The Surprise

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We arrived at the flat and Sam's eyes grew wide. Me and Dan walked in and Sam just stood at the door. Will and Kyle had to go, so it was just me, Dan and Sam. I giggled as I pulled her inside. Dan had wandered off somewhere and I pulled Sam to the sofa. We sat there just staring at each other.

"My god, I've missed you so much Lil" Sam sighed.

"I missed you too" I smiled.

"So, what have you been up to then?" She asked sweetly.

"Not much, I mean today we just went-" she cut me off.

"I mean the past three months, silly" she laughed.

"Oh, um, well nothing. We all had our phones confiscated until the weekend and then we only got a few hours on it. It was pretty rubbish because I had no signal. We weren't allowed to leave, we weren't even allowed to go to school. They just had some stupid tutor that would hit us all the time. It was hell Sam." I said with tears in my eyes. I blinked them away. "But it's alright now, because I've got Dan" I smiled.

"I'm so sorry" she hugged me tightly. "Dan seems really nice, I knew he would be, but I mean, like I've only seen you for like an hour or something but from these story's of your past three months, I can tell he's changed you, you're becoming more like your old self again"

"Yeah, Dan is really great" I giggled.

"I know, I'm amazing!" Dan laughed sitting between Sam and myself. "Here" Dan handed Sam two tickets to the show at the O2 academy in London.

She smiled from ear to ear. "Oh, wow, ah, thank you so much" she smiled.

"No problem" Dan said. I could tell by his voice that he was smiling.

"Lil, can you come with me, I have a spare ticket" Sam said winking.

I looked at Dan and he put his finger on his lips. I guess he wanted me performing to be a surprise.

"Sorry, I'll be with Dan before the concert." I smiled. Dan winked at me and my heart fluttered.

"Yeah, sorry I would get you a backstage pass, but according to Will, the last one sold about an hour ago" Dan said sweetly.

"Oh, no, it's fine! I mean these tickets are more than enough, do you want me to pay for them or?" Sam asked.

"Oh, my treat" Dan laughed.

"Wow, you're really nice" she giggled.

"Am I?" Dan asked turning to me. By the tone in his voice, he sounded quite surprised, which made me surprised.

"Yeah" I smiled. Dan's face brightened up as he smiled back.

Sam's phone rang, interrupting us. I laughed out loud because her ringtone was Pompeii, like mine was. We set it as both our ringtones ages ago. She laughed and her cheeks reddened. I could tell she was so embarrassed, just like I was yesterday. Dan looked at his hands nervously.

"Hello?" Sam said into her phone. "Okay... Okay... Yeah... Fine! Bye" she snapped her phone off angrily.

"Who was it?" I laughed.

"My mum" she sighed. "I'm so sorry, but I have to go, my mum needs me to look after my brother"

"Brother?" I asked. She didn't have a brother...

"Yeah, my parents had a baby, I tried to call you but I couldn't get through, he's called Alex" she smiled.

"Aww, congratulations!" I laughed.

"Hmm, he's a real pain in the ass" she laughed getting up from the sofa. "I'll see you later"

I stood up and hugged her tightly. "See you" I said into her hair.

She turned to Dan. "Thanks so much for the tickets, I really appreciate it" she smiled.

"Sure, you're welcome" Dan smiled hugging her.

When he pulled away her cheeks were bright red and she looked down smiling. She laughed, slightly embarrassed and walked to the door. Dan followed her and I followed him. Dan opened the door and held it whilst Sam walked out.

"Bye" she waved getting into the lift.

"See ya" I waved.

The doors to the lift closed and we walked back inside.

"She seems nice" Dan said. At first I ought he was joking but the tone in his voice was genuine.

"Yeah, she is" I smiled.

Dan walked towards the kitchen.

"Hungry?" He asked.

"Sure" I smiled walking over to the kitchen.

He threw me a large bag of Doritos. I caught them and opened them. I took out about a handful and passed them to Dan. As he shoved two triangles into his mouth I spoke, breaking the silence.

"Hey, thanks for the tickets" I said.

"No problem" Dan smiled shoving a few more Doritos into his mouth.

"No, I mean I really appreciate it, and I'm sorry for like, barging in with Sam, I-I've not seen her since the day my uncle was killed so I was-" Dan cut me off.

"Your uncle was killed? Lil! Why didn't you tell me?" He said bringing me into a hug.

"I-I don't know. I-I didn't feel the need to" I said leaning my chin against his shoulder.

"You know, you can tell me anything, right?" Dan said pulling away.

"Sure, I know that" I smiled taking another handful from the bag of Doritos.

"Okay" he smiled and his face suddenly lit up with an idea. "Come" he demanded grabbing my hand and pulling me out the door.

"Dan! Where are we going!" I said as he dragged me into the lift.

"Shhh, it's a secret" he laughed.

When the doors opened he lifted me off my feet and flung me over his shoulder.

"Dan!" I squealed. "Dannnn I can walk, you know" I said slapping his back lightly.

"I know" he laughed, but he didn't put me down.

"Daannn" I moaned as we carried in walking.

I looked up and saw people staring as Dan carried me to god knows where. I buried my face into his back to hide my embarrassment. He finally let me down but covered my eyes before I could see anything.

"Okay, shh, don't say anything, just keep quiet" Dan whispered into my ear and I smiled.

He lead me inside. I could tell because I could no longer hear the voices of people on the streets and the cars. Plus it was warmer.

"Taadaa" Dan said lifting his hands from my eyes.

I blinked a few times and then let my eyes focus. I gasped and a large smile spread across my face.

"Wow" I said looking out into the empty O2 academy.

"Do you like it?" He asked draping his arm around my shoulder and pulling me closer to him.

"Are you kidding! I love it!" I laughed turning to Dan.

"I don't know why I brought you here, I just thought it'd be nice for you to see what it'll be like." Dan said leaning the side of his head against mine and his hair tickled my face.

"It's huge" I laughed nervously.

"It's not that bad" he chuckled. "It'll be great filled with people"

"Don't you get nervous?" I asked shyly.

"Oh, all the time, but when I'm performing, I try not to think about it and just enjoy myself. Are you nervous?" He asked lifting his head from mine and looking into my eyes.

"Yes" I admitted.

"I understand, when I started performing, at the end of the gig I'd sort of mutter 'we've been Dan Smith' and the audience would be a bit confused, because I was so shy so I couldn't really speak to the audience..." Dan laughed.

I giggled and looked back at the large space, that would soon be filled with people.



"Are you sure you don't mind me playing with you?" I asked shyly.

"Not at all! You're amazing!" He laughed.

"But will the audience be okay with it? I mean they'll be turning up to see you and I'll come and ruin the whole thing" I sighed.

"You won't ruin it! Don't be daft! You're great, they'll love you" he laughed kissing my temple. I blushed heavily and looked away.

"Thanks" I smiled.

"Okay, try this" Dan said smiling and stepping forward. "Icarus is flying to close to the sun" he sang. His voice echoed from the walls, it sounded great.

"Icarus's life, it has only just begun" I sang.

I giggled when it sounded surprisingly good.

"This is how it feels to take a fall" Dan sang.

"Icarus is flying towards an early grave" I sang.

We laughed and I ran up to the edge of the stage. I have always wanted to jump from a stage. Even though there was no people there to catch me I think I can still make it, without breaking my angle or something.

"What are you doing?" Dan laughed as I peered over the edge of the stage.

"Wait" I laughed putting my hand up to him, I took my glasses off and placed them on the floor.

I stepped back and ran. When I reached the edge of the stage I leapt into the air. I rolled as I landed and stood up.

"Woo!" I shouted jumping in the air.

"Why did you do that?" Dan laughed as I walked back up to the edge of the stage.

"Because it looked fun" I giggled looking up at him. "I've always wanted to be stood right at the front at a Bastille concert." I paused with a smile on my face. "Aahh it's Dan Smith!" I screamed, not too loud though, as Dan was stood right in front of me and the whole arena was silent.

Dan laughed, passing me my glasses and holding his hand out.

I smiled and took his hand. He pulled me up and I laughed as I got to my feet.

"Mr muscle" I laughed prodding his upper arm and slipping my glasses on.

He laughed and turned to the edge of the stage. He smiled and started walking off stage. I followed willingly.

Thanks for reading and voting! I really appreciate it :) I'll try and update soon :)

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