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"I will get  it for you ," Luke said.
He went up to our  room and got the letter and he also changed . I dont know how guys change so fast ,  considering the fact that Luke was not up in our  room that long .

He came back downstairs and he sat on the couch . I went to where he was and he said ,"I don't know if you wrote them ".
He gave them to me and I saw my old handwriting on it .
"Yeah I did ," I said.
His  face went from gulit to sad .
"What's wrong ?" I asked him.
"Read it ," Luke said.

I opened the first one and it said
Dear Lukie ,
I hate you for doing this to me .
I can't believe that you did that . I have tried  not to hate you but I have to in order for me not to get hurt . You promised me that we will always be there for each otherI was there for you but you weren't for meYou couldn't open your eyes and see that you have hurt me really badly . You were blinded by her looks and her reputation just to notice that I didn't fit in to your  perfect picture . And that is why I will always hate you .

At this point ,  I was on the verge of tears spilling from my eyes. 
But Luke saw that and he said ,"It's okay my love.  Read the next one ".
"I cant . It's the same thing that I read -

He cut me off and said ,"Jess it's not the same thing .
I said "Yes it -
He cut me off and said , "Trust me "
I wiped away my tears and opened the next one. 

Dear Lukie ,
I really wish I could hate you but I can'tI can't cause I love you . I have been in love with you since the day we met. I wish I said that a long time ago so that these things that are happening to us won't happen .   I have been so scared to tell you my true feelings to youThe night that I kissed you , I had to do it to make you realize what you been missing out on . You asked me how long I had been in love with you and I didn't answer you but to answer your question . I've  been in love with you foreverI had to do it because I needed you to know that I was in love with you . But I don't understand why you kissed me back that night . Why didn't you go after her when she saw us ? . Are you in love with me ?

After reading that , I couldn't look up at Luke.  He saw that and he lifted my head with his finger against my chin .
I kept looking into his eyes and neither of us wanted to break the silence . I didn't  know Luke was thinking in this time of silence he said ,"So you called me Lukie before and that was the childhood name you use to call me ".

I laughed a little and he continued to say, "And also you wrote two letters saying you hate me and then you love me . But the real question  that I want to know is which letter did you feel for me at that time ".
"But Luke -

He cut me off and asked me , "Which one ?".
"The love one ," I said.
"Then why didn't you tell me at these times you saw me ?" Luke asked me .
"What do you mean ?" I asked Luke .
He took out other letters from behind his back .
"You stopped writing to me when you got the job at my company ," He said.

I wanted to say something to him but he cut me off again and said ,"You lied to me this whole time ".
"I tried to tell you all this time but you didn't listen and you didn't remember ," I said.
"Wait , that's why you got so angry at me whenever I am with another girl ?" Luke asked me.

"Luke ," I said.
"And here I was thinking that you didn't write any of them ," Luke said.
"No Luke ," I said but he got up and went out the house and slammed the door in the process. 
I went back on the couch and heard the door open .

I thought it was Luke but it was Liam .
"Hey mom ," Liam said.
"Hi ," I said in a tried tone .
"What happened ?" Liam asked me.
"Your father got angry at me again  because I wrote him these letters years ago ," I said

"Ohh , okay . Just give dad time ," Liam said.
"Ugh ! " I groaned as I went back into my slump .

***The Next Day ***

When I woke up , I opened my eyes to find a very nice surprise. 
Luke was sleeping next to me .
I felt very happy that Luke was back .
I couldn't contain my excitement that I went from my side and jumped on Luke and hugged him .

He woke up with a confused look on his face.  He soon realized that it was me and asked , "Uh , Jessica what's going on ?".
"Nothing ," I said.
"Then why are you hugging me ?" Luke asked me .
"Cause your back ," I said releasing him .
"You missed me this much ?" Luke asked me .
"Yeah .  Knowing that your angry at me all night was really hard for me ," I said.

"Sorry . I always overreact and the good thing is that we are together now . That is what matters ," Luke said.
I gave him a kiss and I said ,"Don't do that again . You made me cry ". I started to hit him . He started to tickle me and I was trying to get away. 

When he finished I said ,"Let's not fight again ".
"Okay ," I said.
He kissed me and that's when I felt at peace .

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