Chapter 18: You Make Me Feel Special

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Chapter 18: You Make Me Feel Special

Megan Dalton

Going back to school is really mixing up my emotions like mixing alcoholic drinks. I feel like I’m eager to go but then I’m having a little nostalgia session because I really missed my gal pals and my boyf—oh wait, Matt’s not my boyfriend.

The second I got out of my car, I was enveloped in a bone-crushing hug by my best friends.

“Meg! It’s so great to see you!” Wynn told me, pulling back from the hug we just demonstrated in front of the whole student body. Nonetheless, these people won’t care. Wait, why are there balloons on the lamp posts?

“It’s great seeing you guys too!” I reply, smiling brightly.

“Oh and before I even forget, Happy Valentine’s Day!” I stare at McKenna. It’s Valentine’s Day? Why didn’t I know that?

Oh wait, I totally forgot that I banned that out in my world. Valentine’s Day is one of the events I don’t look forward to. Wanna know why? I was the one to discover my dad had another woman on that day. Roy and I went to a fancy restaurant and there I saw him with that disgusting clingy woman. That was the day that started the breakdown of our family. Pretty depressing, huh? But I pretty much lived throughout it. No biggie.

The four of us stare into each other and then laugh.

“Seriously dude, I forgot!” Wynn said.

“Well, I didn’t. In fact, I’ve got a date to the Masquerade ball!” Nicole squealed for the first time in forever. She’s got a date! I’m so proud of my nigga!

“You made plans with the masquerade ball and then you decided not to inform us? Nicole… You’re pathetic.” Wynn glared at Nicole and then walked off.

“I—I better go. After her. See you guys later.” McKenna told us two and followed my dear friend. Sigh, it’s my first day back to school and then this is what greets me at the entrance? Well hello there trouble. What the hell are you doing to my life? Can you just leave my fucking life alone?

“I better go too. I’m—I’m sorry Megan.” And then Nicole went off too. Seriously guys? You’re making me feel like a loner! Well, maybe I am. Megan, the girl who’s bound to be alone. The bitch that changed because a guy broke her heart. What a heart-warming story! Note the effin’ sarcasm there.

There’s too many drama. I can’t handle this. What the fuck. It’s my first day to school and then they leave me? Some friends they are.

“What the fuck!” I cussed when a figure hugged me from the back. Then the stranger whispered, “Miss me?”

Oh, he’s not a stranger. He’s my baby. Wait, he’s my guy. My whatever.

I chuckle, “Matt, we saw each other yesterday!” He faces me with that goofy smile he has. “Do you want to come to a Valentine masquerade ball tonight? Bella Alvarez is the organizer.” Matt told me.

Bella is one of my friends in dance club. She’s really a popular girl in school and she throws the most amazing parties. Tonight she’s holding a Valentine party exclusive for the Winscosten High students. She has it all—fame, money, hot boyfriend (school’s football captain, Max Bennett; senior), beautiful face and beautiful attitude. She treats everyone fairly. She’s not the famewhore some schools have. She’s the kindest person I know.

“Sure but where is it held?” I ask him.

“Near the cliff.” I punch him in his bicep which made him yelp. Good lord, not the cliff!

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