Thoughts And Opinions

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I woke up to the sun shining brightly on my face . Someone was turning left and right on the other side . I turned and saw it was Sophie .

"Morning sleeply head ,"Sophie said .
"Morning ," I said. 
As soon as I lifted my head from my pillow , I felt pain in my head .
"Ouch ," I said .

"That's the hangover , wait let me get you some painkillers ,"Sophie said as went to the kitchen. 
Soph came back with a glass of water and the painkillers . I took them and before I knew it , I fell asleep again .

When I woke up ,  I saw it was 3pm in the afternoon. I got out of bed and I was going to the kitchen /living room when I heard voices . I stopped and listened to the voices .
"Stop being a coward and just -
"I cant , can't you understand that she is -
"Whatever ,you need to leave because I think Jess is awake and if she comes out here and sees you , it will be awkward ".
I couldn't hear what somethings that they were being said but the voices were Soph and Luke .

But what I couldn't understand was who was the she  and why was my boss here ?.
Maybe it was just another one of his flings that he really liked and maybe he wanted to see his sis .

I pushed those thoughts out of mind and went to the living room / kitchen .
I walked in and saw Soph and Luke .
Why is Luke still here ? I thought he left .
I snapped out of my thoughts and said to the both of them "Good afternoon ".
Luke said standing "Uhmm , I should get going I have uhmm I have things to do ".

With that he left . Soph said "Wow , that was the most awkwardest conversation that I have ever seen ".
"Wow thanks Soph and I don't even know what I did to deserve that ,"I said with I hint of sadness in my voice while sitting on the couch .

"W-what, you don't know what you did ". She said while laughing .

After she finished laughing she said "You and Luke kissed , that's what you did ".
Covering my face trying to hide the shock on my face , I said "I was that drunk at my own party ".
"Yep but at least you had fun and let loose a little bit and you did kiss him back so..," Sophie said

"Wait I did ?" I asked standing up from the couch and going to where Soph was.
"Yep , you did and before you fell asleep last night you told me that , that was the best kiss you ever had in your life ," Soph said .

"I did . I feel so embarrassed ," I said while burying my head into Soph shoulder .
"Don't be , you needed to start dating again and my Lil bro needed to see if he can settle with someone , meaning you ," She said and then said the last part in a whisper .

"Don't think that I didn't hear that part cause I heard it ," I said.
"Haha , okay or maybe with someone else ," Soph said while winking.
"There is no maybe . It is going to have to be someone else ," I said .
"Ha , yeah right . Like if that would happen ," Soph said.
"Let's go eat I am starving , but first go take a shower ," Soph said.

"Okay ," I said.
With that being said , I went to the bathroom and took a long hot bath with one thought and two questions in my mind , was my boss drunk when we kissed and was it an  accident .

What  did you think about that awkward conversation that happened between Luke and Jessica ?

Who was the "she " that Soph and Luke was talking about ?

Is it Jess or another girl ?

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