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Bucky woke me up. I yawned and stretched before falling back onto the bed hurting. I moaned then put his sweatpants on. I went into the living room and curled up on the couch.

Colt, Maggie and Bucky were in the kitchen talking. "Is she up?" Maggie asked. "She should be." I curled up tighter and groaned. I heard footsteps becoming louder.

"Her fever's gone." Bucky said. I gently pressed my arm to my lower right side. "Colt go to the office and see if there's any medical report on her appendix."

It hurt so bad. The door closed again. "They had to take her off of gluten for a few months after her appendix was inflamed." Yup. "It could be a rupture." Maggie said.

I was picked up and hurried out. All I wanted to do was curl up in a ball while I was getting an ultrasound. "We need to get her into surgery. It's going to rupture."

They gave me something and I fell asleep.

I woke up in a room. "Hey how do you feel?" I looked over and saw Bucky coming over to the bed. "Hurting." I told him. "It will get better. You'll be better quicker than I was when I had mine out." He said before kissing my forehead.

"A nurse should be here in a few minutes." I looked around the room. I had an almost empty iv bag. The tube was in my right arm.

A nurse came in. She smiled and walked over to the IV bag. "I see your feeling better." She said. I nodded. "I'll be back in a few seconds with your release forms. You may go ahead and get dressed."

She left and Bucky handed me some clothes. I went into the bathroom and changed. I saw where they stitched me up after the surgery. It hurt to the touch. I put the pants on then the shirt.

I knew it was his shirt because of the size. I stepped out and the nurse came in with the paper work. I signed it and filed it out.

We left the hospital and I couldn't work for a few days. I guarantee Bucky will make Zach work. This is going to suck.

Finally back to work! I can't do any heavy lifting

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Finally back to work! I can't do any heavy lifting. "Get out of here you little(pardon language) sh*t." A dog came up barking at the cattle. Dusty and I ran him off. He came back a few minutes later.

"Can I shoot the dog?" I asked Dusty. He snorted. I got off and took the reins off his bridle. "Sick em boy." Dusty took off after the dog. The dog took off for the road.

It's too cold to be doing this. Colt and Hedli are going to be back at anytime and I wanted to be there to greet them. The dog jumped over the fence and Dusty came back over to me.

I clipped the reins back on and he knelt down for me. I got on and tapped his sides. He stood and I looked for another way to keep that dog out.

Looks like I'm going to have to break it to the boss man. I rode up to the barn. "For the last time I'm not doing her work." I pulled Dusty up short. "Zach you know what you did. Your doing work around here or else your leaving. Without anything." Joseph yelled clearly. Bucky was standing next to his father.

Maybe this isn't the best time. "I don't care. Least I'm not sleeping with the hand." I could clearly see the look on Bucky's face. I trotted Dusty out to the ridge. I tied him to a tree and sat on the edge.

Bucky's POV
He just crossed the line. "You know that's not true." I yelled. "Oh is it? Has mom and dad even noticed that you've been sneaking over to her house as she has yours? Yes I've been seeing everything."

Dad looked at me. "I've been checking on her since mom told me to the night he came home drunk and broke into her house and I've been inviting her over to eat supper with me." I told dad.

Mom came out and stood next to me. "What is going on out here?" "Did you know about him and the hand?" Zach asked her. "He's been keeping an eye on her because of you. One more night your drunk your gone. Everyone here is sick and tired of you coming back and waking up with a hangover."

"I'm done with this." I told them and left.

Ali's POV
'I want to meet you in person.' Sawyer won't stop texting me.
'Meet me at the park.' He texted. I put it on silent and threw it near my horse.

"Is throwing your phone a good way to get away from things?" "Its who's been texting me." I told him. He sat next to me and kissed my temple. I leaned on his shoulder.

I looked down at the herd. "Got a gun?" I asked. "Why?" "That dog is back again." I told him getting up and going over to my horse. I untied him and got on his back.

"Think shooting it would do away with it?" "It's been terrorizing the cattle for the past week. I've even thought of leaving Dusty out there to scare the dog off." I rode down and Dusty saw the dog. He took off.

I let Dusty have rein and he bit the dog's tail. The dog yelped and jumped the fence. I pulled Dusty up and he wanted to go after the dog.

"Let's get back." I rode him back up to the top. I dismounted and tied him. I sat back down next to Bucky. He pulled me onto his lap. "Did you know you destroyed your phone when your horse stepped on it?"

"I don't care. I hope that guy doesn't come around here." "Who?" "Hedli told me his name is Sawyer." He didn't say another word.

New Ranch Hand: book 2 of the triple R seriesWhere stories live. Discover now