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Bucky helped me slide out of the truck and we walked in with me on his arm. Christmas is always held at Colt and Hedli's because it's the largest. He opened the door for me and closed it behind me.

I found a seat on the couch before he could sit down. Unluckily he picked me up and sat me on his lap. Been dating for about half a month and he's already this way with me.

Zach was the last one to arrive. He still lives on the property. I know he's sneaking liquor past his brothers and dad. Friday nights he gets drunk and passes out so all of Saturday he has a major hangover and sleeps. The usual Zach, but he can't really get past me.

I know I should tell Bucky but I want to see how long it takes before he slips up and gets caught. Call me evil or mischievous but he's digging his own grave.

He sat down next to Joseph and leaned against the arm of the couch. The twins opened their gifts first. Hedli and Colt handed them their last gifts. From me and Bucky.

Their faces were bright when they saw the foal halters. Each had a name on it. "We'll go check it out later after the rest of the presents." Bucky told them. They ran over to hug us.

"First up is..... I can't read your handwriting anymore dad." "You never could." Joseph told Colt. Hedli took he box from him. "Ali. Where's Bucky's?" Colt got a box from under the tree. "This it?" "Yup."

They handed us the right box. "Open it." "No you." He kissed me and opened his first. It was a black tee that said her buck. I giggled. "Now you have to open yours." He told me.

I opened mine. It said his doe. Couples tees. The twins giggled at it. Then Colt gave us another set of boxes. Now I'm scared to open it. "Your turn to open it first." Bucky whispered in my ear.

I nervously opened the gift bag. Then lifted the hoodie? Out of the bag. Matching hoodies too. Wow. I feel special. He opened his up and right away I took it and put it on. "Excuse me you have your own." He complained. "But I love yours!" I exclaimed. He smirked while shaking his head.

"I'll let you have it before we leave." He kissed me before saying. "You better." He kissed my cheek. In the end I got a new pair of boots, jeans, leather gloves, and Bucky said he'd give me his later.

We ate Christmas dinner and had a little fun. Once it was almost dark Bucky led me out to the truck. "Now for yours." We went back over to his house.

Once through the door he swept me off my feet. He took my boots off and threw them next to the door. He kissed me down my neck as he took me over to the couch.

I moaned making him a little more rough, but still gentle. Anything I do turns him on. Him shirtless, him treating me like a lady, him holding me, pretty much the same for me. Especially when he's being over protective of me.

He got up off me and took his shirt off. Oh my gosh. He started kissing me again. "I know you can't stand this." He said huskily. It's true I couldn't stand it.

He lifted my shirt up and ran his hands along my waist. I tried not to moan as he pulled me closer to his body. He took his jeans off before setting me on his lap straddling him.

"Now to get yours off." He said kissing me. I let him take them off. "I see you chose a pair you decided to try on me." I teased him by messing with his waistband.

"Don't Angel. Angel. Don't." I could tell he didn't want me to do it. I continued until he grabbed my hands. "Ali I said don't." He warned. "Why not?" I asked.

"You may end up in a predicament that you don't want to be in." "Such as?" I asked. He raised an eyebrow and glared. Then I felt it against my area. Yeah now I got it.

I moved my arms to around his neck. "I don't want to put you through something your not ready for. There's still time for that after we get married." He's actually thinking about marrying me.

He kissed behind my ear as I tightened my arms around him. "Ali. Go into my closet and in the floor there's a box wrapped in the middle of the floor. I want you to get it and set it on the bed."

I got off his lap and followed his instructions. I walked into his room and to his closet. Then opened the door. I found a camo wrapped box and picked it up. It wasn't exactly heavy, but it wasn't light either.

I carefully unwrap it. Breathing on my neck told me Bucky was behind me. He was curious about what I thought. I finished opening it finding a red evening dress with long sleeves.

"Take the box and get a shower

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"Take the box and get a shower." He said kissing me. "And wear a little makeup." I smirked and went into the bathroom. He obviously had something planned tonight.

I went through the box after closing the door. Sunset Amber shower gel, Ultra Shea butter, and fragrance mist. There was lipstick that matched the dress and jewelry to go with it all.

I got a shower plus shaved my legs and other places and also found undergarments that matched the dress. I put them on and rubbed the Shea butter on my legs and arms.

Then the jewelry. A necklace that said Angel and earrings that looked like they were wings. I put the bracelet on and the body mist. My hair was pulled back into a tight bun. I put the stilettos on and finally lipstick.

New Ranch Hand: book 2 of the triple R seriesWhere stories live. Discover now