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Megan Dalton

"What? No! Roy we can't-you can't do this! We've been together for two years! Are you sure about this? You told me me we're forever! You're-you're just drunk. You love me, baby! I know you do! Please Roy, please!!!", in tears and on the phone, I begged Roy. Roy and I have been officially dating from freshman to sophomore year and now in this very time, he's... breaking up with me.

"I... I'm so sorry Meggy... It's just not working for us both, you know? I'm sorry, I'm sorry I know I'm a dick but... I fell out of love for you. Anya, she's special." with those words of his, I felt like it's the end of the world. That the tornado had swallowed me whole. That the world was against me and I have nobody to consider as an ally. My heart felt heavier and heavier. I felt a pang in my heart. Like a frying pan is hitting you on your chest. It hurts... Really hurts so bad but just like what the professor had said to Bubbles, if you really love something, let it go.

I sighed loudly but out of all the crying, I hiccuped. "W-why Roy? Why? Where did I go wrong? Didn't I.... Didn't I love you enough?"

"Look Megs, it's me. It's not you. It's just that I don't feel the same way anymore. I'm sorry Megs..."

I had enough. He doesn't love me like he used to. Why does this even happen? Is this what i get for letting love dominate my world?

"Roy... I... I love you so so much!" I cried, "but it hurts that you can't say it back to me now. O-okay Roy. We're... D-done."

"I'm sorry Megs... Goodbye... I'll always be here for you..."

I dropped the call so that I can't hear his voice again. It's over. I lie in my bed and cried to myself...

Roy Davis... I love you so much Why? WHY?!?! Why did I have to go through this hell?! I thought everything was perfect! Everything was! My world came crashing down in just a matter of seconds.

I cried for it seems like hours until I couldn't hold it no more.

I look into the window and looked at the sky.

"I'll never fall in love again. Never. Never Again."



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I love you guysssss! :*

-Pami 💙

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