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Ali's POV
I woke up not in my room. I was against something hard. I looked down and saw two arms wrapped around me. I felt safe and comfortable, two things I haven't felt in a long, long time.

He stirred and pulled me closer. I rolled over in his arms and nestled my head in the crook of his neck. He pulled me closer. The alarm went off. It's a Saturday and he has an alarm set?

He quickly rolled over and turned it off. Then put his arm back around me. Then his phone went off. He picked it up and silenced it before throwing it across the room.

"After last night I want sleep." He grumble. I fell back asleep as he set his head in the crook of my neck. I felt his chest rise and fall. Can we stay like this all day?

The doorbell rang. Then pounding on the door woke us the rest of the way. He got out of the bed and walked out of the room. I got up and dressed then he came into the room. I went out so he could get dressed.

His house was spacious. I walked through the house and came back to the living room. I looked out the back sliding doors at the landscape. It was beautiful here. Now I know why he chose this spot.

The house hides the view behind it and looks like an empty space not able to be built on. Another house could be built farther back from this one closer to the tree line.

"Like the view?" I jumped when he spoke. "Sorry if I scared you." "It's fine. The view is beautiful." "My parents and brothers didn't know the view was there until I showed then.

"Then Zach wanted it. I told him it was my house. I spent the money on building it and can expand it when needed. It's five bedroom three bath."

"And a sunroom?" He scoffed. "I see you took the time to look around." "I'd say the view from the sunroom is better than this one."

"Want to go riding?" He asked. "It's too beautiful to stay indoors." I said. "Just one second." He told me. I quietly went outside. I could be playful when I wanted to be.

He came back into the living room and looked around. I giggled then took off running for the barn. As I ran off the porch my boots made plenty of sound.

I took a shortcut through the trees and ran through the barn to my horse. I led him out and put my hackamore on him. "Going riding?" Hedli asked. "Yeah."

Buck jogged into the barn. "Giving someone a workout?" She whispered tying her horse next to mine. "It wasn't my fault." I whispered back. Colt came up with his horse. "Colt can I ride Jet instead?" Hedli asked her husband. "I guess."

Buck came up on my other side with his horse. I brushed Dusty out and got onto his back. "Little girl big horse." I shrugged at Colt's comment.

Hedli got onto Jet. I started out of the barn. "Better hurry up." Hedli called. I started trotting out. Then cantered towards the pasture. I jumped Dusty over the fence perfectly.

I felt free on the back of my horse. We came to the creek. Water was flowing fast. Dusty shied as we got close. Afraid of water why did it have to be water.

Hedli came up next to me. "He's scared of water that's why he was so cheap." "That's not good." The brothers rode up behind us. I started Dusty forward again. He backed up and pranced in place.

"Let's all walk across." Buck said getting off his horse. I slid off my horse's back and held onto the reins and cheek strap. Dusty followed until the waters edge.

He was terrified. "I can't get him to budge." I said. "How did you load him in the trailer?" Buck asked. "Blindfolded." He pulled his hoodie off and tied it over Dusty's eyes.

"Gently start walking." I walked backwards into the water. It was cold. Dusty came in up to his hocks and stopped. He backed up dragging me with him.

I got the feeling we shouldn't cross here. I took the blind off him and got back in his back. "What's wrong?" Colt asked. "I think we should find another place to cross." I said.

Buck went ahead to cross. About halfway his horse slipped. Copper backed up limping. Buck lost grip. Dusty started following the current keeping up with him.

Then he jumped in. I grabbed his hand and he pulled himself onto Dusty. He jumped again and out on the other side. "The horse knows best. He knew that stone was there."

He wrapped his wet body around me. "Thank you." He kissed my cheek. "It was more Dusty. I guess he sensed something like that was going to happen."

He kissed my cheek again. "Let's get back to the other two." He set his head on my shoulder. That water was too cold to cross. I rode down the bank until there was a narrow jump.

"Hold on." I told him. I got Dusty to jump the narrowing and we went back down towards them. I went out into the sun to try and get him dry.

The wind had picked up. "Let's get you inside." I said as I got Dusty into a gallop. That creek was freezing cold and he's definitely going to have a small cold. I rode up to his house. All of his clothes were soaked through.

I got him inside the house. "We've got to get you out of these clothes." He sat down in a wooden chair. I took his hoodie and shirt off and rubbed his arms.

"Buck you need to get out of these wet clothes." I told him. I went and ran him a hot bath. He was still sitting in the same spot where I left him.

New Ranch Hand: book 2 of the triple R seriesWhere stories live. Discover now