Am I In Love ?

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I was on the dinner table doing my homework but I couldn't concentrate  because of I was thinking about Elizabeth.
My parents , aunt Sophie , uncle  Xavier and Jessica are having dinner on the same table as I am .

I heard someone call my name , then I heard everyone  call my name "Liam !".

"Yeah ," I said reaching back to earth .
"Why is your face like that ?" Aunt Sophie asked me.
"No reason ," I said .
"There is a  reason ," Uncle Xavier said .

"No ," I said denying it but Uncle Xavier was correct .
"Then do your homework instead of daydreaming ," My dad said .
"But I can't concentrate ," I said.
"Why ?" My asked dad me
"You won't understand ," I said to my dad.

"Then do you want to eat food to help you concentrate ?" Aunt Sophie asked me. 
"I'm not hungry  ," I said.

I got up from my chair and was heading for the door .
"Where are you going ?" My dad asked .
"I'm going to take a walk around the house ," I said as I lied to my family .   I closed the front door and I just started to walk to the front gate. 

I ended up in a friendly football game  and my team won .
We treated ourselves to some food before we left.  I was on my way home when  I bumped into someone .

I stood up and helped the person up too . I saw that it was Elizabeth .
"We really need to stop meeting like this ," She said laughing a bit .
"Yeah we do ," I said laughing a bit as well.
Of course both of us had nothing to say , so we got lost in each others eyes .
"Elizabeth ," I heard someone call her which spanned us out of our trans .

"Oh , my mom is waiting for . I have to go ," She said.
"Bye ," I said.
"Bye ," She said.

I left smiling like an idiot . I got back home and went to the kitchen to get food some food to eat. 
I couldn't help but keep thinking about her .


I was in front of Asher 's house for the barbecue . I rang the door bell and Ash opened the door .
"Hey ," He said.
"Hey " I said.
"Come in ," He said as he stepped to the side for me to enter in .

I saw that nobody was home and his backyard was empty .
"Ash !" I said as I yelled him
"Yeah ," He said pretending to know why I'm angry. 
"Where is everyone ?" I asked him hopping this was not a trap. 

"Not here ;" He said and that was when I knew it was a trap. 
"What do you mean ?" I asked him still hopping it was not. 
"They are not coming ," He said.

"This is a trick ?" I asked him as I started to get angry .
"Yeah ," He said while putting his hands in his pocket to look innocent
"Ash , why did you do that ?" I asked him .
"Cause I wanted you to say to you that I'm sorry for lying and cheating on you ," He said.

"Ash , nothing you do will ever change my mind about it.  I can't even believe that I use to like you for years and now you have hurt me ," I said and I instantly regretted it. 
"Wait , did you say that you use to like me for years ?" He asked me .

I now realized what I said and done and now he won't leave me alone .
"Sophie , why didn't you tell me ?" He asked me .
"I uh I uh ...
I said stammering.
"Why didn't you ?" He asked me again .
"Because I thought you didn't like me . I thought that since we have known each other for years that you will never like me in that way ," I said confessing to him so that he may leave me alone.

"Sophie , I've liked you before but I thought it was just a silly crush I had , so I let it go ," He said.

I had fun after our little confession talk . We then agreed to take things slow .


I was at the dinner table ,  when  my mom asked me "So Liz , why didn't you introducee to your boyfriend ?".

I nearly choked on my food .
"What ! What new boyfriend do I have ?" I asked my mother.
"You know ,  the one that I saw when we were going home ," My mother said.
"Ohh , he is not my boyfriend ," I said.
"Are you sure  because the way he   was looking at you seemed as if he was more than just your friend ," My mother said.

My cheeks heated up and then my father said ,"Enough of this boyfriend talk " and my mother and I laughed .

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