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"Yes I am and you are?" "I'm Buck Ray and this is Zach my brother." Rusty came back over by me. He laid down by me feet. "Our mother wanted to come by actually to tell you that your hired."

"There's a house on the property for you to live in so your not driving to and from the ranch." Zach said after his brother.

I nodded. I've only been here a week and I've got to move again. "Ok I can be moved in in less than a day." I told them. One nodded and the other stood there.

They left and I quickly loaded the rest of the boxes into the trailer. Once it was loaded I went inside and finished packing boxes and my clothes. I pulled my truck into the garage and put boxes in the seat and back leaving room for Rusty to ride.

I got a shower and ate something before watching tv until nine. A horse whinnying made me jump from my chair. I pulled on my boots and went outside. It was almost dark but I could see a bay horse trying to get loose. I ran to him and got him settled.

I freed him and checked the halter plate. Triple R Ranch. "How did you get this far from home boy?" I asked the horse. He nickered as I led him up to the house by his halter.

I got my horse lead and clipped it onto his halter. He was too handsome that I was afraid someone might take him in the night.

I gave him water and some hay next to the garage door. Then closed the door most of the way. I scratched him and went inside.

It was ten at night and I wasn't going to call. I went to bed to get some sleep.

I got up at seven in the morning and checked on the horse

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I got up at seven in the morning and checked on the horse. I walked him around the yard before putting him back in the garage. Air circulated throughout the garage. I backed my truck out and closed the door mostly.

Rusty jumped into the bed in the empty space. He sat down as I got the trailer hooked up. I scratched his head and got in. He laid down as I started moving. The recliner came with the house so I wasn't taking it.

I pulled up to the ranch. Zach led me to the house I was to be staying at. I unloaded the trailer except for my couches. "Think you could help me?" I asked.

After getting the couches in his brother took him to work somewhere. I took the boxes out of the back and let Rusty into the backyard. I gave him water and went back for the horse and the last of the boxes.

I pulled up at the house and opened the garage. A car pulled up other known as my landlord. I grabbed the horse and took him to the trailer.

"You had a horse in the garage?" "Just for the night." "Eviction." I loaded the horse up and got the rest of my stuff. I got back to the ranch and parked in front of the barn.

I saw Maggie come out. "Moved in yet?" She asked. "Mostly. Something came up to my house last night and I think he was lost." I said going to the back of the trailer.

I opened it and led the horse out. "Oh my goodness. I didn't think he would get that far!" The horse nudged me. "Hold on one second." She said then started down the barn isle. "Colt."

A man came out of a stall. "Go find Buck and tell him someone found his horse." The man went out of the barn. She came back.

"You have no idea how much this horse means to my oldest son." She told me. "So how exactly did you find him?" "He go caught on fencing near my house last night. I heard him from inside my house and went out. When I saw him I ran out to him and got him calm enough for me to free him and he let me lead him up to the house. I gave him hay and water and kept him safe."

She smiled. Two men came running through the barn. They slowed as they approached us. "Oh my god. I can't believe he want that far." Buck said. He came up and I let him have his horse.

"Better put him up or else someone will steal him." The guy said. Wait is that Colt Ray? "Yeah. And I did lock the stall doors. Found the lock broke and the hinges destroyed."

"Oh and your going to need your own horse." Buck told me. "I can get one this afternoon." I told him. I took the rest of my stuff to the house and went to the stockyard.

I walked along the pens looking at the horses. "Woah. Look out." A huge buckskin came barreling down the isle way. Something told me to jump in his way so I did. He reared and whinnied.

Then lowered his head to me. He sniffed me and nudged me. A handler came up to me and the horse. "How much is one?" I asked. "A hundred dollars."

"I'll take him." I said looking for a problem with him. "He refuses trailers." The guy told me. I got a bandana from the back and used it to blind him.

He willingly came with me and loaded perfectly. I got him home and unloaded him at the house I'm staying at. I took the blind off and led him around. He was so calm, why was he a hundred.

I tied him up and got tack out. He whinnied when he saw the tack. I set the saddle and bridle down. He calmed down. I put the blind on him and set the saddle on his back.

I took it off and he sniffed the leather. I fixed the girth and he sniffed that. I led him out into the paddock behind the house and got up in the saddle.

He snorted as I got some of his mane in my right hand. I squeezed his sides and he began walking. After a few rounds he was in a gallop. Then it was time for the bridle.

I held it behind my back as I approached him. When I was close enough I slipped his halter to his neck and worked with the bit first. Tender mouthed.

I was gentle as I slid the bit in. Once the bridle was on I got on him and kept the reins loose. After several laps around the paddock I took the slack away.

He responded to it well. I've got a mostly trained horse and a job to use him for.

New Ranch Hand: book 2 of the triple R seriesWhere stories live. Discover now