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I got him out of the chair and took him into his bathroom. "Come on you've got to help me out here." I said as I undid his belt. He leaned on the counter. I unfastened his jeans getting him out of those too.

"I'll be back with dry clothes and you better be in that bathtub."

Bucky's POV
After a 'swim' in the creek she brought me to my house and is taking care of me? She basically stripped me of my clothes except my boxers. I took my boxers off and got a towel and washcloth.

If she came back into my bathroom and saw what I had down south she'd have nightmares. I got into the warm water well aware that I was getting a cold from being in that water.

She knocked on the door. I covered myself with the washcloth before she entered. "I also want you to get cleaned up and in these clothes." She said before kissing my cheek and leaving me to my hot bath.

Never before has a woman cared so much about someone's wellbeing. Especially me, well except my mom and Hedli. I finished my bath and got into the boxers she found and sweats?

I put the sweat pants on and ditched the shirt. I was too hot for a sweatshirt. I went straight for my bed. I groaned as I covered up.

Ali's POV
After I left his bathroom I felt butterflies in my stomach. He was completely naked but covered himself up. I got some Tylenol and water and took it to him.

He was in his bed. I took his temperature and set the glass and pills next to it. I rubbed his back and he lifted his head.

"I brought you some Tylenol." I told him. He set his head back down and groaned. I sat on the bed. "Please?" He rolled over and stayed there. I took my boots off and laid down next to him.

He rolled back over. "Why are you doing this?" He asked. "Because your not going to get better faster if your left alone." He pulled me close to him. "No woman or girl has ever cared about me while I've dated them."

"I would care more than any of them." He sat up and I gave him the medicine and water. "Thank you." "I'll go see if they brought Copper up and doctored him." "What happened to my horse?"

"He slipped and got a cut on his leg." He laid back down. "Would you like to come with me?" I asked. "To see him?" I added. I helped him up and put a long sleeve on. "May I wear jeans?"

"Wear the sweats and a coat." I told him putting my boots on. He got his on. I drove down to the barn for him to see his horse. Colt was doctoring Copper's leg when we pulled up.

"He's going to be fine Buck." We got out of his truck and walked over to the horse. "He'll be fine once it heals up. Had to put a few stitches in to secure the skin back over it." Colt told his brother. Buck nodded as he stroked his horse.

"It wasn't your fault. It could have happened to any of us. None of us knew that rock was there until he slipped." His brother reassured him. Buck nodded again.

"Come on let's get inside before you catch it worse." I told him. He kissed his horse's forehead and let me lead him back to the truck.

"I'll go see him daily and doctor him for you." I told Buck as we went into his house. He laid down on the couch with a blanket and fell asleep. I closed the drapes and let him sleep by going over to my house to see what the damage was.

I put my sheets in the dryer and hung my comforter out to dry over chairs. I packed a weeks worth of clothes and had Rusty tag along. He was great with sick or injured people especially me. Because before I got him he was a nursing home dog.

I entered Buck's house and Rusty immediately went to him. He jumped up on the couch with him and curled up next to him. Buck pet him and rested his arm on his back.

I fixed Buck a warm meal and checked his temperature. It was decreasing in a good way. "Buck." He rolled over. I kissed his cheek. "Buck. I've got lunch ready. You need to eat something." He rolled onto his back.

"What is it?" He asked. "Your favorite." "Chicken noodle?" I nodded. I fixed him a bowl and handed it to him. For a big man a small cold could really bring him down.

After he ate he went back to sleep. I cleaned the house up for him and quietly washed the dishes while he slept. The house was all him. I cleaned the bathrooms and dusted. I swept and cleaned the floors.

The only place with carpet was the bedrooms. I didn't vacuum just because he was sleeping. Maggie came over. "Has he eaten?" I nodded. "I fixed him some chicken noodle soup for lunch."

"I see the house is cleaner." She whispered. "Yeah he does so much outside he's too tired to do the inside except for his laundry and loading the dishwasher."

"He should let you clean house for him on Saturdays." I scoffed. He moved around on the couch. "Here's supper." "Thank you." She left and I saw what it was. Beef stew. I set it in the oven to keep it warm.

An hour later he woke up. "Your mom brought supper." I said as he sat up. He got off the couch and went into his room. I warmed the stew up and set it in a bowl.

He came into the kitchen. "What did mom bring?" He asked. "Stew." I said handing him a bowl. He nodded as he took it.

New Ranch Hand: book 2 of the triple R seriesWhere stories live. Discover now