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I was playing with Dusty out in the arena. He ran off when I tried to get him after the millionth try. "Fine be stubborn." I told him playfully. I turned around and started walking out of the arena.

He started galloping as I ran for the gate. When he was next to me I jumped onto his back. We went around the ring several times before going out.

We passed Colt, Hedli and Bucky as they were talking. Bucky gave me a glare as we passed them. It's Saturday, the day before Colt and Hedli have to leave for Vegas.

We went along the fence. Copper was on the other side wanting to play with us. I stood up on Dusty's back still low to his back. Then I jumped over the fence landing on Copper's back.

Dusty slowed and followed us to the barn. I got off his back once we were in his stall. "Nice riding." Hedli told me. "Took me years of practice to do that." I told her.

Copper tried to nip my butt. I quickly left his stall. "Horse sees master do it then they think they have to do it." I said. "He nip your butt?" I nodded. "Yeah he's been doing it since Bucky pinched my butt in front of him."

My horse reared up playfully. I glared at him and he went into his stall. I closed it and stood there. "Here comes Zach." Hedli told me. I could smell him from here and it wasn't pleasant.

I covered my mouth trying not to puke. Then pinched my nose. Both me and Hedli were doing that. We started walking down the isle back to the front of the barn.

I still felt queazy. "You don't look so good." Colt said. Next thing I know I'm puking outside the barn and Bucky is holding my hair back. Zach walked by and the guys knew why I puked.

I sat on my heels and leaned against Bucky. He wiped my mouth as I leaned on his shoulder. "Better?" I nodded. "Nope I feel like mores coming." I said after nodding.

I covered my mouth again not wanting to puke. "He's definitely cleaning this up." Colt said. "Please don't puke again."

Bucky helped me up and we went down to the other side of the barn. I sat down on a hay bale and Bucky sat next to me. I laid down putting my head in his lap.

"Someone doesn't feel good." He said rubbing my arm. "Feel her forehead." "Bro my hands aren't cold." Colt put his hand to my forehead. "She's got a fever." He told Bucky. I go from completely fine to completely sick in less than two seconds.

"I'll get her over to her house." Bucky said helping me sit up. He stood up and picked me up and carried me to my house. He laid me on my bed and ran me some bath water.

He came back to help me up. "Let's get a bath so your clean." Next thing I know I'm hunched over the toilet puking my guts out a second time with Bucky holding my hair back.

"I know I'm not pregnant." "So do I. We never did that and won't until married." He told me handing me a hand towel to wipe my mouth on.

I got up and flushed the toilet. He stepped out while I got a bath. When I was done I went straight to my bed for sleep. He came in with fever reducer and a glass of water.

I took the pills and drank the glass. He left me alone while I slept only waking me up to check my temperature and food, whiching I couldn't keep down to save my life.

He let me sleep most of the night except when he checked my temperature every three hours.

Bucky's POV
I got her up at nine to check her temp. Then at midnight and finally at three in the morning. I checked it at three and it rose three degrees. It never went down only rose.

I panicked and called my mom.
"Make her the tea I'd always fix for Colt. It will be down by morning."
"If your missing an ingredient let your brother know and he'll bring it over."
I completely forgot about the tea. I went through her spice cabinet trying to find what was needed. I was missing one thing. I called my brother and told him what I was missing.

A few seconds later Colt came through the door with it in hand. "Thanks bro." "I hope this works." "Me too." I told him. I handed back to him and he left.

I stuck the mug of tea in the microwave and started it.

Ali's POV
"Ali. Come on I've got something that will take this fever away." Bucky said as he picked me up. I winced as he sat down in the recliner with me on his lap.

"Can you drink this for me?" He asked. I nodded. He held it while I tried to get it down. It tasted awful. "I know it's disgusting. I've had to drink it too." I stopped drinking and leaned on his shoulder.

"Come on I know your tired. Your almost done." I lifted my head and drank a little more. "One more sip. Come on then you can go back to sleep."

I winced once more and drank the rest. "There you go. Let's go back to bed." I wanted to puke but I couldn't. The nasty taste stuck in my mouth. I fell back asleep after drinking that stuff.

New Ranch Hand: book 2 of the triple R seriesWhere stories live. Discover now