Why ( part 2)

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I was in tears when he finished his speech to me . How can he expect me to forgive him after all the things he had done that has broke my heart .

"No Luke , I can't ," I said as tears streamed down my cheek .
"Why can't you ?" He asked.
"Luke , how do you expect me to forgive you for all the thimgs you have done to me ," I said.

"That's why I am going to prove to you -
I cut him off and said , "No Luke , you can't prove anything to me . We already tried that ".

"And I am willing to  try again , please Jessica ," He said .
"No Luke I can't ," I said.
He tried to convince me but I kept saying no even though I wanted to badly say yes .

I just kept on telling myself ,  that if I say yes he might break my heart again .

Before he left , he said ,"I will get you to forgive me ".

After he  closed the door , I sat on my couch and cried .

*****11 Weeks Later ****

These past weeks , Luke has done nothing but try to win me back by giving me flowers , cards , texts , clothes etc . But his money will not win me back .

Today I am spending the day with Xavier and Sophie . Asher couldn't come because he had family issues to deal with . We came back to my house from a fun day of going around different places and buying stuff and seeing cool stuff .

When we reached inside my house , my mom came from the kitchen and said "Ohh , you guys are back . I made cookies for you ".

"They smell delicious ," Xavier said .
"Thank you . They will be ready soon ," My mother said and then went back into the kitchen. 
"Let's go to your room Jess , I am tried," Soph said.

"Okay ," I said.
We went into my room and the first thing I noticed was a big teddy bear .

"Wow ," Soph said .
"Yeah wow ," Xavier said coming inside my room .
I went to the teddy bear and looked and saw there was a card .

It read : Hope you like this.  I bought you for you .   I had a really hard time  looking for this big bear . If you do read this cardwould accept my offer and come hangout with me tonight . Waiting for your response

-Luke , your true love .

I couldn't help but smile and blush at what he wrote . I sat back on the bear and covered my face  with the hands  . I sat there thinking of Luke .
What I am going to do . I can't give in .

"Is it from Luke ?" Soph asked . I took the teddy bear hands off of my face and said , "Yeah , he wants for me and him to hangout tonight ".

"Then go to it ," Soph said.
"Why ?" I asked.
"Because Luke doesn't fight for one girl ," Xavier said .

"But what if he breaks my heart again," I said.
"Then tell him that was his last chance with you ," Soph said .

"So go tonight ," Xavier said.
"You sure ?". I asked .
"Yes ". They both said .

"Okay , fine I will go ," I said. 

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