Meeting For The First Time

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When I woke up , I knew today was going to be stressful but I said to myself that I will survive at whatever this day offers .

I got up from bed , and went to do my morning necessities and got ready for  work . I headed to work and stopped off to get his coffee .

When I was standing in front of the building ,  my nerves started to kick in . I took a couple of deep breathes and went inside and took the elevator .

I went up on my floor and knocked on the door . There was no answer . I knocked again but still no answer . I went inside and saw my boss talking on the phone .

I put his coffee on his table and I was  about to leave when he finished his call and called my name but not by my last name but by my first name , which kind of surprised me .

"Yes , sir ," I said .
"Uhmm, thank you for the coffee ," He said .
"No problem sir ," I said .

I was about to go to the door when a hand stopped me .
"Wait ," He said .
"Yes , sir is there anything else that you need ?" I asked .

"Yes actually , you ," He said .
" Excuse me , but I find that -
I was cut off by him putting his lips on mine . My lips betrayed my mind and kissed him back .
We pulled away from each other for breathe when his speaker box on his desk snapped us out of our hot moment .

"Sir , there is -
But before Stacy could continue speaking , the door burst open which caused me and Luke to pull away from each other .
The person that opened the door was a very tall girl but not Luke ''s height . I think it's the shoes .

The person said "Hey babe " and ran to Luke and kissed him .
The word "babe "and the kiss made me so angry because  Luke kissed her back but in front of me .

I cleared my thorat which luckily got them to pull away .
"Ohh uhm j - Ms . Hope this is Amber my fiance and Amber this is Ms . Hope my PA ".

What caught my attention the most was the word "fiance"  .
That six letter word right there made my heart shatter to pieces .

Welcome Amber , to the triangle of Luke and Jessica hope you enjoy the crazy ride

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