The Invitation

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*****Two Months After ********

Let me give you a brief summary of my life for the past two months .
My life has just been me going to get coffee for my boss . The constant flirting and misunderstandings between my boss . And that's basically it .

I was finished working on my work that I was suppose to do . I got up from my chair , and went to my boss office to clarify some things with him . I didn't bother knocking and just went straight in .
I instantly regretted doing that when I said "Sir , the meeting with Mr . Woodland and Mr . Lightwood meetings have already been scheduled . Is there any other -

A/N - If you know where I got the last names from comment and say which TV show I did from *hint there *.

I looked up and saw his parents standing there looking at me .
"Sorry sir , for not knocking I thought you weren't busy ," I said apologizing .
"Its okay Ms . Hope ," Luke said.
"Don't worry darling , we were just about to leave ," Mrs . Anderson said.
They garbbed there stuff and was almost out the door when Mrs . Anderson turned and asked  me .

"Jessica , would you like to come to our beach house in the holidays ?"
"Uhm , I was going to go visit my parents ," I said.
"Ohh ok well next time then ," Mrs . Anderson said a bit disappointed .
"But thank you for the invite ," I said.
"No problem , bye dear ," Mrs . Anderson said .
"Bye ," I said and then they left. 

I turned around and saw Luke staring  at me with a thinking face on .
"Why are staring at me ?" I asked .
"I want to know why you keep making my parents want you to tag along with whatever we do ," Luke said. 
"I don't know , why are asking me that when it is your mother ideas ," I said .

"Whatever , I am actually glad you didn't agree ," Luke said.
I felt kind of offended by that.
"What do you mean by that ?" I asked .
" I mean that if you came , that would have been weird since my parents don't normally do that ," Luke said .
"Whatever ," I said .

"Well , look who is being sassy ," Luke said.
"Sorry ," I said.
" Don't be sorry , its actually good because you are usually shy ," Luke said. 

"You take me as shy ," I said.
"Yeah ," He said which made my stomach have butterflies in them .

I didn't realize I was blushing as I was walking out the door when he said " Ohh and Ms - Jessica , did I ever tell you look cute when you blush ," He said with a smirk on his face .
I just smiled and went to my office and continued with my work .

Aww , how cute was that moment between them .

Why do Luke 's parents keep inviting Jessica to their family things ?

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