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"Bucky told me to take you out with me to put up some new fence." Zach told me. I nodded and followed him to the flatbed. Later this evening I'm going to give the jelly out that I made.

First we tore out the section then replaced it. I could get it tighter than Zach so that's what I did. While he ripped out the sections and secured each row I was keeping it taught.

By noon we weren't even halfway done. "I have a feeling we're going to be working well into the night." Zach told me. I shrugged. I was use to late night working. A month ago I didn't think I'd be lounging around waiting for something to happen other than taking care of the animals.

The sun started setting on us around nine thirty. Maggie came out with supper and more water around seven so we're good until we run out of water. I was still in high energy mode.

"I'm exhausted." Zach told me. "And I'm older than you." I told him. We continued to work until it was dark out. I turned the head lights on the truck on and we continued.

Zach kept complaining on how his brother got a nice comfy bed while we're still out working. "Would you shut up and work? We have to be mid way through by tonight."

"Yeah and it's marked by a green post while the rest are red." He told me. I pushed myself to keep going until we found the green post. "Now we can stop." I told Zach. He got up on the flatbed and closed his eyes. I marked the place.

It was one in the morning. Well at least I can pull an all nighter then stay awake all day. I continued working on the fence getting farther and farther than me and Zach could ever do.

He was slow at it. By noon I was done with the rest of the fence. Zach was still asleep. I got up on the flatbed and kicked his boot. I put the tools up and got in the cab.

If he wants to sleep he can sleep. I pulled onto the road leading to ranch headquarters. Zach was still asleep when I pulled over the cattle guard.

I'm tired but I've got to keep going. I got a Sprite and chugged it. That should keep me up for the rest of the day. I went into the office to visit Maggie.

"Did you guys come in last night?" She asked as I walked in. Her husband came out of the office. "Hello Ali get the fence done?" "No Maggie we didn't come in and yes the fence is done." I answered both questions.

"Well that's usually a two day job." Joseph told me. "For one or two people?" I asked. "Two." They both answered. Today was our lazy day. "You'll find Zach on the flatbed asleep with probably a mild sunburn." I told them leaving the office.

I got my saddle bags out and put the jelly in them. Time to act like a pony express rider and deliver jelly. I saddled Dusty and set the bags on the saddle.

I mounted and rode down to Buck's house. I know he's awake because he gets up about five each morning. He was chopping wood for winter when I rode up.

"Done with the fence already?" He asked. His shirt was unbuttoned and showing his torso perfectly. "Yes sir and I brought something for breakfast." I said as he came over to Dusty after setting the sledgehammer down.

"Jelly?" "Would you like some?" I asked. "What kind this time?" He asked. "Apple, plum, apricot, and blackberry." I told him. "One of each please." I handed him the jars and he took them.

About once every two months I'll bring jelly by. I thought of doing that. "What did Zach do when you told him you were halfway done?" He asked.

"He got up on the flatbed and fell asleep. I kicked his boot around noon and he still was out cold. Looks like he's going to have one heck of a sunburn."

Buck chuckled. "Will serve him right too. I'll let you get back to jelly deliveries and finish what I started." I nodded and left him to his work. Who knew my boss had a fine body.

I went by the office and gave Maggie and Joseph their jelly before going back to my house. Of course I am saving jelly for Colt and his wife and kids when they get back.

Zach has to work more for his. I washed Dusty and Rusty then of course made more jelly. I really need to stop. So I made a blackberry cobbler or two. This time I took my truck.

No I'm not kissing up I'm bored and have nothing better to do. Maggie and Joseph wanted to know why I was doing that. "I'm extremely bored and I have plenty of berries to do it with." I told them.

"You should go see if Buck would like some help." Joseph told me. I shrugged and went back over to his place. Now he was stacking the wood. Half in the bed of his truck and the other in a shed.

He looked up when he saw me pull up. "My dad send you to help me?" "Not really. I got bored this afternoon so I made two cobblers along with more jelly." "Let me guess you bake when your bored." "Pretty much."

Bucky's POV
She could be a keeper. What am I thinking? After my last relationship I can't even see myself with another woman. Let alone get married and have children.

I watched as she pulled a covered dish from the passenger side. This girl is going to fatten me up by Christmas. I don't mind it though, of course I mind it.

I was nice and took the dish. I gave her a smile. "What kind is it? Blackberry?" "Well you helped me pick more than I could need so here's this."

New Ranch Hand: book 2 of the triple R seriesWhere stories live. Discover now