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New Year's Eve

Bucky suggested not to go to the town's New Years Eve party tonight. "We usually don't go to parties during the year do we? It's winter time and there's nothing to do." I told him as we sat on the couch.

"Angel. I've got a headache and I don't feel comfortable being out in public tonight." I gave him my pouty face. "Sorry Angel." He leaned on me. He only does that when he doesn't feel good.

"Come here." I felt his forehead. No fever, did have a headache. His allergies were acting up. "Go take some Benadryl and get a shower." I told him.

Looks like I'm shampooing carpet and taking care of him. I quickly shampooed a bedroom and made sure it was dust free.

He got out of the shower and I made him lay down in that room. While he slept I cleaned his room completely and the bathroom. I cleaned the rest of the house including the rooms around him.

Not once did he wake up. When I was done I sneezed from the dust still in the air. I changed the air filters and cleaned the vents. Now maybe there won't be as much as there was.

Dust really gets to him. I checked on him and he was still asleep. No I'm not going anywhere without him because I know Sawyer will try something on me even though I'm dating Bucky.

I fixed myself supper and ate whatever it was I fixed. It was pretty good for rice, cheese, and chicken. I got a shower and fell asleep on the couch.

Bucky's POV
I got out of the bed breathing better. I know she cleaned the entire house. The last time this happened she did the same thing.

I walked out of the room finding her asleep on the couch. She's so peaceful when she sleeps. I picked her up and carried her to my room. After I set her on the bed I go into the kitchen to see if she cooked anything.

Chicken, cheese and rice is what I found. It was pretty good for a first time meal. Definitely something to eat again if given the chance.

Once I was done eating I got into bed with her and pulled her close to me.

Ali's POV I woke up not on the couch

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Ali's POV
I woke up not on the couch. Pulled up close to the guy that loves me more than there are stars in the sky. He rolled over with me going with him.

Let's just say I'm about to fall off the bed. "Buck. Buck." He scooted over a little giving me more room. "Yes Angel?" "Never mind." "You were too close weren't you?"

I nodded against his chest. He pulled me closer as we fell back asleep. Sleeping next to him is quite the adventure. Never know what position we wake up in.

Once we finally woke up for good it was to his alarm going off. I got out of bed and got dressed for the day. Yes I know it's New Year's Day but I don't care quite frankly.

I fed the horses and checked cattle. Then went to get more hay. Daily chores for me. Next I mucked out stalls and scrubbed water troughs. Wasn't that hard to do only thing was it was cold out and working with water?

It might as well be warm or hot water. When I finished I went to my house and made jelly. Bucky sure loves it when I bring him jelly. I added the sure jell to the berries and sugar and continuously stirred it.

Once it was in the jars and sealed I cleaned the pots and put them away. Rusty laid near my feet as I watched tv in my living room. Both Bucky and I knew we had to have personal time so this is what we usually did.

Three times a week we got time to ourselves and the rest of the week we spent it together. My pooch loved staying with him and so did I. I loved the time with my dog just as much as I loved the time I spend with Bucky.

Most times I can have both with me and others it's one or the other. Life was perfect right now and I never wanted it to end.

New Ranch Hand: book 2 of the triple R seriesWhere stories live. Discover now