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The house was toasty. I fixed food on the wood burning stovetop. He was alive at least. The blizzard continued to blow on. It's been twenty four hours since it started.

I took a warm rag to his forehead. He breathed deeply. "Buck. Please?" He rolled onto his side. I laid down close to him. This was scaring me. I don't want to lose him.

He rolled over and then onto his back. I curled up on his chest and let the tears fall. They were warm and wet as they fell. His arms wrapped around me for the second time in twenty four hours.

Rusty was laying on his legs keeping them warm. He groaned. "Buck." I sat up and looked at him. He groaned again. "Please." He shifted. Rusty got off his legs and got up on the back of the couch. He came around and licked Bucky's face. Bucky moved his head and tried to sit up.

I got Rusty off him. I helped him sit up and threw my arms around him. "Please don't ever do that again." I said before kissing his cheek. "Don't ever do that again."

I tightened my grip. "Please don't ever do that again." I said again. "What happened?" He asked. "What happened? What happened? I went out in a freaking blizzard to save your tail." I almost yelled.

His hold on me tightened. Tears were starting to fall again. He quickly wiped them away and kissed me. He pulled me onto his lap and I straddled him. He licked my bottom lip.

I pulled back. "Not until you decide to date me." "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked. I put my lips back in his and slid my tongue into his mouth. He responded by pulling me closer.

We pulled apart. "I take that as a yes." He said before kissing me again. This time he ran his hands along my body. I let him in and he massaged my tongue with his own.

He knew exactly how to take care of me. There was no hot water and we can't shower. Looks like we're going to have to boil water and sponge bathe. He laid back keeping me on top of him.

The only light was from the fireplace. He's mine and no one can take me from him. He growled low in his throat as I ran my hands through his short dirty blonde hair.

His hands roamed around my body. He slid them under the shirt and rubbed my bare skin. The way his hands felt on my skin. It sent chills and sparks through my body.

He could tell I didn't have anything on underneath except underwear. "That's being bad." He whispered in my ear. I giggled.

He pulled the shirt up to my breast. My skin touched his. We broke apart and laid there. I was on his right side with my head on his chest. He was looking up at the ceiling. I traced his abs. He tried not to squirm under my touch.

"Are you ticklish?" I asked. He smirked. I continued to trace his abs once more. "Don't." I giggled and continued. "Please stop." I sat up to face him. "Why should I stop?" I asked.

He smirked and sat up too. "Because I said so." He kissed my forehead. I got up to check the weather. It was still snowing.

"I think we'll have a white Christmas." I felt two arms around me. "Let's get cleaned up." He said. I boiled some water in a big pot and got two rags.

He looked at me weirdly. "No electricity equals no hot water." He kissed me. "I know. But did you know it has a backup generator hooked up to it?" He asked.

He took the water off and took one of the rags. "I'll let you use some of my clothes." He told me. He came out of his bedroom a few minutes later freshly showered.

He let me get one and gave me a shirt and a pair of his boxers. "You look so cute in my clothes." He said picking me up. I wrapped my legs around his torso.

"What's for supper Angel?" He asked. "Think we should tell them we're alive?" I asked. He smiled. "Last year we had one similar to this one except it was in January. We had no hot water or electricity. So before you got here we went in and installed generators to the hot water heaters. So now we've got hot water for each house. Especially during a power outage."

He kissed my forehead and set me on the arm rest. "What's for supper?" "I thought you were cooking." I said. He chuckled.

It finally stopped snowing after five days

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It finally stopped snowing after five days. We were running low on supplies. When we had to get wood we'd put our jeans, boots and coats on before going out. We got enough wood for two days every time we got it.

I put my jeans and coat on then my boots and stepped outside. Rusty went out and tried to get through the snow.

He started barking wildly. I went out into the snow. "Buck." I ran back to the house. "Buck." "What's wrong?" "Come quick." I ran back out through the snow. Rusty led me to the barn. Joseph and Maggie were still inside.

"How long have they been in there?" Bucky asked. "I don't know last I saw them it was when the storm started." We shoved snow out of the way of the door and got in.

The office was frozen shut. I saw Joseph in the office chair and Maggie on the couch. "Their in there." "Stand behind me Angel." I held Rusty as he broke the door handle.

He got the door open and inside. "They're frozen. Get up to the house and get Colt. I'm going to need help." I ran out into the snow up to the house.

My feet were almost frozen. I stomped my feet on the porch and knocked on the door. Colt opened the door. "Ali what are you doing out in this?" "Your parents. In the barn. Buck needs help."

"Get inside. Quickly." He said. Rusty and I entered the house. I couldn't feel my toes. "Hedli I'm going to the barn. I'll be back in a second." He called to his wife.

New Ranch Hand: book 2 of the triple R seriesWhere stories live. Discover now