes after she had arrived. i made sure to be there while she was answering questions, making sure she told the truth. she was too weak to fight back against me if she lied so everything turned out okay," Sans chuckled, glancing over at a clock.

"after that, chara was sent home with asriel and toriel to go and get thera--" "Wait, Toriel? Our teacher? Why was she there?" You asked, giving Sans a confused look. "toriel is chara and asriel's mother," he said simply, a look of amusement passing over his face at your shocked expression. 

"Wait what? Did I miss something for the past, I dunno, three months?" you joked, causing Sans to laugh. "yeah, i probably should've told you about that, sorry." You waved his apology off. "Nah, you're fine." You bit the bottom of your lip and clasped both of your hands together. "Okay, so uh, this may be a bad time, but, did anyone win? Or was it all called off."

Sans looked at you before laughing, an annoyed look on your face from his reaction. "I didn't think it was that funny," you said, crossing your arms over your chest. Sans stopped laughing but an amused grin was still on his face. "sorry, and to answer your question--"


You turned to face the door to see Papyrus, Mettaton, Alphys, Undyne, and Frisk standing in the doorway with relieved smiles on their faces. Papyrus ran over to you and pulled you into a hug, instant pain spreading over your chest. You let out a small cry causing Papyrus to quickly back away with a worried look on his face. "OH DEAR! DID I HURT YOU? I'M SO SORRY!" Papyrus cried, orange luminescent tears forming in his eye sockets.

You let a laugh and shook your head, reaching over and pulling him closer for a small hug. "I'm fine, just make sure you don't, er, crush people to death with your hugs." Papyrus hugged you back -- gently this time -- before pulling away with his same smile he always wore. "THE GREAT PAPYRUS CAN TOTALLY DO THAT!" 

You snickered at his words before all the air was knocked out of you by a certain human crushing you to death with her hugs. "What did I just say!" you yelled, Frisk laughing before pulling away. "Sorry, wasn't listening, and wow," Frisk said, a look passing over her face. "Chara really went all out, huh." She pointed to the bandage on your chest. You looked down at the bandage. "Uh, actually, this was from when I crashed the motorbike into an alle--" "WHAT?!" Everyone yelled.

You tried calming everyone down. "I'm okay now! See!" Sans grabbed your arm and turned you around to face him. "why didn't you tell me this earlier?" You gave him a look. "Uh, I kinda couldn't." It took Sans a few seconds to realize what you meant. "oh." You snickered. "Yeah."

"Anyways, guess what!" Undyne yelled, leaning against the hospital bed frame. "You and Sans won!" Sans shot her a look. "i was going to tell her right before all you guys burst in." You grinned and gave Sans a look. "You're so childish." 

"Ooh! Can I go get the trophy?" Mettaton asked, not waiting for an answer as he strutted out of the room to come back a few seconds later holding a huge metal trophy with the words "1st Place Winners" etched into the metal. "It's glorious," you said, holding out your arms to take the huge trophy. "Holy shi-- er, crap this ways a ton!" you said, suddenly noticing that the prize money was in the cup of the trophy.

You let out an unattractive squeal and leaned towards Sans, placing your lips on his teeth causing his face to go blue in surprise. Undyne laughed before quickly ushering everyone out of the room to leave you and Sans alone. 

You cupped your hands around his face and felt his arms slide around your waist, your face burning with blush. You pulled away with a smile, Sans wrapping you in a hug after letting out a laugh.

"well, i didn't expect that to happen," Sans said, amusement and a sheepish tone in his voice. You chuckled and started tracing your fingers on the back of his skull, the cold bone smooth underneath your fingers.

"How long do you think I'll be here?" Sans thought for a few seconds before opening his mouth to speak. "should be getting out later today, then we'll go back home and . . . well, do life and whatever." You laughed at his words. "And then what? When we get back home? What is this 'do life' that you speak of?"

Sans smiled and pulled away from the hug, resting his forehead on yours. "i guess we'll just, keep doin' what were doing," he said, smiling softly. "and that's listening to the music."

+ + +


Okay, so, no, this is not the end yet. We've still got the Epilogue and then we're done. The Epilogue will be published right after this one by the way since I had all of you wait an entire week. I'll also be posting the Final Author's Note too.

So yeah.


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