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Thanksgiving was tomorrow and their whole family was here already. Wish I had family I could spend the holidays with.

I fixed myself supper and went to bed. Rusty knew this was hard on me. I hated the holidays because of this. Guess I'll be keeping myself busy tomorrow all day.

Tears started falling. Me wishing for a family was pointless. I sniffled and held Rusty close. He licked my hand. A knock at my door made me leave my bed.

Rusty followed me to the door. I looked out and it was Buck. I opened the door and let him in. "Mom wanted me to tell you to come over for lunch tomorrow." I lowered my head.

"I know you don't like holidays. Especially when the family gathers." I felt a tear fall. He lifted my head. "Like I've said before your family here. Blood or not." He kissed my forehead. Tears fell from my eyes.

He wiped them away. "No tears." He leaned in closer. "Your too beautiful for tears to be staining your face." I wanted to smile but still felt empty inside.

He pressed his lips against mine making me forget why I was crying. He was gentle with me. His lips felt rough and soft at the same time. He put his arms around me pulling me closer.

My phone went off. We didn't break. Finally he pulled back. "Your still family. If your not at lunch I will come out and find you." I shyly smiled.

He kissed me again. Then sat down in a chair and put me on his lap. During the day he didn't act like this. During the day he acted like my boss and at night he was this guy that cared about me.

"Ali." He said between kisses. "Hm." He stood up holding me bridal style. "Would you be there tomorrow?" "Would you come get me?" He rested his forehead against mine. "Of course I will. If I get to stay the night."

He carried me to my room after taking his boots off. "Don't worry I took the back trail so no one suspected anything." He said as he kissed me once more before setting me on the bed. He took his jeans off and crawled into bed with me.

He held me close after he took his shirt off. My head rested in the crook of his neck. Rusty got up on the bed with us and laid by our feet.

"What exactly is Rusty supposed to do?" He asked. "He use to work in a nursing home. So anything medical and mental." I told him. He kissed my temple.

He was rough during the day but after he gets off work he's gentle. He laid on his back and held me on his right side. I put my head on his chest, his heartbeat steady.

I soon fell asleep.


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"Ali. Come on it's time to get up." I moaned. "Hm. What should you wear?" He set something on the bed. Then my closet door opened. I put my pillow over my head. The bed dipped down.

He started kissing my neck. I wiggled, or tried to wiggle away. "Trying to escape?" He asked. I groaned. He chuckled. I felt his hands move along my body. I moaned.

"Does that feel good?" He asked. Yes. I wanted to say. "I need to see you so I know which shirt you should wear." He started kissing me again. It felt so good.

Bucky's POV
I loved teasing her. I'm taking a major chance here. I'm falling for her and I don't exactly like it. I'm afraid of getting hurt again.

Ali's POV
I moved to the right. I hit his arm and leg. I went left, the same thing. He's over me. I scooted back. He chuckled. "Where are you going?" He asked. He wrapped me in his arms.

I pulled my knees under me. He wrapped his arms around me farther. "Come on Angel." I groaned again. He used my pet name. I shook my head. He chuckled. The weight suddenly disappeared off the bed. I relaxed and went back to sleep.

I was picked up and taken outside. "It's cold out." "Good your awake." "I'm cold. Bucky." He smiled brightly as he sat me down. "Only you."

I went back to my room with him on my heels. Then I remembered he was only in his boxers. I found the jeans he set out and pulled them on under his shirt.

"Now let's see which top." He said going over to my closet. I dug in my long sleeves finding a tan long sleeve. Then I made him move out of the way so I could find my cover that went with it.

I found it and put it on. The shirt hugged my body like the jeans apparently did. The cover showed off a little of my curves but not as badly.

I quickly straightened my hair and put on a little eye shadow and lip gloss. I'm done! He was still in his boxers standing in the middle of my room.

New Ranch Hand: book 2 of the triple R seriesWhere stories live. Discover now