South Δfrica

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We climbed into the already full taxi and I put my head on Dan's shoulder as we were driving to pick Will and Coop up.

"I'm tired" I moaned.

"You're always tired" Dan laughed.

"I know, but today I'm even more tired" I sighed.

"Well you better get some caffeine, in you girl because we're going to South Africa!" Kyle yelled.

We cheered as we pulled up to Will's. He was standing on the curb next to Coop and his girlfriend and Awuoi. They kissed their girlfriends goodbye and shoved their suitcases into the boot before climbing into the taxi.

We soon made it to the airport. We checked in then headed to security.

"Oh god, I hate security" I mumbled, grabbing Dan's arm.

"Why?" Dan asked.

"I don't know, they just scare me and the metal detector thing has gone off once when I walked through and it was terrifying! I was like 'I've not got anything I swear' and they patted me down and urgh, they just scare me" I shivered.

"Well if you've not got anything then you shouldn't be scared" Dan laughed.

"I know, but I still get scared" I laughed shyly.

We loaded our carry-ons into the trays and took off our shoes.

"Sir please remove your belt" The security guard told Dan.

Dan took his belt off then gave me a terrified look.

"What?" I laughed.

"My jeans are going to fall down" he laughed.

"Oh my god" I put my head in my hands and laughed, shaking my head.

I turned round to see the whole Bastille team behind us.

"Lady's first" the security guard smiled, signalling for me to go through.

I held my breath as I walked through the metal detector. When the guard smiled and waved me through I let out the breath I'd been holding. Dan followed shortly behind, holding his pants up and looked like he let out a breath when he walked through.

"Thank god" we laughed. "I would have died if embarrassment if it went off" Dan laughed.

"Right I need my belt ASAP" he laughed rushing over to the trays.

I put my shoes and my hoodie back on and watched as the others walked through the metal detector. Coop walked through, then Sam, then Will, then Dick, then Greg, then Woody and Kyle was next.


I burst out laughing as Kyle's eyes widened and was instructed to go to the side where a big security guard was standing. He held his arms up and kept the terrified look on his face as the guard patted him down. We were all laughing at Kyle as he hurried back to us.

"Oh my god that was terrifying" He breathed.

We all laughed as he put his shoes back on. We walked out into the main area and Kyle and I squealed.

"Shopping!" we high fived and ran off into WHSmith.

"Guys!" someone called from behind us.

We turned round and Dick told us to come back. We frowned and walked out of the shop sulking.

"You two are like children" Will laughed.

"I am a child!" Kyle and I yelled.

"Jinx!" Kyle yelled.

Things We Lost To The FlΔmes (BΔSTILLE fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now