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*****The Next Day *****

I woke up and found myself tangled with someone . I looked up and saw it was Luke .

I smiled and then blushed at the thought of what happened yesterday . I couldn't believe that we confessed  our love for each other . I felt like I was on top of the world and nothing could take me down .

I didn't know I was still staring at him and I also didn't notice when he woke up either  because he said "Enjoying yourself there ," He said in a morning voice .

I didn't say anything . I just kept on smiling at him . He smiled back and laughed saying "Why are smiling at me ".
"Nothing , I just still am shocked ," I said.
"Shocked about what ?" He asked.

That kinda of hurt , because he didn't remember a thing about yesterday .
"Remember , you told me that you -

I got cut off by the sound of the door bell being rung .
"I should get that ," He said as he got out of the bed.

He untangled himself from me leaving me in bed still shocked that he doesn't remember .
I got off the bed and followed him to the living room to see who was at  the door .

He opened the door , and I saw a girl that was about my height but was not near as tall as Luke .
"Hey ," She said .
Luke , picked her up from where she was standing and gave her a hug and a very long  kiss .

That hurt so much  again because those lips he used to kiss me last night is the lips he is kissing her with .
I felt like my heart broke into pieces again .

I wanted to go back upstairs but they pulled away from each other before I could escape from them .
"Jessica , this is Sasha , my girlfriend. Sasha ,  this is Jessica my PA ," Luke said introducing us to each other . 
"Hi ,  it's nice to meet you ," I said shaking her hand. 

"Nice to meet you too ," She said .
"I should leave you too alone . I'm going to freshen up ," I said.
"Okay ," Luke said.
I went upstairs and closed the door behind me really quietly .

I went to my closet and picked out an outfit to wear . I went inside the bathroom and closed the door and turned around and said to myself ....
Breathe in .
Breathe out .

I felt a tear slip through my closed eye lids and then I wiped them off and said "Jessica you are not going to cry  over him ," to myself .
I did my morning stuff and went downstairs to a couple laughing  .
I headed  through the back door to the  beach when I heard "Wait " by Luke .

I turned around and forced a smile on my face and said "Yes ,".
"Where are you  going ?" He asked.
"I am going to explore what is beyond the beach ," I said.
"Okay , just don't come back late ," He said
"Okay ," I said as I walked out the back door.

"Ohh wait , we made you breakfast ," Luke said.
"It's okay .  Thanks but I am not hungry ," I said.

"Okay well bye ," He said.
With that I went on the beach thinking to myself saying what have I gotten myself into .

I felt like I was dethroned by falling of on top of the world by his girlfriend Sasha .

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