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I was walking for a very long time that I discovered a beautiful peaceful place where you can  sit and think or watch the waves .
I saw the sky was  getting really dark   so I decided to head back to the house .

When I got back , I saw Luke and Sasha having a very interesting conversation . And when I mean conversation , I mean they weren't even talking . They were just there ,  on the couch ,  kissing .

I didn't want to bother them , so I went up to my room and put on some  comfortable clothes and went to bed with one thing that kept being repeated in mind which was , "This is  the worst day ever ".

******A few weeks later *****

I was currently watching TV when I heard the door open and  Luke and Sasha  walked in , laughing  .
I didn't bother to say hi to them since they have been treating me like I was invisible to them .
I kept watching TV when Luke said ,  "Ohh hi Jessica , you are back from your walk from the beach already ".

That really hurt , since that was a few weeks ago . Instead of replying to him , I got up from the couch , took my plate that was on the table and put it in the sink and went straight upstairs and closed the door behind me .

*****"5 hours *****

I was watching TV after I took a nap when there was a knock on the door . The door opened  and in came in Luke and Sasha .
They sat on the bed in front of the tv blocking my view .
I wanted to move but Luke said "We are bored ".

I went off the bed and onto the floor and continued to watch TV .
The TV turned off and Luke asked ,  "Why are you ignoring us ".
I went to get my phone but Luke took my hand and held onto it. 
"Let go of me ," I said trying to break free .
"No , not until you tell us why you are ignoring us ," He said. 

I have soooooo many reasons why I am ignoring you but I can't tell you I said in my head .
"No ," I said.
"Why ?" He asked.
"Cause I don't want to ," I said.
"Why don't you want to ?' He asked .
"Ughhh !  Because I don't want you to know , now let me go ," I said in fustration .
"Okay , but can you tell us something we can do ," I said.
"I can't help you , now leave ," I said.
"Please ," Luke said begging .

" I don't know , bake or something ," I said.
"I love to bake let's do that ," Sasha said .
"Okay ," Luke said letting go of me .

***2 hours later ***

I went downstairs for a glass of water before I went to bed . I went to the kitchen and got a glass . When I got my water , I heard Sasha say , "Hey Jessica , you should try my cupcakes I made ".
"No thanks , I am not hungry ," I said.
"Jessica , you should eat one it tastes really good and besides you haven't been eating properly for the past few weeks ," Luke said.

The last few parts of Luke 's sentence got me . Ohh , so he could notice it has been a  few weeks but you can't  notice me . This time I couldn't take it anymore . I had to say something to at least tell them .

I was really angry , so what I did was I  put the glass in the sink before I broke it and said in an angry tone almost shouting ,  "For your information , I been eating peferctly fine for these past few weeks . Maybe you would notice that if the two of you stop ignoring me ".

With that I left , stomping up the stairs and slamming the door in the process . I calmed down after a while and went to sleep thinking "This is going to be a long month " .

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