How Do You Know

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******The Holidays ******

  Work is still the same . We have a month off which is a good thing .

I was currently with my parents , laying on the couch , watching a movie when my mom said "Honey , don't forgot to tell her " . More like a whispher but it failed because I heard what she said to my dad .

"Forget to tell me what ?" I asked .
"Well sweetie , we are going to this really cute place to stay for the rest of the month , it has an indoor pool and it has a beach right outside ," My mother said .
"That sounds really good . When are we leaving ?" I asked .

"Tomorrow ," She said.
"Okay , I better start going and pack ," I said and then I went upstairs to my room to pack.

*****The Next Day *******

I went downstairs with my luggage and saw breakfast made for me in a plate .
"Eat up sweetie or else we going to be late ," My mother said .
"Okay ," I said .

After I finished my breakfast I went inside the car with my headphones and my phone with me since my luggage was already in the car .

We didn't need to go to the airport , since the beach house is only suppose to be by drive not by plane . It was a 4 hour drive so there was 2 hrs left before we reached . I didn't even know I fell asleep .

My parents shook to wake up when we reached . I woke up and saw the beautiful house .

After the pool was the beach

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After the pool was the beach . The waves looked so peaceful from afar.
We grabbed our luggage and went to the door and rang the doorbell .

When we did , the door opened and my mouth fell open .
Its was Luke .
What's Luke doing here ? I asked myself in my mind.  

When we entered , my parents did the most weirdest thing ever . They hugged Luke 's parents . I turned to Luke and he was shocked as I am .

My parents finally stopped hugging Luke 's parents and Luke asked " How do you guys know each other ?" .
"We all went to the same high school together ". My mother said .

"Really ? "I said .
" Yeah. We weren't in the same class with each other . The same thing happened to your father too ," My mother said .

"Okay then ". I said
"Well hi dear , its nice to see you again ". Mrs Anderson said .
"You know Jessica ?" My mother asked Mrs. Anderson

"Yeah , she works for my son Luke ," Mrs.  Anderson said.
"Really  sweetie . You never told me that you actually work for your boss ," My mother said. 
Luke chimmed in and said " I really hate to break up the high school reunion , but can I talk to you Ms . Hope ".

"Son , no need it call her that . You are outside of work . Call her by her first name ," Mrs. Anderson said .
"Jessica , I mean ," Luke said correcting himself.  

He lead me to the living room and asked "Why are you and your parents here . I mean  it's  nice that you decided to come for one day , but bringing your parents here , that's totally different ," He said.

"First of all , I am not staying for one day . I am staying for the whole month . And second of all , why would I bring my parents here if I came . And third of all my parents made me to come and I already said no to your parents . I didn 't know you were going to be here ," I said.

"Whatever ," He said. 
With that , an angry looking Luke went up the stairs and closed the door loudly .
Leaving me with many questions in my mind .

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter .
I bet you guys did not expect and see it coming .

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