Chapter 38: Raping the Annoyance

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Chapter 38: Raping the Annoyance

Megan Dalton

It's been months of planning my wedding and yeah, I've never been busier. Appointments here and there, man I'm tired. I have to attend them alone though. Matt is still having his chemotherapy and his MRIs.

Right now, I'm on the phone with Wynn and yeah, she's calling me for some fashion tips. When she told me that, I was shocked. She never made me pick her clothes. But right now, I don't know, I just went with the current.

"So now what? I'm torn between floral and the little black dress!" She whined at me.

"What're you going to go to?"

"Just a party of Theo's friend. I'm so not wise with picking clothes right now," She whines more and I swear if she were here, I already punched her. Luckily, she isn't.

"Floral. A little black dress is too slutty, in my opinion," And I heard Wynona sigh in delight.

"Thank you so much, Meggy!" Aww, don't mention it. "I'll make it up to you. bye." And just like that, she pressed end. I put my phone on my charging dock and lay in my bed. What am I gonna do for today?

Because it's my rest day, I got the time to myself. I want to visit my Matt but he has MRI right at this moment so yeah, I'm totally confined in my four-wall bedroom for the rest of the day.

I get up from my bed, letting a throw pillow fall in the process. I groaned and picked it up then because of laziness, I decided to carry it with me. I passed my bookshelf and saw something shiny. No, it's something wrapped in shiny wrapper. Wait, what is this?

I pick it up and saw that it was a present. It had a little card in it so I read.

I know, I know, you're not here anymore but I thought of you when I saw this book. It's all poems and they bore me out but when I read it, I felt closer to you. I love you so much, even if you left. Happy reading. Xx Matt

Why haven't I noticed this before? I wish I didn't leave. Guilt is present, again. He placed it here a year before. I open the gift, tearing up the wrapper and I was awestruck with the book.

Lullabies by Lang Leav.

I've been wanting this book for months but I was either too busy or too lazy to go to the bookstore. I squealed in delight and plopped myself on the bed. I decided to read.

I was reading the story Patience when my phone rang. Who is it this time?

I look at it and saw Aki's picture. I smiled and picked it up, "Yo nigga!" I tell her.

"Who're you calling a nigga?" She asked defensively and then we both cracked up.

"Oh my god, it's so good to hear from you!" I tell her. "My wedding's in two months, oh my god."

"I know! That's why I called you. I'm going shopping for you wedding day, help me decide what color and style?" Okay, when did I become a fashion guru? Oh, just now.

"Okay," I replied, out of habit.

"What do you suggest?"

"Why me?"

"Because it's your wedding?"


"So yeah, I know you love red but it just doesn't go with me. What should I wear?"

I think about it, "Plum."

"What? Flan? Leche Flan?" She asked.

"Ye-No! Plum. It's kind of a dull violet," I'm getting frustrated by this planning and all.

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