The Attention Seeker

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I am sure we have all stumbled across the species of human that must share every little detail of their life with the outside world.

A species of Human that finds happiness in being the centre of attention and craves such things. They most usually originate from websites such as Instagram, Snapchat, twitter and of course Facebook. This Species can be seen posting food updates or shots of anywhere they may be.

I, myself have stumbled across this species in its most natural habitat, highschool. While in highschool they will usually converse with unaware victims, talking about what they got up to on the weekend or how late they stayed up doing homework, frankly no one cares. Usually the victim escapes with only a headache but in some cases the victim may die or become clinically depressed. Terrible things.

There are multiple stages to such a virus as this, these stages vary in severity. If you can stop the virus at an early stage you may save the victim.

Stage one: A few food pics here and there.

Stage two: Every second update is lasagne and some random location they probably got off google images, this stage is where you may first see the true toxicity of the situation.

Stage three: Random outbreaks where they post pictures of cows with captions
"It died to feed you."

Stage four: After this they progress to becoming a Vegan and will never let you forget that they are infact a Vegan.

Stage five: May constantly bring up the fact that no one loves them and that society constantly judges them.

Stage six: Walks around school with a giant teddy bear yelling stuff like
"No one loves me."
"Please accept me society."

Stage seven: Pretending to be tired after staying up all night supposedly doing homework. Said person may usually yell and twirl as if they are tired but in all honesty they are really bad at acting and make complete and utter fools of themselves putting them into the centre of attention which was their main objective anyways. This may also be coupled with "falling asleep" in class and yelling stuff like "l'm going to die."

Stage eight: Adding stuff like this to their bio

"Everyday millions of vegetables are cyberbullied for no reason and lack the arms to close the monitor so they just have to stare at the insults. Post this in your bio IF YOU AREN'T A HEARTLESS MONSTER!"

Stage nine: Walk around school as if they were about to commit the mass murder of everyone who may be contained in the walls of the school. Still holding teddy bear.

Stage ten: Advertise their book on other peoples books.

Once they surpass stage ten their is no saving them, they'll surely perish. Save a friend in need.

I hope l've helped you all.

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