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"Ali!" I ran through the barn with Bucky hot on my heels. What did I do? I kinda gave him a hickey near his ear. It's totally noticeable. I jumped onto his horse and took off. I got to the arena and stopped.

I rode Copper back up to the barn. He gets mad at me but doesn't stay mad for long. I got off his horse and went up to him. Yes I may be a handful, but it's mostly when I have nothing to do.

I sat next to him on a hay bale and scooted close to him. Then leaned my head on his shoulder. He put and arm around me. I kissed his cheek. He kissed my forehead.

I stood up then sat on his lap. He pulled me close to his chest. "Angel? Am I doing anything wrong?" I put my arms around his neck. "Why would you think you are? You've been treating me like your supposed to."

"I just feel like I am." I kissed him. He held me there slipping his tongue into my mouth. He's done nothing wrong. He let me go after a few seconds.

"Then why are you like this?" He asked. "Remember when I was busy doing stuff?" "You've got nothing to do so your acting this way."

I kissed him. "We've got to expand the paddock behind your house." "May I help?" "You still work for me don't you?" I giggled. "Where were you thinking of expanding it?" I asked.

"You'll know in the summer." He kissed me smirking.

Tomorrow is Christmas

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Tomorrow is Christmas. Bucky and I have gone out to eat every night since our first date five days ago. We're eating with Joseph and Maggie tonight.

I walked into their house and walked right into Bucky. "Knew you were about to walk through the door." He said kissing me. "Bucky let the girl in. We want to see her too." His dad said.

He let me go and I hugged Joseph and Maggie. "So good Bucky is finally dating again." Maggie whispered in my ear.

I sat down on the couch near Maggie. Bucky picked me up and put me on his lap. Guess he doesn't care I weigh one hundred forty pounds. Most of it muscle.

He kissed my cheek pulling me close. "Will you stay with me tonight?" He asked. I kissed him near his mouth. "Now your teasing." "I not teasing, just wait until tonight." I whispered the last part in his ear.

That really made him smirk. After dinner we went to church for the Christmas Eve service. Almost everyone at church knew Bucky was back to dating.

He kissed me and held me close on the winter night. We entered the church and found a seat. Several people came up to see us.

Sawyer came up to me. "So doll how are you?" "I'd leave now before something bad happens." I warned. "Lady's right you better." Colt warned. The pastor came up.

"Don't want any fights in the house of God. Sawyer you walked over here. Please leave it be for the night and settle it some other time." He told us.

Sawyer left winking at me. I rolled my eyes just before Bucky came up. He sat down and I sat next to him. I looked back at Sawyer and glared.

He looked at me crossly. I didn't care. Bucky put his arm around me as the pastor welcomed everyone. The candles were lit and we sang a few songs before the sermon.

Everyone knew it by heart. If you asked anyone here to recite the entire story they could tell you where it was and tell it straight out of the book. Once it was over we went to the Christmas party.

Bucky stayed extremely close to me because it was the mayor's party and he knew Sawyer was going to be there. Adult beverages were served in the eggnog.

There was no way I could even drink it. "I'm going to use the restroom really quick." Bucky left me next to his parents and best friends.

"Care to dance with me?" I turned around and there was Sawyer. "Sorry I've already got someone I'm dancing with." I told him. "I don't see anyone." "She's with me Edwards."

Bucky came up and wrapped his arm around me possessively. "Well it's obvious isn't it? She works for you and you pay her by sleeping in her bed." That got on my nerve.

The mayor came up. "Is there a problem here?" He asked. "Dad he's sleeping with his own employee." "So that's non of my business. You need to learn to mind your own and stop chasing after those already taken."

I smirked at Sawyer. "I am already dating someone." I told him. Bucky pulled me closer. "That's just wrong." I kissed Bucky's cheek to try and calm him down.

Sawyer left after I did that. "Let's get home it's been too much of a day." He didn't argue with that. We left the party and went to my truck. I kissed his cheek before we got to it.

When we did he picked me up and set me on the seat. He was in between my legs kissing me. His tongue already in my mouth.

"He's never going to get my girl." "You'll never leave me to that." He picked me up and sat me on his lap in the seat. He closed the door and started the truck, his lips still on mine.

Could Christmas get any better?

New Ranch Hand: book 2 of the triple R seriesWhere stories live. Discover now